
1999-02-15 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello everyone: Well my new website is finally up and running WITH PICTURES! But I am still working on the text and I have a question. I'd like to say that my sundials are "heliochronometers". My sundial books state that heliochronometers are very accurate sundials. But what criteria is used?

My new website

1999-02-22 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello all dialists! My new website, "Sundial Sculptures by John L. Carmichael Jr.", is finally completed and ready for your critical inspection. I did not realize how difficult it would be to do this, which explains why it took so long. I think, though, that it will constantly change as my sund

website address

1999-02-23 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello dialists: Ooops! Yesterday I made a little typo error in my new website address. The CORRECT address is: http://www.azstarnet.com/~pappas Mia culpa John Carmichael p.s. thank you John Pickard for persevering!

Internet Time

1999-02-23 Thread Phil Pappas
Hey, did anyone see the CNN story last night about the watch company ,"Swatch" that is now selling timepieces which tell "Internet Time"? I can't remember exactly, but they said one minute of normal time=about 1 1/2 minutes Internet Time, and that the idea behind it is to facilitate timekeeping a

UT & face numbers

1999-02-25 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello all, If in the future, everybody everywhere switches to Universal Time then all timepieces would have to have twenty-four hour timescales. Right? Would'nt all twelve hour clocks, sundials, watches, etc. become obsolete, becoming anachronistic collector items? Sort of like vinyl record a

slowing rotation

1999-02-28 Thread Phil Pappas
Hi guys, If the earth's rotation is slowing, due to lunar tidal drag, then in what year will it stop completely? Will one face of the earth, presumeably the side with the most mass, permanently be facing the sun, just as one side of the moon permanently faces the earth? Which side of the earth

time & rotation

1999-03-01 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello All Timekeepers: First of all, let me say that this has been a very interesting discussion! To summerize, it seems that our measurement of time will always be linked to the earth's rotation rate, because as daylength changes, so will our biological clocks. Consequentially, if we keep a 24

double blue moon

1999-03-11 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello all: Will two full moons always occur in a March that follows a Febuary with no full moon? John Carmichael Tucson


1999-04-13 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello all: Does anybody know the exact time (UT) when the Equation of Time equals zero this April 15th (or is it the 16th)? Thanks John Carmichael Tucson


1999-04-14 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello all: The reason that I inquired as to when the Equation of time equals zero is because I state in my Sundial owner's Manual that on these four days (Apr 15, Jun 14, Sep 1, and Dec 25) my sundials need no EOT correction. I realize that this statement is not entirely correct as the date whe


1999-04-15 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello yall: What I've been trying to do is to tell my sundial customers that there are four "magical" days of the year when their sundial keeps perfect Standard Mean Time. (The dials are already corrected for longitude and DLS Time). On these four days, they don't need a copy of the EOT to tell

Shame on you

1999-04-18 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello All: I too just read Jim Morrison's EOT equations with great interest but I have not digested them yet. I don't know if they are true or false. Even if they are incorrect, that is no reason for Fernando to have lashed out against Jim. I think Jim has been a valuable and intelligent membe

excuse me Fernando

1999-04-19 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello Fernando, the jerk in New Mexico, and everybody else: Since I was the first person on the list to read and reply to the faux Fernando's insulting message, and not suspecting that a forger was at work, I publically denounced Fernando. Thank goodness that many of you quickly identified the

"accurate" vs. "precise"

1999-04-29 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello Old Timers: I've got another knit-picky question for you all to ponder. But you're a rather knit-picky group, so I don't think you'll mind. In proofreading the new fifth edition of my "Sundial Owner's Manual", when discussing sundials, I think that I mistakenly used the words, "precise" an

a mathematical definition

1999-05-01 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello Ross: So good to hear from you again. I should have known that you would be the one to come up with mathematical definitions of "precise" and "accurate". It is obvious that you have thought about this before, in connection with your own sundials. Yes, your definitions and explanations m

Re: Penumbral Head Swelling

1999-05-02 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello Nit Picking Old Timers: Well, well, well; you are all truely amazing. I have given up on trying to write to each of you individually to thank you for your answers to my question about the definitions of "precise" and "accurate". The response was unbelieveable. I lost count at about 30!


1999-05-03 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello Charles & all others: You're right, the "fuzz zone" is the prenumbra, not the umbra. (mia culpa) It seems that we are in agreement that the center of the preumbra is the place where the shadow of the style's edge would be if the sun were a point light source, and that this point can be es

Re: Center of penumbra....or not?

1999-05-04 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello all: I was just thinking that on a horizontal sundial that the true shadow point would ONLY be at the center of the penumbra at high (apparent) noon. In the late afternoon or early morning, the sun would be to the side of the style, causing the shadow to strike the dial face at an angle.

a peculiar sharpener

1999-05-05 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello dialists: Three years ago I built an equitorial interactive mechanical heliochronometer of brass and wood based on the design described in chapter xII, pgs. 193-202 of the Mayall's book. "The heliochronometer consists of four basic parts: base, dial plate, alidade or sighting instrument, a

Re: coordinates

1999-08-26 Thread Phil Pappas
Dear Francois: I ran your coordinates through the mapblaster program and determined that indeed they are for the location of City Hall, downtown. I didn't check other cities, though. In the mapblaster program there is an option similar to your's for which you give mapblaster the name of the cit

Let's fix the nomenclature!

2000-02-25 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello All: I'm glad the azimuthal discussion didn't die as I think we are finally coming to grips with understanding it. I think it is that it is important to point out that much of the confusion on this subject has resulted from poor understanding and misuse of sundial terms. The terms "Dali,

total lunar eclipse

2000-01-08 Thread Phil Pappas
Hello dialists: My new Celestial Products moon calendar says that there will be a total lunar eclipse at 4:41 UT on January 21 (the evening of Jan. 20th in North America). We have already discussed on the list the fact that moonlight should indicate the correct time on a sundial during totality