Saturday night at the Pop Explosion

2004-07-14 Thread James Cooper
This was an incredible show, I think I saw one of the best performances of my life, I'll get into it in a bit. Again the show went really late, I'm just getting back, it's 3:20. I guess if their going to have all ages gigs of about the same length, it's going to push the over 19 gigs later.

strawberry at the pop explosion

1995-11-08 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
for anyone who was at the first all ages show at the gravitee club during the pop explosion, i'm not sure if i'm imagining this or not, but i seem to remember strawberry doing a cover during their set. for some reason i think it was a cure song but then again, i could be completely imagining

friDAY at the pop explosion...

1995-10-31 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
..bored yet? then STOP reading these, chump! :) anyway, for those of you who care, i could barely stand up friday AFTERNOON when i woke up, thanks to halifax being a bunch of stupid hills (just ask warren and d'arcy how much they enjoyed it). much as i hate the prairies, i love the flatness of

birdland thursday pop explosion

1995-10-31 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
of people feel they're supposed to like this band. another example in my mind of a band that deserved a slot at the pop explosion but NOT a HEADLINING slot. i don't think i would have been so harsh in my judgement (boring) had they played an afternoon or early evening slot where i wasn't

thursday night at the pop explosion

1995-10-31 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
a lot the last time i'd seen them. but such is the pop explosion, too many things to do... the sloan net party was the most fun!! james (you know him as the white boy wannabe) came to pick roderick, me, and the best ginger cookies ever (just ask dream) up around 7 or so, just in time to watch

some pop explosion stuff

1995-10-31 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
if you're totally sick to death of hearing about it, press delete now, baby. however, i finally got through the four metric tonnes of email i had while i was away and it seems there were only a few reviews. i thought i'd write a bit about some of the things that stuck in my mind. i think i'll


1995-10-21 Thread James R. Covey
they came all the way across canada from calgary to play the worst time slot at the pop explosion but these are totally nice guys (and funny too!). they have a CD out, catch them when they come by your hometown. PREPPY RELATIVES - definitely one of the best sets i've seen them do, musically speaking

Re: Pop Explosion!!!!

1995-10-19 Thread James R. Covey
cecil seaskull wrote about the potluckmaster: Cool to put names to faces. A bunch of people played some songs (including me) and it was all super. i just want to add my two cents and say that i had a really great time too. so thanks, jim, for letting us use the place (thanks to chris, too,


1995-10-18 Thread Jordan S. Charlestein
I am thankful that my first message was sent. My computer crashed and I thought that I had lost it, and it took sp much time writing it ou that I didn't want to do it again. but aparantly it must have sent it ou;(even though I did not hit send yet) as sdome sort of reflex reaction befoer

Pop Explosion!!!!

1995-10-17 Thread Cecil Castellucci
Okay, after 16 hours on the road, we were all a bit stinky and tired, but we arrived at Jim Coopers house just before the big sloannet shindig. The Nerdy Gang, which included Gabe, Ron and Kim ( the other nerdy girls), Kevin Komoda (of Pest 5000 and derivative fame) and Pat Hamou (Derivative

inside scoop on pop explosion

1995-09-01 Thread Heather-Anne Harkins
Hey there everybody, I'm on line again for the 1st time since July! Woo Hoo! Hello! I missed you all! Anyway... My big news is that there will be the traditional Cinnamn Toast breakfast during the pop explosion PIGGY will definitly be playing. Um, I wasn't sure

Re: pop explosion info

1995-08-30 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
carl the formerly lost soul wrote: What am I trying to say? I guess I'm trying to say: If you ever go looking for your hearts desire, come to Halifax. it's true. :-) oh, it's *sooo* true. a lot of people that i talk to back home and stuff always think the reason why i went to halifax was to


