Re: [Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Per discussione Aury88
ciao nelson, per la segnalazione di un errore puoi usare il tasto su a forma di baloon altrimenti se sei iscritto ad osm puoi anche vedere l'utente che ha tracciato le vie e contattarlo tramite mail per fargli le domande... altrimenti, male che vada, puoi, come hai fatto, chiedere qui e

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2015-11-01 7:44 GMT+01:00 Andrea Nelson Mauro | : > In sostanza per un lavoro che sto facendo mi sono accorto che in questo > punto ( 38.19180049853966 - 15.533101558685301 ) le strade tracciate sono > abbastanza diverse tra Gmaps e OSM, e quelle segnalate su

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Per discussione jonathan
+1 On 01/11/2015 09:46, Stuart Reynolds wrote: I don't like it for the simple reason that I think it will fail to win over new Uk users. There are plenty of people who just want to use default tiles to show a location on - sports pitch, scout hall, whatever - and those

Re: [Talk-de] Josm Fehler beim Upload

2015-11-01 Per discussione Michael Paulmann
Super hat geklappt, vielen Dank. Paulest -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: malenki [] Gesendet: Sonntag, 1. November 2015 02:06 An: Betreff: Re: [Talk-de] Josm Fehler beim Upload Es scheint, dass die (neu angelegte) Relation mit der ID

Re: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki

2015-11-01 Per discussione Pavel Machek
On Fri 2015-10-23 14:20:18, Dalibor Jelínek wrote: > Ahoj, > > zase jsem trochu prekladal, tak se na to, prosim, podivejte. > > > > > > > >

[Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 273

2015-11-01 Per discussione Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 273 týdeníku weeklyOSM: Téma čísla: Dirty není jen špína * Tipy na budovy z RUIAN na * Trasy KCT pres HOT taskman na ostro. * Zmapování nového nádraži v Birminghamu * Valná hromada nadace OSM * Map Compare od BBBike

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Per discussione Davio
Nettamente migliore Ora però non vorrei che questo "declassamento" di colori delle secondary e primary non porti ad una proliferazione delle primary :D Davide - Davide -- View this message in context:

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Per discussione Marc Gemis
On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Colin Smale wrote: > The change could have been managed better, like proper announcements a > couple of months ahead of time, with a date - "On 30th October OSM will > switch to a new stylesheet for the standard map. For information about

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Per discussione Aury88
Davio wrote > Mi era preso un colpo...per un attimo avevo creduto che qualcuno avesse > riclassificato tutte le strade italiane :D > > Davide ci ho pensato anche io il primo secondo xD, fortunatamente è da tempo che seguo la discussione dietro questi cambiamenti, quindi ci sono arrivato quasi

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Per discussione Stuart Reynolds
I don't like it for the simple reason that I think it will fail to win over new Uk users. There are plenty of people who just want to use default tiles to show a location on - sports pitch, scout hall, whatever - and those people will inevitably go to Google. Sure, we understand the differences

Re: [Talk-GB] Restoring a usable map service!

2015-11-01 Per discussione jonathan
Form over function, the scourge of modern society. On 01/11/2015 10:18, tony wroblewski wrote: The current problem I see with the new default style is that it's very very difficult to now plan routes on a zoomed out map. I can't clearly see, for example, what is or isn't

[Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Per discussione Andrea Nelson Mauro |
Ciao a tutti, Non so se lo sto segnalando nel punto giusto (e chiedo scusa se sbaglio, ma non ho trovato un facile pulsante "Segnala un errore"). In sostanza per un lavoro che sto facendo mi sono accorto che in questo punto ( 38.19180049853966 - 15.533101558685301 ) le strade tracciate sono

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Per discussione morray
Hi, Am 31.10.2015 um 14:32 schrieb Greg Troxel: > I haven't seen the underlying data on tag frequency > brought into the debate; arguably that should be the core of the > discussion. the underlying tag frequency is pretty clear. According to taginfo [1] 148 065 amenity 226 shop 132

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Per discussione morray
Siehe hier Am 01.11.2015 um 11:22 schrieb Manuel Reimer: > Woran liegt's? Mal wieder Anpassungen am Stil? Muss jetzt irgendwie > umgetaggt werden oder ist das mit den farblosen Straßen so gewollt?

