We have a setup that involves queues in which only a subset of people
can own tickets. The subset that cannot own tickets is the primary
group of requestors for that queue. A case came up today where a user
requested a ticket in one of these queues (this user cannot own a
ticket in that que
i, Jul 16, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Roeing Corporation
> Looks like the query Due > 'Today' works. Just add Today in the Criteria list
> in the query builder.
> -Original Message-
> From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com
> [mailto:rt-users-bo
Hello, I'm running RT 3.8.8 on Solaris 10 with Oracle 10g,
I would like to create a saved search that shows me everything that I
own that is due after today (basically a to-do list of long-term
items). I understand how to do the first part (everything I own) by
using '__CurrentUser__' in the owner
I suppose I could advocate sending an e-mail in to create a ticket
with screenshots, but then we'd have to set up a mail address for each
queue (as I understand how it works) when currently we would only have
a mailbox for a certain limited number of queues. Not a big deal I
guess. Also, w
ghts to groups and adding
> members to those groups. Unless you only have a few users, the rights
> maintenance for every individual user will be horrendous. Just a thought.
> Kenn
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:46 AM, AJ Ferrigno wrote:
>> Kenneth, thanks
) You can set rights for Group Dashboards by goin to
> Configuration->Group-=>FroupRights, There you will see all the rights
> associated with Group Dashboards.
> If you have anymore questions, I'd be happy to help you out.
> Hope this helps.
> Kenn
We have just installed RT and are trying to roll it out to our
internal folks. At a demo yesterday, some of our senior members had a
number of questions about RT's capabilities. I was able to answer some
based on research, but here are a couple outstanding ones I couldn't
answer. Does anyon
I'm on RT 3.8.8. I have a need to route newly created requests for a
specific queue to a certain owner depending on time of day. I've
created a custom scrip that seems like it should work, but it is
hanging on the "date" call. The log tells me: Can't locate object
method "date" via package