Title: RE: Help with TLDParser for UltraDev by Dan Mandell
Hi Becky,
It took me a couple of days to get the Custom Tag floater working smoothly as well. I didn't get the exact error message you have, but I'd suggest you double check to see that there is only one of each required jar in your
er and setter methods
(eg getTimeRow() and setTimeRow())
The objects that I add to TimeRow are of type
Hope it helps.
Michael Mokwww.webappcabaret.com/teatimej
----- Original Message -
exactly do you mean when you say "assign the arraylist"? I believe I
have all the beans in place to retrieve from the database and store in an
arraylist, but when I try to iterate through the bean from the jsp
page, I get "scope = null" which makes me think that I am missing
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