I have also heard of people with leg ulcers using a sugar pack having
excellent results.
James houston-McMillan
Durban South Africa
Ivan Anderson wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "V. Richter"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, 12 November 2000 17:01
> Subject: Re: CS>ulcers
> > As a matter of
I'm from South Africa where the stuff comes from, we get buchu brandy here, the
stuff still tastes like SH 1 T, maybe you can put it in a capsule.
James Houston-McMillan
Durban South Africa
deat...@aol.com wrote:
> Al:
> what form of Buchu did you use? the leaves or in some form of tablets o
It makes good CS in about 1.5Hrs.
Toscano wrote:
> Would a Zapper be more effective if I ran 18VDC through it?
> > You can hook 2x 9 Volt batteries together and use the 18 volts on your
> zapper
> > to make CS, the 555 timer can handle 18V. I have used this same method to
> > make CS.
> >
> > J
You can hook 2x 9 Volt batteries together and use the 18 volts on your zapper
to make CS, the 555 timer can handle 18V. I have used this same method to
make CS.
James Houston-McMillan
Durban South Africa
russ e rosser wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Oct 2000 15:46:04 +0200 Tony Moody
> > My main
> > ques
Hello List
A lot of discussion has taken place about acid/alkaline water. The link
below has plans to build a charger to produce acid/alkaline water. It is
very simple and cheap comparative to the high prices demanded for a
commercial unit.
How to Build
Hi Carol
I'm interested, what device are you using. Our DW here in South Africa is
~R43.00. Did you buy a unit or make it.
James Houston-McMillan
Carol Webb wrote:
> Hi List,
> We have successfully distilled water to .3mA,
> and it looks and behaves like bought water. Not
> of much intere
Hi John
As I understood this polarity thing, suspend the magnet from a string the side
that points to the north pole is the beneficial pole. (i.e. the South pole of
magnet). Use that, I have used it with success on tender tendons
James Houston-McMillan
Durban, South Africa.
Linda Sexton wro
Thanks Roger, I am well aware of the dangers of high voltage, a shot of that
stuff can make your whole family feel it. I need to get some idea of how to
utilise this power in order to make CS. Distance of electodes apart, submerge
one, or both? Do I try and draw an arc, use CO2 or any other gas? I
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
cepel...@cs.com wrote:
> In a message dated 9/1/00 11:02:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> rj...@dialnet.net writes:
> << had heard before from Mexicans and
> others that their method for dealing with snake bite is to grab a spark
> plug wire. On the
Anyone for a tea bag??
No serious this is the truth, The telemere part, but I think this is worse than
drinkin pee.
I think I'll stick to the pee part.
James Houston-McMillan
Tai-Pan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Since the subject has come up, here is an interesting alternative prophylactic
> practice. W
This sounds like it an electro-magnet type treatment.
Pulsed Signal Therapy (PST) is a proprietary treatment that delivers pulsed
signals via electromagnetic fields to joints and
musculoskeletal tissues. PST initiates streaming poten
Hi Tim
I don't actually have a recipe, but what I do is disolve as much MSM
into the CS as I can and then add enough Aqueous Cream to stop it
running away when you dip your finger in. The aquous cream is the stuff
you get at the chemist [Ung. Emulsific.Aquos] (white cream without
colourants or perf
Interesting, as a matter of interest benzene is an aromatic used in
unleaded petrol see
[ http://www.nexusmagazine.com/ulp1.html ]
it is purportedly a worse pollutant than the lead that was previously
added to petrol.
James Houston-McMillan
--- Begin Message ---
I read an article a couple of years
I never have more than a pint at a time. Make it as I need it, I don't bother
what the ppm is (+-5-10ppm), just make it to my recipe because so far it has
worked for my needs. I have sold units to others as well on the same principal
it has worked for them as well.
James Houston-McMillan
This looks like a money making racket.
James Housston-McMillan.
