Using runit-init on debian/Jessie in place of sysvinit/systemd

2015-01-19 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Luke Diamand: > Are there any plans to create a debian package that would just put all > the bits in the right place, so you can simply install the package and > have it then use runit-init as /sbin/init ? It's called runit-run, created over a decade ago, and it was a Debian package for some yea

thoughts on rudimentary dependency handling

2015-01-19 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Avery Payne: > * implement a ./wants directory. [...] > * implement a ./needs directory. [...] > * implement a ./conflicts directory. [...] Well this looks familiar. Before you read further, including to my next message, get yourself a copy of nosh and read the manual pages therein for servi

Re: thoughts on rudimentary dependency handling

2015-01-19 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Avery Payne: But from a practical perspective there isn't anything right now that handles dependencies at a global level. Now you know that there is. The nosh design is, as you have seen, one that separates policy and mechanism. The service-manager provides a way of loading and unloading

Re: Using runit-init on debian/Jessie in place of sysvinit/systemd

2015-01-19 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Avery Payne: I have been giving the "one shot" question considerable thought. I have a number of scripts that require this kind of behavior, so it's of great interest to me. The current methods that I have encountered are: + use a pause(1) command that simply sleeps forever on a subset of s

Re: thoughts on rudimentary dependency handling

2015-01-19 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
John Albietz: > I wonder if this will help address a common situation for me where I > install a package and realize that at the end of the installation the > daemon is started using upstart or sysv. > > At that point, to 'supervise' the app, I first have to stop the current > daemon and the

RE: thoughts on rudimentary dependency handling

2015-01-19 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Avery Payne: Finally, with regard to the up vs actually running issue, I'm not even going to try and address it due to the race conditions involved. RabbitMQ is the canonical example of the real world problems here. With durable queues containing a lot of persistent messages, it can be tens o

Re: thoughts on rudimentary dependency handling

2015-01-19 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot: I'm of the opinion that packagers will naturally go towards what gives them the less work, and the reason why supervision frameworks have trouble getting in is that they require different scripting and organization, so supporting them would give packagers a lot of work; whereas

Good news for BSD

2015-01-19 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot: Readiness notification is hard: it needs support from the daemon itself, and most daemons are not written that way. Ah yes. That reminds me. I said a while back that I have to give some of you some good news.

nosh version 1.14

2015-05-09 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
nosh is now up to version 1.14 * These particular changelog entries are a big deal for Debian Linux. * The previous regular sockets, sysinit services, and standard targets packages are now all merged into the bundles p

Re: taxonomy of dependencies

2015-05-14 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Wayne Marshall: Under a supervision framework, failure of a service starting is absolutely ok. (Many novices fail to grasp the elegance of this essential feature.) ... and novices and non-novices alike fail to grasp its unscalability. It may be fine on a hobbyist PC, but on a server in a da

Re: dependant services

2015-05-14 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Buck Evan: For example, I'd like to encode the fact that I don't expect service A to be able to come up before service B. In nosh, the filesystem is the database. This is an ordering, not a dependency. One can separately encode in nosh (a) that start of service B will cause the start of se

Re: Arch Linux derivative using s6?

2015-05-14 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Avery Payne: There's already a project for adding definitions for various daemons. There are even more than that. I mentioned back in January that the nosh Guide chapter on creating service bundles has pointers to the run file collections

start: Unknown job: runsvdir

2015-05-30 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
An anonymous person has a problem with runit under upstart on Ubuntu Linux version 14: So too do others on the hyperlinked Launchpad bug discussion. You might like to help them all.

nosh version 1.16

2015-05-31 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
nosh is now up to version 1.16 * As you'll see, the WWW pages have expanded a bit. In part this is because of the Big News, which is the arrival of FreeBSD packages, bringing FreeBSD up to par with Debian. The old box

Re: nosh on GNU/Linux: missing

2015-06-07 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guess who didn't spot that it was Cc:ed to a mailing list? (-: Some of the salient points that others may be interested in from what I sent privately, plus some extra general-audience stuff: Yes, kqueue. Being in the very first bullet point right along with the other important API dependenc

Re: supervision-scripts, 2015-04

2015-06-07 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Avery Payne: I need to think through a kernel-neutral method of handling driver loading. There are a handful of services that require this to succesfully launch. For example, cpufreqd requires kernel modules to load first, but this is linux-specific. Does FreeBSD have any requirements like

