[R-sig-eco] RE : RE : CCA vs NMDS and ordisurf

2013-04-22 Thread Aurélie Boissezon
Hello everybody! I didn't imagine that my questions will lead to such a debate among researchers :) . It helps me to get ready for future reviewers' comments. ;) Just a question still opened about NMDS (Gavin?): Is it important to reach a convergent solution? since the best solution ordinate

[R-sig-eco] Loop function or apply?

2013-04-22 Thread Jonas Steenholdt Sørensen
Hi everbody I'm working on my bachelor thesis on clearance rate for mussel and need some help R. First have a look at the DF TimeCRobs 150 4.6589 300 3.9685 450 4.0124 .. ... 216000 1.0281 These

Re: [R-sig-eco] Loop function or apply?

2013-04-22 Thread Roman Luštrik
How about something like this? jonas - data.frame(time = seq(100, 216000, by = 150), crobs = rnorm(1440)) head(jonas) jonas$halfhour - cut(jonas$time, breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 216000, by = 1800)) head(jonas) tapply(jonas$crobs, INDEX = list(jonas$halfhour), FUN = mean) # or aggregate(crobs ~

Re: [R-sig-eco] RE : CCA vs NMDS and ordisurf

2013-04-22 Thread Gavin Simpson
I would say that it *is* important, in general. However, you don't say if you retried running `monoMDS` on the Hellinger transformed data (without the Bray-Curtis metric - you should use Euclidean with Hellinger transformation)? If you didn't try rerunning with out Bray-Curtis and see if it

Re: [R-sig-eco] extract distance from betadisp {vegan}

2013-04-22 Thread Ricardo Solar
Hi Mitchell; If I understood what you want, it should work: beta - betadisper(vegdist(matrix), type=centroid) beta$distances This will give you the raw values and then you can move with your analyses. But check the new paper by Baselga 2013 Ecography before using dissimilarity. He has

Re: [R-sig-eco] extract distance from betadisp {vegan}

2013-04-22 Thread Gavin Simpson
The distance to centroid for a site isn't a measure of that site's alpha diversity. It is a reflection (an approximation) of the compositional similarity of the sample to the other samples; distances between sites reflect compositional dissimilarity. The value you want are in the `$distances`

Re: [R-sig-eco] extract distance from betadisp {vegan}

2013-04-22 Thread Mitchell, Kendra
Excellent, thank you. I'm working with soil bacterial communities which have incredibly high diversity so insufficient sampling is often behind what initially looks like an interesting pattern. If the increased dispersion in certain groups is related to some underlying ecology (such as

Re: [R-sig-eco] RE : CCA vs NMDS and ordisurf

2013-04-22 Thread Jari Oksanen
I also suggest (like I have suggested before) that you run metaMDS with argument plot = TRUE. The convergence criteria in metaMDS are pretty stringent, but with plot argument you can see how different the solutions are. Two most typical non-convergence cases are that (1) most points are