[romania_eu_list] CfA: New openings- GRSPSociety

2010-05-18 Fir de Conversatie obrejas
GRSPSociety, the Global Romanian Young Students and Professionals Society, is looking for several motivated individuals to join our leadership and project teams. See below for specific opportunities, or visit http://www.grspsociety.org/openings. Leadership team openings Work with the GRSPSoc

[romania_eu_list] GRSPSociety va invita la Forumul Educatiei 2010!

2010-05-03 Fir de Conversatie obrejas
Vrei sa participi la Forumul Educatiei 2010? Vrei ca propunerea ta pentru imbunatatirea sistemului educational din Romania sa fie discutata de catre expertii prezenti acolo? GRSPSociety, impreuna cu Fundatia Dinu Patriciu, organizeaza un concurs de propuneri pe aceasta tema. Trimite-ne propun

[romania_eu_list] Sprijinã iniţiativele tinerilor români de pretutindeni! 2% pentru GRSPSociety!

2010-04-03 Fir de Conversatie obrejas
Investeşte în viitorul României! Redirecţioneazã 2% din impozitul pe venitul tãu din 2009 cãtre GRSPSociety! Sprijinã iniţiativele tinerilor români de pretutindeni! 2% spre proiecte pentru România! 2% pentru GRSPSociety! Asociaţia Globalã a Studenţilor şi Tinerilor Profesionişti Români GRSPSoc

[romania_eu_list] GRSPSociety is looking for volunteer Communication Officers

2010-04-03 Fir de Conversatie obrejas
GRSPSociety is launching a call for applications for volunteers in the Communication Team. Send your CV and motivation letter to GRSPSociety indicating the reference "Communication Officer" by April, 16th 2010 to: simona.obr...@grspsociety.org. GRSPSociety is an open network of organizations a

[romania_eu_list] CfA: GRSPSociety Project Leaders and Project Teams Openings

2010-02-22 Fir de Conversatie obrejas
Call for Applications – GRSPSociety Project Leaders and Project Teams Openings Get involved in projects aiming to make a difference for Romania. You will join a team of volunteers originally from Romania currently living all around the world. GRSPSociety is extending the application deadline u

[romania_eu_list] CfA volunteer positions: Fundraising Director and Webmaster

2010-02-08 Fir de Conversatie obrejas
About GRSPSociety GRSPSociety is an open network of organizations and individuals committed to advancing Romania's development and modernization through civic involvement and professionalism. With members in 14 countries its goal is to serve as networking platform, define and develop projects f

[romania_eu_list] Call for Applications – GRSPSociety Project Teams

2010-02-03 Fir de Conversatie obrejas
GRSPSociety is an open network of organizations and individuals committed to advancing Romania 's development and modernization through civic involvement and professionalism. More information can be found here: http://www.grspsociety.org GRSPSociety is launching a call for applications for posi

[romania_eu_list] Call for Applications- GRSP Working Groups

2009-02-20 Fir de Conversatie obrejas
Call for Applications - GRSP Working Groups GRSPSociety is an open network of organizations and individuals committed to advancing Romania 's development and modernization through civic involvement and professionalism. GRSPSociety has members in 12 countries and is currently expanding to include

[romania_eu_list] Romania between HOME and ABROAD: Budapest Conference

2008-09-06 Fir de Conversatie obrejas
Buna tuturor. Suntem o organizatie non-profit cu sediul in Budapesta care incearca sa puna in contact persoane cu interese comune, studenti sau profesionisti romani aflati in strainatate sau care s-au intors in Romania cu scopul de a pune in practica o serie de proiecte internationale. Numele