Re: staggering runsv startup

2015-06-07 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
James Powell: If runit had the ability to order processes like OpenRC where you have: before= after= setups, you could order the entire tree structure. As I might have mentioned before, people have been saying that one could do that for years; nosh is the existence proof that it can be done,


2015-06-07 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
James Powell: For some comic relief: > "We are systemd. You will be assimilated. Your projects and software > will be deprecated, reinvented, and added into our own, and made to > service us. Resistance is futile." -Lenncutus of Borg. I don't really agree with all of the nonsense that surrounds

Re: taxonomy of dependencies

2015-06-07 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
post-sysv: Of course, your particular example would be made less gruesome simply by introducing a rate limit on startup failures. This strategy seems to be employed frequently in launchd setups. It's a standard daemontools thing, also. It's hardwired into the original "supervise". I had to

Re: taxonomy of dependencies

2015-06-07 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
post-sysv: Readiness protocols require application-specific integration, do they not? Even if it's something as simple as writing to a FIFO. That is, of course, part of the problem of readiness protocols that I've been telling people about. (

Re: taxonomy of dependencies

2015-06-08 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot: What is true for datacenters even more than for hobbyist PCs, however, is that you definitely do not want cascading failure. And instant restart is a recipe for cascading failure: if your dnscache cannot start for some reason and dies instantly, and your supervisor restarts it

Re: taxonomy of dependencies

2015-06-08 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard: Application X, whose rate of continual DNS lookups is why there's a local dnscache in the first place, needs as close to uninterrrupted DNS service as it can get, even in the face of system administrators who know that "we can just clear th

Re: taxonomy of dependencies

2015-06-08 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
post-sysv: I still remain convinced that crash-only software was a key insight of Erlang, engineering systems so that restarts to a known good state is feasible in of itself because components are discrete and trying to intervene on internal program state becomes an exponential nightmare. As

Re: dependant services

2015-06-08 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Avery Payne wrote: I suspect that you and Laurent would argue that I shouldn't be using sockets inside of ./run as it is, [...] I don't really understand this whole explanation of your problem, at first blush. So I'm reserving any judgement. But ... Avery Payne wrote: If you have sequenced

Re: dependant services

2015-06-08 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot wrote: If all this fuss is about socket activation, then you can simply forget it altogether. Jonathan was simply mentioning socket activation as an alternative to real dependency management, as in "that's what some people do". I don't think he implied it was a good idea. Only L

redo version 1.2

2015-06-28 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
redo is now at version 1.2 * Two changes. First, as you can see, there's now a pre-built FreeBSD binary package. The second change is something that has been annoying me for some while. Sometimes, especially when one

Re: nosh version 1.17

2015-06-28 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
nosh is now up to version 1.17 * As I said to gdiazhartusch a while back, and as listed on the roadmap page, there is now a tool for auto-creating the mount@*, fsck@*, ttylogin@*, dump@*, and swap@* service bundles from

pflog(8) manual page bug

2015-06-28 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard: There's the steady chipping away at that list of 157 rc.d scripts, which has just lost off its list a few pf services and savecore amongst other things. Yet another bug report that has come out of this is that the pflogd(8) manual page has some gibberish unde

Re: nosh: service-dt-scanner gets repeatedly killed by SIGABRT

2015-07-08 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Just to let you know: This sort of feedback is much appreciated. I'm not ignoring you. But I'm working completely mad hours at the moment (over 67 hours during the past 5 days) and my time is somewhat limited.

Re: nosh: service-dt-scanner gets repeatedly killed by SIGABRT

2015-07-08 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Some very quick things to be going on with: If there's a SIGABRT there should be some error output saying why. If there's no error output, crank up strace and see what the last few system calls are. It's probably worthwhile doing that anyway, in fact. Having the bundle directory a direct su

Re: nosh: service-dt-scanner gets repeatedly killed by SIGABRT

2015-07-12 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard: If there's no error output, crank up strace and see what the last few system calls are. It's probably worthwhile doing that anyway, in fact. [...] a read() call on the file descriptor returned by the inotify_init() that produces an EI

Re: nosh: service-dt-scanner gets repeatedly killed by SIGABRT

2015-07-14 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: Have you ever considered just writing a BSD backend using kqueue / kevent, and a Linux backend using epoll / inotify or whatever native Linux mechanism is available to suit nosh's needs? I believe you mentioned there's quite a few conditional compilation already to work around libkq