1995-08-30 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
I hear rumour that POTMASTER are the EXPLOSION in this year's POP EXPLOSION! :) ;) HUB

pop explosion

1995-08-29 Thread katrina grentz
Here's some (prob inaccurate) rumors I've heard surrounding the oct11-15th pop explosion (comments? corrections?): *not playing this year: scarce,eric's trip,treble charger *playing: pluto,huevos rancheros,monoxides,radioblaster,hayden, (weird rumor: foofighters,collective soul??),len?,smoother

pop explosion info

1995-08-29 Thread James R. Covey
hey kids, the pop explosion now has a 1-800 number -- and it's good in the states too! 1-800-EAK-1TUP :-) that's 1-800-325-1887 but if you're curious about who's playing i'd wait at least a week 'cause they're not going to be confirming bands 'til next week (peter guesses that he can confirm

Re: pop explosion info

1995-08-29 Thread Auntbettie
Colin MacKenzie for being such a groovy guy. Before I came here I was a lost soul who knew not his own name. ,Carl P.S. I've heard a lot of amazing artists thrown around as posssible Pop Explosion gigs, but I

my pop explosion review (before editing)

1994-10-07 Thread Michael Graham
Graham (c) 1994 (haha) as NOT printed in the gazette. I never want to see another loud band again. Ever. I have been living, breathing, (not) eating, (not) sleeping, and smelling of the Pop Explosion for 6 days now. The only reason I am able to type this (at 4:30 am) is because I just sucked back

pop explosion night #1

1994-09-29 Thread James R. Covey
plum tree rocked my world, best set they've ever done, can't wait for the _flutterboard_ cassette. rebecca west is like if allison outhit sang/played lead for hardship post. that's the closest comparison i can think of. al tuck was nervous but still his laid-back self. i've seen him do

hfx pop explosion final schedule

1994-09-22 Thread James R. Covey
HALIFAX POP EXPLOSION final schedule 09/20/94 Wed Sept 28 Bar show 10pm Brunswick Hall The Spinanes jale Al Tuck No Action Rebecca West Plum Tree Thu Sept 29 all ages 7pm Brunswick Hall --- Blonde Red Head Merge Strawberry Thu Sept 29 Bar

(big) pop explosion news

1994-09-14 Thread James R. Covey
!! holy shit, i can't believe this, rodan are playing the pop explosion, they're going to blow everyone off the stage!!! just my humble opinion james - _James R. Covey [EMAIL PROTECTED]_sloan net is a discussion

Re: Hush/Spine gig + Pop Explosion.

1994-09-11 Thread Michael Graham
. --- Question: Why the hell aren't Spine playing at the Pop Explosion? Is there a halifax blacklist? As far as _heavy_ , _over-the-top_ bands go in Halifax, Spine takes the cake. Maybe they need to improve their schmoozing/kiss-ass abilities in this town to get a gig. I really don't know

pop explosion update

1994-09-07 Thread James R. Covey
o.k., someone was complaining about the expense of the pop explosion. well, those $100 industry passes are strictly for major label weasels who have money to splash around. you can get a festival pass that will get you into *all* the events for $50. what's more, it's only $40 if you buy early

halifax pop explosion '94

1994-09-04 Thread James R. Covey
(i reproduce here a fax from peter rowan) HALIFAX POP EXPLOSION '94 We had so much fun last year that we've decided to do it again. Decent Management is pleased to present the second Halifax POP Explosion: an international music festival featuring some of the st from our region with some

Halifax Pop Explosion, a review, Part I

1993-09-27 Thread Dan Frid via James Covey's account
WEDNESDAY, September 22 --- STRAWBERRY This quartet from PEI are still working out some kinks but they have already come up with a rather original sound. Their set was less sleepy and more upbeat than when they were last seen in Halifax. But the lead

Halifax Pop Explosion -- schedule!

1993-09-02 Thread James R. Covey
HALIFAX POP EXPLOSION -- Double Deuce Roadhouse Tavern, September 22-26 Wed 22 9:30PM VELOCITY GIRL w jale, Plum Tree, Strawberry Thu 23 9:30PM LOU BARLOW from Sebadoh w Hardship Post, Eric's Trip, Quahogs Fri 24 9:30PM

Halifax Pop Explosion

1993-08-23 Thread James R. Covey
I can now confirm that the festival will feature Velocity Girl, Doughboys, Redd Kross, and Lou Barlow from Sebadoh. It will include an all-ages show at the McInnis Room @ DalSUB with Doughboys and Redd Kross. As for dates and prices and stuff I hope to have more info in the next couple of days.