Ted Windsor wrote:
> The Grander water is for real, the last cost I had seen on a house unit was
> $1800.00 US funds, then you need a plumber to install it, as it is an inline
> unit cost is around $130.00, so perhaps a Life Energy U
Now that I'm older, here's what I've discovered:
Just a thought I have here. I have no idea of the feasability of it though.
What if you were to measure the mass of the electrodes before and after
generation, or posibly the mass of exactly 1 liter of water before and
after. The difference in mass,
Hi Mike
I am also in South Africa
James Houston-McMillan
Mike Marr wrote:
> On Thursday, November 18, 1999 12:01 PM, D G wrote:
> >
> >Date: 18-Nov-1999 11:01:08 -0700
> >From: D G
> >To: m...@jazz {silver-l...@eskimo.com}
> >Subject: CS>south africa
> >
> >who is in s.a.?
> >
> >Dennis
> >
> >51
Hi All
I have always used a stainless cathode nad a silver anode. The cathode has
not got silver plated altough it does get black. When I started I was using
silver for both and the cathode still got black. I noticed no difference in
colour of the CS.
James H-McMillan
Ivan Anderson wrote:
Dear Dana
Try a zapper? According to Hulda Clarck it stops cancer in its tracks, then you
work on the the toxins and parasites.
James H-McMillan
den...@perle.com wrote:
> Hello CS listers-
> This is completely off topic and I apologize for that but I am devastated
> at the new
Hi All you Guys
I am sorry but seem to be missing something here, are the south seeking
faces of the magnets against the bottle or the other way around?
James H-McMillan
David Bolin wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> Just a quickie.
> You only need one bottle and its cap with a hole
In the southern hemisphere do we swirl the water in an anti-clockwise
James H-McMillan
David Bolin wrote:
> Greetings!
> Just a follow-up to provide an example.
> I have a 2 liter bottle with a cap that has a 3/8" hole
> in it. I have attached the magnets on the
Hi Katrina
I have heard that a poultice made from a sausage tree endemic to South Africa?
is a treatment for skin cancer. We have a few of these trees growing in Durban
where I live. I don't know too much about it but remember reading an article on
it quite a while back. Seeds would probably mean t
I say, let thr truth be heard not matter what.
James H-McMillan
"M. G. Devour" wrote:
> Hi gang,
> We've had some worried discussions about liability issues lately
> with the publication of the archives. I didn't expect it, really, but
> I fully understand
The insecticide chalk is dosed with Pyrethrum one of the most potent naturaly
occuring insecticedes obtained from daisies.
Kids in the back-seat cause accidents; accidents in the back-seat cause
James H-M
wong...@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 09/10/1999 5:31:02 PM Pacific Daylight T
There's nothing whatever the matter with me,
I'm just as healthy as I can be,
I have arthritis in both my knees
And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze.
My pulse is weak and by blood is thin.
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
I think my liver is out of whack
And a terrible pain is
For mange try a weak solution of lime sulphur it works pretty good. I have also
heard that brake fluid helps but have never tried it (50% castor oil 50%
must be the castor oil???
James H-McMillan.
ejohns9...@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 8/30/99 10:07:10 AM Central Daylight T
Hi Robert
This sounds like something interesting, I like the resonant frequency bit,
could you please post some more on it.
Robert Kramer wrote:
> This message never made it to the list, it was accidentally posted to
> the digest instead.
> It was in reply to someone by the name of "
ctors when considering the effectiveness of colloidal silver.
James H-McMillan
"James Vernon, Allison" wrote:
> > James has raised a valid question. I have in the past sent samples to
> > the Univ. of Mo. at Rolla. The large size particles they could check on
> > an S.
I am in africa and we get quite a bit of rain here. I am sure rain water would
be of sufficient purity to make CS with. I have had several litres for a few
years now for my car batteries and it is still crystal clear.
Reid Smith wrote:
> >Hi everyone,
> >I got interested in cs because I hea
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