Re: perp - how to notify if service suddenly starts dying all the time

2015-08-20 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Georgi Chorbadzhiyski : I don't want to overwhelm our admin team with notices on every service restart (we are managing thousands of servers). I need a notice only if the service restarts more than X times in a minute, which is a sign that something is most definitely wrong. I'll have to hack s

nosh version 1.18

2015-08-20 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
nosh is now up to version 1.18 * The big news for this release is the nosh-run-system-manager Debian binary package. This, and the new additional service bundles in nosh-bundles, package up everything that is needed for

nosh version 1.19

2015-08-22 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
nosh is now up to version 1.19 * The important news is that the embarrassment with the post-install setup script for the Linux nosh-run-kernel-vt package is fixed. It was a missing 1-line escape() shell function. I apo

Re: nosh

2015-09-16 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: Colin Booth: As it stands, nosh is playing in the same space as upstart, launchd, and systemd. If you don't look too closely, you could also say nosh without the userspace terminal and login services stuff more or less covers the same ground as s6, s6-rc and a small subset of exec

Re: nosh

2015-09-16 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Colin Booth: I mean't more in the "one stop low-level system management" sense. Also in the design of the nosh unit files (which may be a case of parallel evolution, my knowledge of the history of nosh is limited at best). Pholosophicaly it's definitely coming from the daemontools world. Yes

Re: Some suggestions about s6 and s6-rc

2015-09-20 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Colin Booth: The distinction is specifically thus: ./up is what fires when the service is brought up, ./down is what fires when the service is brought down, ./run is what fires when a non-running service is supposed to be running, and ./finish is when a running service stops. Just because one

Re: nosh version 1.19

2015-09-27 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: Hi, I had some issues with the source package I thought I should mention: As I said I intended to a while back, I incorporated fixes for these into version 1.20. This is now out.

Re: [announce] s6-rc: a s6-based service manager for Unix systems

2015-09-27 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot: s6-rc is a service manager for Unix systems, running on top of a s6 supervision tree. ... which according to is configured using proprietary binary blobs.

nosh version 1.20

2015-09-27 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The nosh package is now up to version 1.20 . * It's worth noting that the WWW site has gained some more pages, an installation how-to and a quick look at user-space virtual terminals. *

nosh version 1.20

2015-09-28 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Joe Maloney: do you have a source code repository somewhere for nosh? * The source package and how to build from source are here.

nosh version 1.21

2015-10-04 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The nosh package is now up to version 1.21 . * console-terminal-emulator now has a mouse input event protocol, and speaks both the DEC VT Locator protocol and the xterm Private Mode 1006 protocol over the terminal interf

nosh version 1.22

2015-11-01 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The nosh package is now up to version 1.22 . * * There are several things in this release: * a new binary package for FreeBSD * improvemen

Re: nosh: service-dt-scanner gets repeatedly killed by SIGABRT

2015-11-05 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
On 2015-11-05 01:29, Guillermo wrote: So problem solved. Thank you, this is a major improvement. Brill. Thank you for the confirmation.

nosh version 1.23

2015-12-17 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The nosh package is now up to version 1.23 . * * There is one major item in this release. * I've adjusted console-fb-realizer's keyboard h

Re: nosh version 1.23

2016-01-03 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: It seems that the 'unload-when-stopped' and 'version' subcommands of system-control are not mentioned in the documentation. They both should be. I've added the latter to the doco ready for the next version. The former I'm wavering about. I've had a to-do item for some time to t

Re: nosh version 1.23

2016-01-03 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: So I looked at the source/targets/ file from which the bundle is created, and, IMHO, there are some issues with it. That's not surprising. Running as a virtualbox host is not something that is well tested. As you can see from the roadmap WWW page, there are

nosh version 1.24

2016-01-13 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The nosh package is now up to version 1.24 . * * Minor items in this release include: * A fix for BSD keyboard layout import, that makes b

Re: Holidays Brainstorming: instanced supervision

2016-01-18 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Olivier Brunel: With instanced services, it means when you enable such a service you add/specify an instance name. So e.g. the servicedir is "getty@" but you enable "getty@tty2" -- which just means the servicedir getty@ is copied under a different name in the scandir. The intent being that t

Re: Supervising a pipeline?

2016-01-18 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot: You can't supervise a pipeline per se; you need to supervise both processes in the pipeline independently, and make sure the pipe isn't broken when one of them dies. So, have "exec inotifywait /dev/disk" as foobar/run, and have "exec" as foobar/log/run. This wi

Re: How to compile nosh?