[Talk-it] [Un po' OT] Geocoding con mmqgis

2015-11-01 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Ho provato il plugin con nominatim, ma non capisco come posizioni i punti dal solo nome sella strada... pare che non consideri il civico. Qualcuno lo ha usato? Come fare a fargli leggere anche il civico? Alternative? --

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Per discussione Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 01 November 2015, Andreas Labres wrote: > > Der 'farblosere' Gesamteindruck kommt vor allem, weil > > highway=tertiary jetzt weiß ist und sich nur noch in der > > Linienbreite von unclassified/residential unterscheidet. Das ist im > > Vorfeld kontrovers diskutiert worden... > > Es

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 01/11/15 07:22, Ed Loach wrote: >> It very simple, the colours should match the road sign colours: Blue, > Green, Red! > > Red? Was waiting for someone to pick that one up, and yes it has been some time since red was dropped from the legal framework and therefore the highway code. But the

[Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Per discussione Manuel Reimer
Hallo, ich hatte ja erste Bedenken ich habe beim Eintragen einen Fehler gemacht, aber das scheint sich wohl über die ganze Karte durchzuziehen. Aktuell werden die Straßen etwas "farbloser". Zumindest in meiner Region gibt es so Langsam nurnoch weiße Straßen und die farbige Unterscheidung

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Per discussione Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 01 November 2015, Manuel Reimer wrote: > > ich hatte ja erste Bedenken ich habe beim Eintragen einen Fehler > gemacht, aber das scheint sich wohl über die ganze Karte > durchzuziehen. > > Aktuell werden die Straßen etwas "farbloser". Zumindest in meiner > Region gibt es so Langsam

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Per discussione Andreas Labres
On 01.11.15 13:27, Christoph Hormann wrote: > Der 'farblosere' Gesamteindruck kommt vor allem, weil highway=tertiary jetzt > weiß ist und sich nur noch in der Linienbreite von unclassified/residential > unterscheidet. Das ist im Vorfeld kontrovers diskutiert worden... Es spräche ja nix dagegen,

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2015-11-01 8:52 GMT+01:00 Aury88 : > fortunatamente è da tempo che seguo la discussione dietro questi > cambiamenti, quindi ci sono arrivato quasi subito ;-) > che te ne pare? nelle zone da te coperte, specialmente in ambito urbano, il > nuovo stile è stato un

Re: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki

2015-11-01 Per discussione Pavel Machek
Ahoj! > > nejaky elektroinzenyr, > > > > protoze nektere termity jsem si dost cucal z prstu. :-( > > trasformovnu (power=substation) ... tohle je divny termit. > > 1 metr na 100 000 voltů. -> 100kV ? > > Systémy HVDC -> Stejnosmerne systemy (HVDC) ? > (A mozna bych tam pridal poznamku ze v

[OSRM-talk] OSRM demo server down

2015-11-01 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
Hi, I just noticed that the demo site, and routes on through ORSM are down. As I didn't see an announcement or mail about it, I thought I should mention it. Regards, Sander > ___ OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Restoring a usable map service!

2015-11-01 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 31/10/15 21:51, Frederik Ramm wrote: > As for the remainder of your posting, about a "single base" and how all > this is somehow related to a few colours changing on the map, I > think you lost me there. Answered the colour problem in the thread on New Map Style. The problem with

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM 275

2015-11-01 Per discussione Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue 275, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the OpenStreetMap world: Enjoy! weeklyOSM is brought to you by Regards, Jinal Foflia

[Talk-GB] weekly 275 in English available - have fun

2015-11-01 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 275, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the openstreetmap world: Enjoy! weeklyOSM is brought to you by ... -- ## Manfred Reiter

[Talk-br] Nova aparência do mapa padrão

2015-11-01 Per discussione Ivaldo Nunes de Magalhães
Realmente ficou péssimo - o contraste já era ruim. O argumento de que confunde com rios e matas é fraco pois as vias geralmente seguem um padrão mais linear enquanto que os rios são muito curvos e as mata áreas, de modo que a diferença é clara, mesmo para o usuário mais leigo. Interessante que no

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Per discussione Peter Wendorff
Hallo Manuel, umgetagged werden muss natürlich nicht, Tags sollten darstellen, was vorhanden ist, und sich gerade nicht an der Darstellung in einer Karte orientieren. Gruß Peter Am 01.11.2015 um 11:22 schrieb Manuel Reimer: Hallo, ich hatte ja erste Bedenken ich habe beim Eintragen einen

Re: [Talk-GB] Restoring a usable map service!

