Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- progress with eschar - successful conclusion

2005-12-17 Thread Rowena
So Pete, when you say the majority of the eschar is gone, do you mean it broke apart and that some is yet to come away? That must have been pretty big - and this had started and grown in just a matter of months? Wow! Did you have a diagnosis to say what kind it was, or did you just recognise

Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- progress with eschar - successful conclusion

2005-12-17 Thread PanAmPete
Rowena, The eschar 1/16-1/8 of crust basically has fallen off and left a off-colored pink/brown and somewhat scarred(indentations) rust colored spots. I will definitely have another sloughing coming as touching is foreign to the area. The months , I believe were closer to two years

Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- progress with eschar - successful conclusion

2005-12-17 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 12/17/2005 12:28:24 PM Central Standard Time, writes: Tonight we have put a dab on a mole on my back that has grown pinkish thickness around it. If nothing happens, good, but if something does start to come away, good again. ***So where did y'all get

Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- progress with eschar - successful conclusion

2005-12-16 Thread Rowena
This is to let you know that this evening the eschar on my husband's back came away leaving smooth pink skin where it had been. Comparing the eschar with the scab that came off early in the piece, I notice that it is less than half the diameter, so the eschar has been shrivelling up. The skin

Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- progress with eschar - successful conclusion

2005-12-16 Thread PanAmPete
I too have been experimenting with cansema and its effects on skin cancers. I had over the months developed an island of raised skin covering the front 1/3 of my nose which in places had turned purple, and in one place flaked and left raw. I applied the new cansema salve to the

Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- progress with eschar - successful conclusion

2005-12-16 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 12/16/05 12:25:13 PM Central Standard Time, writes: The sloffing has stopped now and the majority of eschar is gone What is an eschar? MA (full of questions today)

Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- progress with eschar - successful conclusion

2005-12-16 Thread PanAmPete
It is the scab that forms over the treated area and is sloughed off as the healing begins.