2016-01-23 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
I was going to warn you that you're about to kick yourself, but I see that Guillermo has already replied, so you're probably already kicking yourself. (-: fREW Schmidt: First off, there's no README or anything, so I sorta have to guess. [...] Again there's no README for redo. As Guillerm

Re: UCSPI httpd?

2016-01-24 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
It might be worth asking what * was all about. See also: * * *

nosh version 1.25

2016-01-31 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The nosh package is now up to version 1.25 . * * As you may have noticed from discussions elsewhere, a new oom-kill-protect utility has sn

Re: Announcing cgid v0.1.0

2016-02-09 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
fREW Schmidt: To read the docs check out, where you can see examples of how to run under `nosh` or `s6`. That URL returned an XML error document from Amazon to me. was a

nosh version 1.27

2016-05-06 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The nosh package is now up to version 1.27 . * * In fact, it is soon to be version 1.28. This is a somewhat delayed notice for 1.27, beca

runit and daemontools on Ubuntu 16 and Ubuntu 15

2016-05-21 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Ubuntu 15 and 16 have both systemd and ubuntu installed. This causes problems, and has been causing for over a year. Yes, all of these are the same core problem: * * * https://bugs.launc

Re: svlogd sub-directory log rotation?

2016-05-21 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
I have an application for which I need to keep all logs indefinitely. Rotating them into sub-directories would help keep the number of files from expanding into an unmanageable number. So if someone has any other suggestions on how to manage log rotation without pruning, I'm all ears. So wh

Re: HAProxy Hot Reconfiguration with s6

2016-05-21 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
IMHO more "proper" or rather interesting approach, could perhaps be some kind of helper program - "injecting" "alternator" sub-process - which would be running under s6-supervise. The haproxy people have already done this work for you. They call the program haproxy-systemd-wrapper. It's undo

Re: Setting open files for a process started by runit (using chpst)

2016-05-21 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
it looks like chpst cannot currently (or never could, not sure) change hard limits. The limit stanza in an upstart job file sets both hard and soft limits, explicitly. * * Bernstein's original softlimit

Re: nosh: convert-systemd-units' treatment of Standardxxx=tty directives

2016-05-24 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: So, the convert-systemd-units tool recognizes the systemd 'StandardInput=tty' unit file directive, and translates it to a vc-get-tty + open-controlling-tty sequence in the 'run' file of the generated bundle directory. Which does more than just redirecting stdin to the appropriate ch

Re: system-control unload-when-stopped (was: nosh version 1.23)

2016-05-24 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: And as a consequence, the Guide ends up never actually explaining what the unload-when-stopped subcommand does (AFAICS, make service-manager unload the named service after its 'stop' file finishes executing, whatever the reason for running it was, so that a subsequent service-status

Re: Entering a passphrase interactively in a runit script

2016-05-26 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Christophe-Marie Duquesne: Any idea how to proceed? You're running a daemon. It really shouldn't have an interactive user interface. Remember the lessons that resulted in Session 0 Isolation in Windows NT. There are several poor approaches. Here are two more: * Make your password into c

Re: system-control unload-when-stopped (was: nosh version 1.23)

2016-05-30 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard: 1.28 is pretty much frozen now, and its release is awaiting my writing a WWW page about the MySQL/MariaDB changes. Enjoy a peek at one of the new pages already written: *

Re: logging and mutualise outputs

2016-06-03 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot: for logdir in `cat logdir_list` ; do (cd $logdir && cat *.s *.u current) ; done | sort > logfile find `cat logdir_list` -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name '*.[su]' -o -name current \) -print0|xargs -0 sort -m -- > logfile sort can do a merge sort directly from the original files

Re: logging and mutualise outputs

2016-06-03 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Vincent de RIBOU: Is it possible to perform the same mechanism but having concatenated file along all the others at all times ? There's always tail with the -F option on a list of "current" files. But you're then limited to just the "current" log data, it's tricky to track which output co

Re: Runit debian package fix for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-07-25 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Pierre Jacomet: I did a couple of fixes to the debian package installer such that the debian/ubuntu installer deals properly with the dichotomy between systemd and upstart and the fact that they both may be installed in the system at the same time. This was causing the installer to fail in ub

nosh and redo have moved

2016-08-04 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The whole sorry tale of why is on the new WWW site. The upshot of it is that nosh and redo are in a new place. * ** ** **

nosh version 1.28

2016-08-06 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The nosh package is now up to version 1.28 . * * * There's a lot in this one: MySQL and MariaDB changes; more prophylaxis for Desktop Bus bus a

