Are you not getting the up alerts on the entries that got a down with the below
mentioned error or on all?
As for the problem with the below mentioned error, as said in my previous
answer we addd extra logging (requested by the developper of the ping
component) in order to understand why this
I put the official 6.1 release on last week and then went to 6.1.2220 on Friday
to try to fix a memory leak problem. Since going to 6.1 I am getting Down
alerts via both SMTP and SMS on my checks, but I am not getting the back up
message via either means. I looked at the checks and my "when back
We fixed a PING handle leak in build 2212, which can be found on
Dirk Bulinckx.
-Original Message-
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Salvador Manzo
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 9:16 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
I'm noticing significant handle usage with Servers Alive 6.1.2200, running
as a service. I have 161 checks enabled, of which the vast majority are
simple PING checks, with a very few HTTP, SQL and RPC checks. After roughly
5 days, I see that serversalive.exe is using over 113,000 Handles in Task
1. When you log off have you tried checking the server to see if the ts
session has logged off properly, with either ts manager or the query session
2. Can you confirm that it is the salive.exe process specifically?
3. What is the output of (from a non console session during the
It's as ok as it was with 2191
Dirk Bulinckx.
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Ahmed Hassan
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 3:16 PM
To: Servers Alive Discussion List
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Method '~' of object '~' failed
So is it OkK to use this u
So is it OkK to use this update in production?
--- On Mon, 10/3/08, Dirk Bulinckx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Dirk Bulinckx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [SA-list] Method '~' of object '~' failed
To: "Servers Alive Discussion List"
Date: Monday, 10 March, 2008, 1:55 PM
There is an upda
There is an update on ( this
one does more logging and should hopefully be able to tell us why this problem
is happening.
Dirk Bulinckx.
From: Servers Alive Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Ahmed Hassan
Sent: Monday,
I running SAlive v6.1.2191 on win 2003 (standard edition) SP1 and keep getting
the following error messages in my logs "Method '~' of object '~' failed".
Please see attached doc of log snippet.
I have also noticed my email alerts stopped working. When I do a test email it
does go throug