elf, but I am considering it...
Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer - Prototype Development
GTE Government Systems - All opinions are mine, not GTE's.
PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES!
ee what paths are common, what needs to be moved to
make a page more accessable, even how much time a user spends
on each page (roughly), up until they exit your site. This is
much more powerful than regular server logs.
Anyways, that should do it for you...
Mike Johnson - [EMA
want to give instructions)
Check out the URL above. It's all I needed. Well, okay, the bat book
(O'Reily Sendmail book) came in real handy.
Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer - Prototype Development
GTE Government Systems - All opinions are mine, not GTE&
he patches, and such, then edit the
pine/osdep/os-lnx.h file. Look for the ALLOW_CHANGING_FROM line and
set that. There might be some other things in there you want to change,
that's up to you. Save the file, and follow the instructions for
building (cd into the pine3.96 directory, run ./b
dHat distribution (starting with binaries
that are usually setuid, then move to major libraries, the kernel, then
the rest of the distribution) and providing security configurations with
a RedHat slant. By narrowing the focus to RedHat, there aren't as many
Just some more thoughts,
ould be willing to dedicate time
and resources to the effort.
Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer - Prototype Development
GTE Government Systems - All opinions are mine, not GTE's.
PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST
it down a bit? If all users are using Redhat,
then discussion is a bit easier. RPM's are common and understood.
Everyone uses the same style of init scripts. Personally, I'd
like to see a mailing list dedicated solely to Redhat security.
If there's not one, I -think- I'd be
P85's are just P75's with an integrated four port
hub. Keep in mind, though, you have to pay extra for their 'firewall'
software if you want to do any packet filtering at your ingress point.
(packet filtering is included in the Netopia 640)
Mike Johnson -
hildren), which will defeat the
purpose of the USR1 signal.
Eh, anyways, those are your options, chose your poison.
>Matt Housh email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer - Prototype Development
GTE Government Systems
e script).
Those are probably the two easiest ways, but I lean towards the
first way at the recommendation of the Apache group.
>Thanks in advance
>Michael Weiner
>The UserFriendly Network
Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer - Prototype Development
GTE Govern
e. I've not extensively tested this,
but I was able to log in to qpopper a few times, so I assume it's working...
Let us know if it works!
P.S. I've found that if there's not a SRPM for the version of software
I'm trying to compile that if I download an older SR
worked on until we were satisfied that the problem
was solved.
Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Engineer/Network Admin/Website Manager/Web Developer/...?
GTE Government Systems - All opinions are mine, not GTE's.
PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAIL
act as if
it can do ldap. Of course, I never got the gateway to work on my
little test linux box here at work, so...
You can get the gateway from http://www.eudora.com - somewhere in the
freeware section.
Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Engineer/Network Admin/Website Ma
At 04:54 PM 3/12/98 -0500, you wrote:
>We are running Apache, and 2.0.33 kernel. I will even consider opinions on
>other platforms.
Check out
and see if that helps.
Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Engineer/Network
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