2015-11-01 Per discussione Dave F.
On 31/10/2015 19:51, Frederik Ramm wrote: We must not allow ourselves to feel like we are a commercial service provider[*] I thought the main reason for this rerender /was/ to be more like them, to appease the 'why doesn't it look like Google' brigade. As Fredrick points out we're (almost)

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Per discussione Aury88
Federico Cortese wrote > Io mi ero innamorato del nuovo stile già vedendolo sulla pagina di > Mateusz Konieczny. > Ora non posso che confermare, la mappa è molto più pulita. Secondo me > è un altro grande passo avanti dopo quello dei fabbricati di qualche > tempo fa. > L'unica mia preouccupazione

[Talk-ko] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Per discussione Max
There seems to be some momentum in the development for the rendering of the main OSM style osm carto. Have you noticed any oddities or bugs in Korea? Maybe it's a good time to sumbit a ticket to change the horrible font for Korean? What do you suggest? The Nanum Gothic from Naver is under a free

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Per discussione Colin Smale
Is a pharmacy not the same as shop=chemist with dispensing=yes? To my mind it sounds like it. If there is a distinction, isn't it getting a bit academic? On 2015-11-01 12:51, Richard wrote: > On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 09:01:04AM +1100, Warin wrote: On 31/10/2015 8:10 AM, > Matthijs Melissen

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Per discussione Max
On 2015년 11월 01일 20:51, Richard wrote: > not long ago (maybe even today?) pharmacies were not only selling goods but > also producing many kinds of ointments and possibly other things as ordered > by the prescribing physician. > > So "shop" would be a too narrow definition. With that argument

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Per discussione nicolas . alvarez
> El 30/10/2015, a las 19:01, Warin <> escribió: > >> On 31/10/2015 8:10 AM, Matthijs Melissen wrote: >>> On 30 October 2015 at 22:01, Matthijs Melissen >>> wrote: >>> - shop=pharmacy (use office=pharmacy) >> This should be amenity=pharmacy

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-11-01 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
2015-11-01 19:54 GMT+01:00 Simone Cortesi : > Ciao, > ho aggiunto alla pagina wiki di osmit il fatto che sia stato annullato. Hai fatto bene. ___ Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Per discussione nicolas . alvarez
> El 1/11/2015, a las 9:39, Max escribió: > >> On 2015년 11월 01일 20:51, Richard wrote: >> not long ago (maybe even today?) pharmacies were not only selling goods but >> also producing many kinds of ointments and possibly other things as ordered >> by the prescribing

Re: [OSRM-talk] OSRM demo server down

2015-11-01 Per discussione Patrick Niklaus
Oh damn. Thanks. Looking at the logs this might take some time to fix. On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 1:19 PM, Sander Deryckere wrote: > Hi, > > I just noticed that the demo site, and routes on through ORSM > are down. > > As I didn't see an announcement or mail about

Re: [Talk-ca] Map rendering errors

2015-11-01 Per discussione Bruno Remy
The tile's rendering seems to be OK : I'v addes some items (trees) and they appear on tiles. I've also created ans deleted one driveway and the regeneration of new tile keeps the "fantom driveway" anyway. By the evidence, this is a database

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Per discussione News
On 10/31/2015 09:57 PM, jonathan wrote: I don't like it. It very simple, the colours should match the road sign colours: Blue, Green, Red! Anything else is just form over function. +1 the discussion on red notwithstanding ___ Talk-GB mailing

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-11-01 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 01/11/15 12:39, Max wrote: >> not long ago (maybe even today?) pharmacies were not only selling goods but >> > also producing many kinds of ointments and possibly other things as >> > ordered >> > by the prescribing physician. >> > >> > So "shop" would be a too narrow definition. > With

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Per discussione Mark Goodge
On 31/10/2015 22:27, Chris Hill wrote: We should all keep in mind that the standard map on the OSM website is not OSM. It is just a single render as an example of what is possible. There are thousands of renders out there (I must have made more than a dozen). Making your own map tiles in your

Re: [Talk-GB] New Map Style feedback

2015-11-01 Per discussione Tom Hughes
On 01/11/15 17:09, Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap) wrote: The ability for OSM to render the “British” colours alongside the new style colours would depend on what resources they have, but I will support adding an alternative layer to the main site that uses the “British” colours, as soon as the

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Per discussione Andrea Nelson Mauro
Ciao a tutti, grazie per il feedback In effetti il motivo per cui non ho cliccato subito su "Aggiungi una nota" è che essendo niubbio di inserimento dati OSM non volevo far danni. Magari un pulsante "Segnala un errore" sarebbe più diretti in termini di UI-UX (mi piacerebbe leggere la discussione

