Re: [Sugar-devel] [Sur] bye !

2015-02-25 Thread nanonano
On 25/02/2015 22:56, Flavio Danesse wrote: Si verdaderamente se quiere cambiar el mundo, no se necesitan ms computadoras ni ms programadores, lo que se necesitan son personas distintas.

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Tech roadmap

2013-11-06 Thread nanonano
/On 06/11/2013 13:31, Daniel Narvaez wrote:// //You mean people are using them in Uruguay deployments? Which distro?/ -- In Uruguay we have Classmates II (called Magallanes) in some High Schools,

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Turn your frequency generator into a super powerful mosquito repeller

2011-07-08 Thread nanonano
/James Cameron wrote: Is there any evidence base for repelling mosquitos using low frequency sound? --/ There is an Article that says that the experiments done with low and high frecuencies failed:

Re: [Sugar-devel] [!! SPAM] Re: [IAEP] Olidata computers in Uruguay

2011-06-17 Thread nanonano
/Gary Martin wrote: Uruguay have indeed already purchased 30,000 (!!) of these ---/ It is Correct your information, GAry. On july 2010 Uruguay bought 30,040 Olidata JumPC

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Easter Egg In Moon Activity?

2011-06-14 Thread nanonano
/Caryl Bigenho wrote: the moon ...Lunar Eclipse. It was pink! -/ Hi Caryl: The real color of the moon on a Lunar Eclypse is not Pink. Here it is the true color of the moon during next eclipse of tomorrow 15 of June:

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] EduJAM day 2 Tour of Uruguay

2011-05-03 Thread nanonano
/James Cameron wrote: XO-1 touchpad behaviour was changed. / On the Xo 1.0 of Plan ceibal, With the new versions of Sugar (0.88)

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] EduJAM day 2 Tour of Uruguay

2011-05-03 Thread nanonano
/Samuel Greenfeld wrote: However, be aware that there is another brand of touchpad / The problem of this mail is about the XO 1.0 after 2009 that has the new touchpad

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Marketing] A little change to

2010-10-13 Thread nanonano
/Simon Schampijer wrote: Can someone that has access please just make this change. --/ In Uruguay the new XO 1.5 (high schools) comes with the new Browse activity, that have tabs. But in the schools they still have

[Sugar-devel] Sugar Command - ruins the JOURNAL

2010-10-11 Thread nanonano
If the kid types sugar command it erases the journal (after resetting the XO). A child contact us for that problem. is it possible to recovery the old Journal? A child contacted us for this problem, he typed the command sugar in

Re: [Sugar-devel] Sugar Command - ruins the JOURNAL

2010-10-11 Thread nanonano
/Walter Bender wrote: mv datastore datastore.empty mv datastore12xxx34.xx datastore This worked for me... --/ Thank you very much, Walter, it worked for me too ! Paolo Benini Montevideo