[sorabia] Shameful Plagiarism of Emperor's Clothes by Vojin Joksimovich

2008-04-21 Прати разговор Jared Israel
es (to make sure they are real), and since of course Joksimovich wished to avoid directing people to TENC, and therefore the possible discovery of his theft, he took the precaution of altering the quotation. That Mr. Joksimovich has, with such attention to detail, plagiarized my text casts a shadow of shame on him. That he has stolen the work of someone who has given all that he has - his time - to research and writing, so that people might know the truth about the Serbs, is more than shameful. It is an insult to the Serbs. Jared Israel Editor, Emperor's Clothes www.tenc.net [Е-ПОШТА ЗАШТИЋЕНА]

[sorabia] Former Australian Crime Intelligence Commander Responds to TENC

2008-04-21 Прати разговор Jared Israel
me Intelligence Commander Responds to TENC I. Comment by Samantha Criscione and Jared Israel II. Letter from Kerry L. Milte, former Commander of the Central Crime Intelligence Bureau of the Commonwealth, now Australian, Federal Police [Apr. 21, 2008] =

[sorabia] Debate on Croatian Fascist Rock Star's Upcoming Australia Tour

2007-12-24 Прати разговор Jared Israel
ОШТА ЗАШТИЋЕНА] = Debate on Croatian Fascist Rock Star's Upcoming Australia Tour by Jared Israel [December 22, 2007] = At the end of December 2007 Marko Perkovic Thompson's clerical-fascist rock tour is relocating from North Amer

[sorabia] Bizarre Antisemitism from the Croatian Clerical-Fascist Lobby

2007-11-19 Прати разговор Jared Israel
rch.) Following Marija's attack and my answer, I have posted a Youtube video of Thompson singing "Alas my people" in Cleveland, complete with a 3 or 4 year-old child wearing a Croatian Ustasha cap. Don't forget to read her postscript. It is remarkable. Best regards, Jared Isra

[sorabia] Israel National News Exposes Croatian Holocaust Denial

2007-02-17 Прати разговор Jared Israel
/article.php3?id=6904 or below. -- Emperor's Clothes ======== Holocaust Denial on Display by Jared Israel Arutz Sheva - Opinion Feb 08, '07 / 20 Shevat 5767 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/article.php3?id=6904 Much eff

[sorabia] 'Croatia': Yad Vashem Document that US, Germany and Vatican Hope You Won't Read

2007-01-15 Прати разговор Jared Israel
with acute accent is pronounced like the 't' in 'nature' (voiceless alveolo-palatal affricate in the IPA notation). In the HTML-version of this newsletter the spelling is rendered with diacritics as in the original text of the "Encyclopedia" entry. -- SC * * * ===

[sorabia] Croatia: How the State Department Markets Holocaust Denial

2007-01-11 Прати разговор Jared Israel
arts. This mailing includes: * I.2 How the US State Department Misuses Washington's Holocaust Museum to Market Holocaust Denial, by Jared Israel. Summary: Evidence is presented that Washington's Holocaust Museum, which is playing a major role in the legitimization of Croatia

[sorabia] (1) More Foul Play at The Hague; (2) Did Saudi Terrorist Fund Izetbegovic?

2006-09-22 Прати разговор Jared Israel
Yugoslav Reports * 21 September 2006 Please forward this text or send the link to a friend. http://emperors-clothes.com/yr/babic.htm If you have received this email from a Yugoslav Reports subscriber and would like to subscribe yourself, please send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yugoslav

[sorabia] UN Envoy Maligns Serbs; Terrorist Bombs Serbian Cafe in Mitrovica

2006-08-26 Прати разговор Jared Israel
Yugoslav Reports * 27 August 2006 Please forward this text or send the link to a friend. http://emperors-clothes.com/yr/3hurt.htm To subscribe to news and comments from Yugoslav Reports, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To subscribe to Emperor's Clothes free Newsletter and receive articles posted

[sorabia] Jared Israel's Response to Shlomo Avineri's "Next - independence for Kosovo"

2006-05-24 Прати разговор Jared Israel
create a Greater Albania, would be a giant step closer to realizing this German dream, grotesquely embraced by Mr. Avineri, of a Yugoslavia broken into increasingly tiny parts, helpless to resist German hegemony. Jared Israel Newton Mass www.tenc.net === Group Moderator: [EMAIL