Re: nosh and redo have moved

2016-08-14 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: Clicking on the links to the *.bz2 source packages results in an HTTP 404 error (but not with the links to the *.gz ones, so the packages can still be downloaded). The same thing happens with the links about their slashpackage-style, which point to a nonexistent FGA (I don't remembe

Re: nosh version 1.28

2016-08-14 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: Could the plain 'setlock' invocation in script source/ be changed to './exec setlock', as in scripts source/ and source/, please? Otherwise we have the chicken-and-egg situation we had with nosh-1.19: It was supposed to be that way already.

Re: nosh version 1.28

2016-08-15 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
> > I'm going to be very naughty and patch 1.28 post-release. It's a minor > change. > I've changed my mind. I'm going to point the two of you at a potential version 1.29 and see how you get on. This is because I have ended up doing slightly more than a 2-line script patch.

Re: nosh version 1.28

2016-08-15 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: OpenBSD === [...] There are an awful lot of limitations to OpenBSD, [...] How funny it is that this summary and the WWW page echo the sentiments in packages' source files comments and commit messages :D We didn't collaborate. (-: I don't actually know what M.

Re: nosh version 1.28

2016-08-21 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
I don't know why you asked about FreeBSD rc.d just on the Debian mailing list; but I'm going to deal in both of those and others besides, here, and things that apply across both, so I've re-included the FreeBSD mailing list. (-: 2016-08-14 15:10, Julian Elischer: I don't know if I just misse

Re: s6-linux-init: SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2

2016-08-22 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Guillermo: > a) SIGTERM for reboot > b) SIGUSR1 for halt > c) SIGUSR2 for poweroff > d) SIGINT for a programmable CTRL + ALT + Del action > e) SIGWINCH for a programmable 'keyboard request' action > > nosh's system-manager supports e) via the 'kbrequest' target. But for > compatibility reasons, su

Linuxisms in s6

2016-08-24 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard , Adrian Chadd: We're using s6 at work, and it works out mostly ok. Mostly once you get around the linuxisms, and the lack of sensible time code in it (its calcula

Re: Linuxisms in s6

2016-08-27 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard: What are these Linuxisms in s6? s6-linux-utils and s6-linux-init have Linuxisms, obviously. But what Linuxisms does s6 have? Adrian Chadd: We just had a bunch of fun trying to get it to build right, [...] Such as what, specifically?

Re: Linuxisms in s6

2016-08-27 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Adrian Chadd: Sure, but I'm looking for something more generic than just devd. Like, notifications about events like "default route is up" can be done by sniffing the rtsock, but notifications like "ntpdate has updated the date, we can now do crypto services" doesn't happen there right now.

Re: Linuxisms in s6

2016-08-27 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Adrian Chadd: [...] the uptime stuff really threw us. It's unfair to lay such system time problems at s6's door. Systems whose system clock jumps 46 years during system bootstrap don't get to blame s6 for mad time gaps that appear in logs and service start time records. There is a *lot* of

Is missing SysV-init support a bug?

2016-09-03 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Gerrit Pape: To me too this readiness IPC ideas and implementations look over-engineered. A good convention for service programs would be to functionally test for services it needs very early on startup, and fail if dependencies are not available. The service supervisor (any modern init sche

Mass bug filing: use and misuse of dbus-launch (dbus-x11)

2016-09-04 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Simon McVittie: This can already work. If you put XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in user programs' environment, and arrange for your favourite service manager to make a dbus-daemon (or something else that speaks the same protocol) listen on $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus before any user process would try to connect t

Re: nosh: G++ warnings

2016-09-04 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Just so everyone knows. This didn't get ignored. Guillermo has been quietly playing with 1.29 behind the scenes. This was a mixture of things. 1.29 will have (already has) some fixes for the genuine bugs and for some of the things which are the subject of much debate. (-: The fprintf()s

Re: s6, listen(8), etc.

2016-09-04 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: So i'm hoping that it'll find a taker in one of these more toolkit-style supervisor suites. socket services section

Re: s6, listen(8), etc.