Re: [Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
sent from a phone > Am 01.11.2015 um 08:48 schrieb Aury88 : > > noi no possiamo usare googlemap, o altre > fonti coperte da copyright, neanche per fare un confronto.. per fare un confronto possiamo usare qualsiasi fonte, ma non possiamo prendere informazioni da

[OSM-talk] How to Tag the Invisible objects in OSM

2015-11-01 Per discussione Pierre Béland
I just added the NoFeature mapcss style to the JOSM styles. >From the JOSM Edit / Preference Menu, you can select Map Setting / Map Pain >Style, select NoFeature Style in the list. The objective of this style is to focus on the invisible

Re: [Talk-it] Toppe attributive

2015-11-01 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Ecco pronte le toppe :-) -- Il 28/ott/2015 09:52 "Martin Koppenhoefer" ha scritto: > > 2015-10-28 9:35 GMT+01:00 Cascafico Giovanni : > >>

[Talk-GB] New Map Style feedback

2015-11-01 Per discussione Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap)
Hi all, I have been gathering thoughts from the talk-gb list and my main concern now is how the tertiary roads are shown, especially in countries where people map roads according to quality and hierarchy (and there are more than one). In Greece, tertiary roads connect all villages while in

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Per discussione jonathan
+1 On 01/11/2015 16:59, Mark Goodge wrote: On 31/10/2015 22:27, Chris Hill wrote: We should all keep in mind that the standard map on the OSM website is not OSM. It is just a single render as an example of what is possible. There are thousands of renders out there (I

Re: [Talk-it] La mappa di OSM ha un nuovo schema colori

2015-11-01 Per discussione Aury88
non penso...alla fine sia primary che secondary hanno un proprio problema può sorgere solo con le tertiary che hanno lo stesso colore delle unclassified e delle residential. - Ciao, Aury -- View this message in context:

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 86, assunto 1

2015-11-01 Per discussione belnuovo
>*>* > -- Próxima Parte -- >*>* > Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... >*>* > URL: >*>* > < >*>* > &g

[talk-ph] What3Words

2015-11-01 Per discussione Jim Morgan
Thought this was interesting, but probably not very practical. Its basically an easy way of verbally sharing a geographic location. The idea is that the globe is chopped up into 3x3 metre squares, and each square gets assigned 3 unique words. eg, I'll meet you at study.recently.fattest

Re: [Talk-GB] Restoring a usable map service!

2015-11-01 Per discussione Marc Gemis
On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 11:18 AM, tony wroblewski wrote: > or isn't a motorway and I think it's almost universally accepted (In > Europe at least), that motorways are shown in blue. > In Belgium international motorways (E-roads, e.g. E19) are indicated with white on

Re: [Talk-de] Neue Farben im Kartenstil?

2015-11-01 Per discussione malenki
On Sun, 1 Nov 2015 13:49:39 +0100, Andreas Labres wrote: > On 01.11.15 13:27, Christoph Hormann wrote: > > Der 'farblosere' Gesamteindruck kommt vor allem, weil > > highway=tertiary jetzt weiß ist und sich nur noch in der > > Linienbreite von unclassified/residential unterscheidet. Das ist im > >

[Talk-us] CrossCountryRoads

2015-11-01 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Hi all, Just stumbled on, one of many (?) 'road geek' web sites hosting images and videos of (mostly) freeway scenery. Pretty cool and useful. I sent the proprietor of the site a message asking if we may use the images and videos to improve OSM. Does anyone know of any

[Talk-us] weeklyOSM 275

2015-11-01 Per discussione Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue 275, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the OpenStreetMap world: Enjoy! weeklyOSM is brought to you by Regards, Jinal Foflia

Re: [Talk-cz] Posuny trasovaných budov

2015-11-01 Per discussione Marián Kyral
No tak to je špatné. To budeš muset počkat až se to do KM dostane. Zatím bych to asi nechal tak. Marián Dne 30.10.2015 v 20:30 Petr Schönmann napsal(a): > Koukal jsem na RUIAN coz je videt v obrazku, tam je to posunute. > CUZK:KM je v oblasti stary preskenovany, tam to nejde poznat vubec. > >

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Per discussione jonathan
+1 On 01/11/2015 16:53, Mark Goodge wrote: On 01/11/2015 09:46, Stuart Reynolds wrote: I don't like it for the simple reason that I think it will fail to win over new Uk users. There are plenty of people who just want to use default tiles to show a location on - sports

Re: [Talk-GB] Route planning (was:Re: Restoring a usable map service!)

