[Talk-us] Osm Ukraine dispute

2018-12-01 Per discussione Badita Florin
http://euromaidanpress.com/2018/11/23/open-street-map-decides-to-mark-crimea-as-russian-territory/ ___ Talk-us mailing list Talk-us@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-us

[Talk-us] how can we fix anonymous spam comments

2018-02-27 Per discussione Badita Florin
They are first and foremost putting a load on the database, with no added value. This anonymous user is leaving a comment with hundred of You can see an example here https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/1257677

[Talk-us] 2484 oneway roads in Philadelphia

2017-10-31 Per discussione Badita Florin
While writing a article about how to create a translation file, to use in Cygnus Conflation Engine, I had chosen Philadelphia as a example. And I have seen that many of the ways that should be added as oneway are missing in OSM, but

Re: [Talk-us] Comparing Tiger 2017 dataset with OSM in a automatedway.

2017-10-12 Per discussione Badita Florin
>> >> >> >> https://gisdata.mn.gov/dataset/us-mn-state-metrogis-trans-mr >> cc-centerlines >> >> >> >> Joe >> >> >> >> *From: *Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> >> *Sent: *Wednesday, October 11, 2017 10:25 AM >> *To:

[Talk-us] Comparing Tiger 2017 dataset with OSM in a automated way.

2017-10-11 Per discussione Badita Florin
Hi, i wanted to ask if there will be interest around comparing TIGER 2017 with what we have in OSM, using CYGNUS, in a automated way. http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/mvexel/diary/36746 On top of cygnus, i have developed shgp2cygnus, were you can place any shapefile, any size, you provide a

[OSM-talk] postGIS planet database pgsnapshot dump

2016-09-01 Per discussione Badita Florin
Hi all, for over 4 years, my dream is to load the whole planet file via osmosis and do statistics with it. After i load it i want to give to the planet some SQL love

[Talk-ro] Bucuresti Sambata 4 iunie - OpenstreetMap Mapping Party

2016-06-02 Per discussione Badita Florin
Salutare, sambata o sa organizam un OSM Mapping Party unde dorim sa mai adaugam lucruri noi in Bucuresti. In caz ca ploua, o sa facem remote mapping de la locatie. O sa avem si pizza si bere, multumita celor de la Telenav, care au ales sa sponsorizieze evenimentul. O sa fie si o prezentare

[Talk-ro] OSM Mapping Party Sambata 4 iunie 11:00-19:00

2016-06-01 Per discussione Badita Florin
Salutare, evenimentul de mapping party o sa fie doar sambata. O sa avem pizza si suc la eveniment. Nu necesita experienta prealabila cu OpenStreetMap, o sa adaugam folosind foi printate, deci puteti sa veniti chiar daca nu ati folosit Openstreetmap niciodata.

Re: [OSM-talk] Gamification in Volunteered Geographic Information in regard with Contributors' Motivations

2016-05-05 Per discussione Badita Florin
Serge, what gamification did you do ? :) ᐧ On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 11:29 PM, Serge Wroclawski wrote: > As someone who was a developer on a gamification of OSM data, I have > questions about this study... > > What are the terms of the study results? Will they be released as

[OSM-talk] A lot of spam accounts leaving comments on OSM - 6 in less then 24 hours

2016-04-13 Per discussione Badita Florin
I got 6 spam comments in less than 1 day on this post https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/baditaflorin/diary/38449 This will make me not want to read the comments because I will get used to the idea that it`s probably another spam message, and will make me become less interested in interacting

[OSM-talk] [Feedback] OSM postgis scripts Repository + Qgis Love

2016-02-22 Per discussione Badita Florin
Hi guys, i am searching for people that can test the code / project that i had done, come with suggestion of what can be improved, and how can this tool help bring OSM in the hands of more people. The licence is AGPLV3+ PostGIS and OpenStreetMap seems to be used more only in Academics or by

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping Parking Lots

2016-01-12 Per discussione Badita Florin
When i have time, i also add the ways in the parking lots, mostly because i know that here at telenav it`s generating a lot of false positive missing roads, that are in fact parking ways. The algorithm can filter somehow between missing roads and parking lots, based on the speed, but better, if i