2016-09-04 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Daniel Kahn Gillmor: #!/bin/sh mkdir -p /run/kresd/workdir && \ setfacl -m u:kresd:rwx /run/kresd/workdir && \ cd /run/kresd/workdir && \ exec listen -udp::53 \ -tcp::53 \ -tcp:label=tls:853 \ -unix:label=control,mode=06

Re: s6, listen(8), etc.

2016-09-05 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot: how does the daemon know what fd corresponds to what use? In the wild, it's generally a for() loop over the passed-in descriptors that checks each socket type. In the wild, only one of any type is often the case. "If AF_INET4 and SOCK_DGRAM, this must be my UDP4 socket." T

Re: s6, listen(8), etc.

2016-09-06 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Laurent Bercot: fds 6 and 7 are only used for UCSPI clients, which are a very minor subset of the programs you'd want to use that mechanism with. Laurent Bercot: I don't want the caller to tell me "here's a bunch of fds, you sort them out": that's just laziness. Just so that everyone is

Re: Runit questions

2016-10-11 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Colin Booth: --system loads the system defaults. Actually, it tells it that it is a system-wide broker rather than a per-session or per-user broker.

Re: ruinit-rpm systemd service file

2016-10-11 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Otheus: From systemd's viewpoint, the *service *is runsvdir, and not runsvdir-start. The latter is simply a wrapper script for the former and needed because of initttab's limitations. With systemd, a service file can contain all the information in that script and more. Similarly: http://jd

Re: Problem with s6-softlimit -c

2016-11-27 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Jan Olszak: Command that fails: s6-softlimit -c 1 pwd # strace s6-softlimit -c 204800 pwd ... prlimit64(0, RLIMIT_CORE, NULL, {rlim_cur=RLIM64_INFINITY, rlim_max=RLIM64_INFINITY}) = 0 prlimit64(0, RLIMIT_CORE, {rlim_cur=200*1024, rlim_max=RLIM64_INFINITY}, NULL) = 0 You seem to have

perp WWW site problems

2016-11-29 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The perp WWW site seems to have endured some damage. For example: * is truncated partway through. * is similarly truncated. * has some malformed markup.

Re: GNU Emacs now runs in foreground

2016-12-03 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Jean Louis: emacs --new-daemon=NAME I have added a new per-user service for this to nosh, ready for version 1.30 . So one just has to start the per-user service manager # system-control start then start the emacs server $ system-control --user start emacs Adj

nosh version 1.29

2016-12-03 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
The nosh package is now up to version 1.29. * * * There's been a lot going on since version 1.28 . 2016 leap second The TAI to UT

Re: nosh version 1.29

2016-12-03 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Bloody Thunderbird! Here's that again, I hope without the surprise reformatting after pressing "send" this time: The nosh package is now up to version 1.29. * * *

Re: Adding capability control into the `run' script comparison page

2016-12-05 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Casper Ti. Vector: one example for ulimit An irony here is that the page *already contains* two entire sets of examples that set memory resource limits, using daemontools, daemontools-encore, freedt, perp, s6, and nosh tools.

djbwares version 4

2016-12-05 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
In celebration of the forthcoming leap second, djbwares is now at version 4. * * I've added in the rest of M. Bernstein's public domain libtai library, parts of which were already included by some of the tools. This ha

Re: Adding capability control into the `run' script comparison page

2016-12-05 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Casper Ti. Vector: the docs are in tarballs on *

GNU Emacs now runs in foreground

2016-12-06 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Martin "eto" Misuth: First, there are two major caveats, There are actually three. They break scripting. For example: People cannot use the GNOME Editor as $VISUAL or $EDITOR because one of the things implicit in the $EDITOR/$VISUAL mechanism is that when the program that has been invoked

Re: djbwares version 4

2016-12-06 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard: In celebration of the forthcoming leap second, djbwares is now at version 4. * * Jean Louis: is not working: "access denied" and I ins

GNU Emacs now runs in foreground

2016-12-06 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Martin "eto" Misuth: - rxvt-unicode - uberterminal - this thing can operate [...] daemon, when single process hosts all your terminals - benefits are [...] Drawbacks are that it doesn't understand receiving the listening socket as an already-open file descriptor, and by default it p

Re: Adding capability control into the `run' script comparison page

2016-12-07 Thread Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Casper Ti. Vector: But I do think the capability argument has its validity: chainloading is, at this time, not well known to normal users, which is why many systemd supporters compulsorily identify cgroup support with systemd with few people opposing. Therefore I suggest to add some examples o

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