2015-11-01 Per discussione Paul Bivand
Now, as opposed to when Rob's survey was done, I'd think a UK render would be useful. However, I voted this to be less important for a UK chapter, because I feel that the limited number of meetups I've been to have a tendency to default to techy talk rather than encouraging mappers (and how to

Re: [Talk-GB] New map style

2015-11-01 Per discussione Marc Gemis
On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Dave F. wrote: > . I fully understand about not being able to set a deadline, but the > actual amendments being implemented in this major update could have been > listed a bit clearer. The static image here: >

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-11-01 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
Ciao, ho aggiunto alla pagina wiki di osmit il fatto che sia stato annullato. 2015-10-28 10:51 GMT+01:00 Maurizio Napolitano : > 2015-10-21 14:31 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi : >> 2015-10-21 12:33 GMT+02:00 Leonardo : >>> Mi associo

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project: Nature Reserves

2015-11-01 Per discussione SK53
Designation tag is already is use to discriminate between LNRs & NNRs (I'm not quite sure what partiticular status LNRs have but it is referred to as a designation on the Magic site). Otherwise no: most NRs will be a mosaic of different physical types, even woods will have rides, ponds, and little

[Talk-it] Segnalazione probabile errore OSM

2015-11-01 Per discussione John Doe
Quando vi serve qualcosa a Messina potete anche scrivere a me. Ho visto la modifica di Federico. Le due barriere sono due cancelli. Manca anche la parte frontale dei palazzi, quella più bassa di fronte alla Via Direzione d'Artiglieria. ___ Talk-it

Re: [Talk-pt] Nova aparência do mapa padrão

2015-11-01 Per discussione Rui Oliveira
Bem. Na minha opinião, não acho que fizesse muita falta uma alteração de estilo de mapa. Mas não é isso que me preocupa. Estive agora a editar com o ID, e reparei que os tipos de estradas do estilo renderizado em modo de edição é o mesmo que a versão anterior. Penso que poderiam também ter feito

Re: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki

2015-11-01 Per discussione Michal Pustějovský
Elektroinženýr sice nejsem, ale u některých pojmů můžu poradit. Dne 01.11.2015 v 9:34 Pavel Machek napsal(a): On Fri 2015-10-23 14:20:18, Dalibor Jelínek wrote: Ahoj, zase jsem trochu prekladal, tak se na to, prosim, podivejte.

Re: [Talk-br] Nova aparência do mapa padrão

2015-11-01 Per discussione Nelson A. de Oliveira
2015-11-01 10:35 GMT-02:00 Ivaldo Nunes de Magalhães : > Interessante que no modo edição (iD editor) as corres antigas ainda estão > lá. Será que também vai mudar? Vai ser atualizado:

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 86, assunto 1

2015-11-01 Per discussione belnuovo
>*>* > -- Próxima Parte -- >*>* > Um anexo em HTML foi limpo... >*>* > URL: >*>* > < >*>* > &g

[OSRM-talk] Demo Server Down

2015-11-01 Per discussione Patrick Niklaus
Hey, The data on the demo server seems to have gotten corrupted. We are currently reverting back to an older dataset, while we investigate what went wrong. Should be all up and running in a few hours. Best, Patrick ___ OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Sémiologie en cours de mise à jour

2015-11-01 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Un article a été posté à ce sujet sur le blog. Mais je comprends toutefois le changement : le site reste encore aujourd'hui celui dont les serveurs de rendus sont les plus puissants et les plus vite à jour, mais le

[OSM-talk] Call For papers Geospatial devroom @FOSDEM 2016

2015-11-01 Per discussione Sebastiaan Couwenberg
Forwarded Message Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Call For papers Geospatial devroom @FOSDEM 2016 Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 08:22:03 +0100 From: Johan Van de Wauw To: OSGeo Discussions , LocationTech Working Group discussion list

Re: [Talk-cz] Workshop na OpenAltu

2015-11-01 Per discussione Jachym Cepicky
Ahoj, so 31. 10. 2015 v 20:02 odesílatel Ladislav Nesnera napsal: > Doplním jednu zákulisní - od Martina Tesaře máme v záloze "OpenStreetMap > pro volný čas i byznys", > teď mi přes nos proběhla nezaručená zpráva, že někde v licenci je napsáno, že se OSM nesmí používat pro