[OSM-talk] opening_hours for turn restriction

2015-11-10 Per discussione Badita Florin
Hello, i have a question, how do you tag the opening hours for a turn restriction that is activated only during a certain time of day or week. Also, do you have an idea what software is using this attributies ? http://i.imgur.com/a1eBFoe.jpg On the wiki the information is old and also deprecated

[OSM-talk] open question about boundaries sharing nodes with ways or nodes

2015-10-14 Per discussione Badita Florin
It is interesting the things that you discover when trying to do the import of a whole county, in this case, Mexico Our task is to delete all the existing admin_level=6 boundaries and start fresh, but this seems much more things needs to happen before you do this. There are over 500 nodes or

[OSM-talk] Somebody should offer planet file postgis dump files

2015-09-17 Per discussione Badita Florin
Now, to import the planet it will take around 6-20 days with osmosis Other tools behave in the same way ... What i think it is missing, is a monthly postgis dump of the planet. Or weekly, whatever To have loaded in postgis the whole planet, and once a week/day/hour/minute ( what works best ) to

Re: [OSM-talk] Charts for tagging schemes

2015-08-03 Per discussione Badita Florin
I think this can be acomplished by using the osm full history file. I had not time yet to play with the dataset, but i will give it a try On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 7:54 AM, Marc Gemis marc.ge...@gmail.com wrote: According to Jochen Topf in http://stateofthemap.us/how-sausages-are-made/ such tool

[Talk-ro] Ne apucam de relatii ? Incepem cu Drumurile Nationale ?

2015-07-14 Per discussione Badita Florin
Ne apucam de relatii ? Ce ziceti ? Pentru Romania Acum avem undeva la 95% din Drumurile Nationale din Romania puse pe harta, dar la relatii, cred ca avem maxim 10-15%, iar multe relatii nu sunt complete pentru ca nu este inclus un roundabout sau o bucata de drum. Am compilat o lista cu toate

[Talk-ro] Adrese Ramnicu Valcea - import manual

2015-04-21 Per discussione Badita Florin
Am obtinut de la Ramnic cu Valcea lista cu toate adresele pe care le au ei, nu contin si strazile , ca si informatie directa, dar se poate deduce de pe harta. Voiam sa intreb daca vreti sa le importam, si daca da, cine ar dori sa se ocupe de acest lucru ? Lista cu toate adresele, precum si

Re: [OSM-talk] what happens to an OSM account if the user dies

2015-04-08 Per discussione Badita Florin
This is a good question, condolences to your friend. I thnik wikipedia and other project haves a procedure when sad things like this happen. ᐧ On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Tom Hughes t...@compton.nu wrote: On 08/04/15 12:26, maning sambale wrote: Sad news that my friend and OSM

Re: [Talk-ro] Talk-ro Digest, Vol 70, Issue 7

2015-03-02 Per discussione Badita Florin
... bafta CiprianN 2015-02-26 17:10 GMT+02:00 Badita Florin baditaflo...@gmail.com: De vreo 6 luni sunt in discuții cu primaria Cluj-Napoca pentru a le implementa un sistem de cadastru eficient si util Astazi am fost si am prezentat directoarei de la Urbanism si de la IT cum

Re: [OSM-talk] Routing on osm.org

2015-02-17 Per discussione Badita Florin
This is the perfect news . I aslo made a short video that i am promoting in the local community for people to see just how easy is to route. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehHVZvFnVVsfeature=youtu.be I hope this will make people, and also bussines to add more POI , because now they can see the

[OSM-talk] There is a working map for people with Visual Impairment ?

2015-01-21 Per discussione Badita Florin
I want to apply in Romania for a Grant , for helping blind or visual impaired persons with the help of OSM. But i cannot find a single working example. I found only theoretical approaches in German language. I tried Lalm but i cannot get it started. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Lalm

Re: [Talk-ro] Talk-ro Digest, Vol 68, Issue 6

2015-01-08 Per discussione Badita Florin
Acum ca s-au terminat sarbatorile, ar trebui sa reluam discutia despre asociatie. Am primit un super cadou de la OSM Franta, 2 harti printate A0, una cu Romania, si una de detaliu cu zona de munte predeal,sinaia. O sa incerc maine sa fac o poza sa arat :) 2014-12-13 18:47 GMT+02:00 Badita Florin

Re: [Talk-ro] Talk-ro Digest, Vol 69, Issue 4

2015-01-04 Per discussione Badita Florin
Din cauza vremii ne vom vedea la pranz direct la have a cigar 2015-01-03 23:10 GMT+02:00 talk-ro-requ...@openstreetmap.org: Send Talk-ro mailing list submissions to talk-ro@openstreetmap.org To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit

Re: [Talk-ro] Talk-ro Digest, Vol 69, Issue 1

2015-01-03 Per discussione Badita Florin
Eu nu am masina, poate sa ma ia cineva din drum ? 2015-01-02 18:16 GMT+02:00 talk-ro-requ...@openstreetmap.org: Send Talk-ro mailing list submissions to talk-ro@openstreetmap.org To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit

Re: [Talk-ro] Talk-ro Digest, Vol 68, Issue 4

2014-12-09 Per discussione Badita Florin
than Re: Contents of Talk-ro digest... Today's Topics: 1. Dorinta import PUG Dragasani (Badita Florin) 2. Re: Dorinta import PUG Dragasani (Eddy Petrișor) -- Message: 1 Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 23:49:05 +0200 From

[Talk-ro] Dorinta import PUG Dragasani

2014-12-08 Per discussione Badita Florin
cladiri Atasez aici si email-ul trimis catre primarie Badita Florin baditaflo...@gmail.com Oct 29 to primariadragas. Buna ziua, conform legii 544/2001 solicit Planul urbanistic General (PUG-ul) aferente OrasuluiDragasani in format electronic, georeferentiat. ( Fisier Autocad sau SHP ) precum si

Re: [OSM-talk] Request for feedback: new building colours in openstreetmap-carto

2014-11-27 Per discussione Badita Florin
I like the change,i would do a live example when people can see how the Map will look in their region Florin Badita 0731/172.745 0754/491.049 On Nov 27, 2014 3:19 AM, Matthijs Melissen i...@matthijsmelissen.nl wrote: Dear all, We are considering to change the colour of buildings in

Re: [OSM-talk] Status of Field Papers

2014-11-25 Per discussione Badita Florin
I am planning to use Field Papers for adding Cluj Napoca on the Map, as part of the European Capital of Youth 2015 I have only one issue, that when i download the PDF, i don`t get the numbering, A1,B1,C1,D1,E1,A2,B2 etc http://fieldpapers.org/atlas.php?id=gplscswf#16/46.7585/23.5527 There is a

[OSM-talk] Import a list of atributes when you only know the osm_id

2014-10-28 Per discussione Badita Florin
I got a list of 1400 buildings from the local authorities, with the buildings name , start_Date , buildings:flats and the numbers of floors Using Qgis i was able to Join the osm database with this database, by joining the building name And i now have a list of around 600 buildings, that have

Re: [OSM-talk] Roll your own cigarette tag

2014-10-07 Per discussione Badita Florin
Thanks for the answer, I will check and join the ml group On Oct 7, 2014 3:55 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com wrote: 2014-10-06 22:46 GMT+02:00 Badita Florin baditaflo...@gmail.com: What tag / sub-tag you say it should be used / created for doing this ? I think

[OSM-talk] Roll your own cigarette tag

2014-10-06 Per discussione Badita Florin
I will start with my dilemma for RYO cigarette http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roll-your-own_cigarette and why any of the actual tag are not solving the dilemma. In Romania, almost 99 % of people smoke normal cigarette. In Bucharest, the capital, where around 2 million people live, there are more

[OSM-talk] Using Mapbox Studio to show osm poi age for different cities

2014-09-25 Per discussione Badita Florin
I made some visualization for different cities around the globe, using Mapbox Studio and the osm_id tag that they have added. https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/baditaflorin/diary/23872 I am not able to upload the style to mapbox, so i made a git page where you can download and use the style

[OSM-talk] 1.61 Gigapixel density map of the POI in Europe

2014-09-09 Per discussione Badita Florin
If somebody find this interesting, i made a visualization of the POI in Europe https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/baditaflorin/diary/23729

[Talk-ro] Impartire harta in bucati si creare index strazi

2014-08-19 Per discussione Badita Florin
Incerc sa fac o harta printabila de 2 metri pe 2 metri pentru pompinerii din Ramnicu Sarat, iar un lucru Cam cum se vede pe acesta harta http://www.maposmatic.org/results//120304_2014-04-21_18-02_nickeriepart.png Se poate fsce asa ceva in QGIS ? Ma gandesc la o struta camila in care sa fac

[Talk-ro] