At 11:17 AM 4/8/98 -0400, you wrote:
>David Masterson wrote:
>>* one company to get support from
>Is it really fair to call what you get from Microsoft "support"? I'd say
>it's more like, "one company to get jerked around by while they promise
>you a fix in the near future."
Well, to get decent support out of Microsoft, you have to pay for it. I'm
not a defender of this practice, or a Microsoft lover by any stretch of the
imagination, but we pay for support from Microsoft, and every problem we've
called them on has been worked on until we were satisfied that the problem
was solved.
Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Engineer/Network Admin/Website Manager/Web Developer/...?
GTE Government Systems - All opinions are mine, not GTE's.
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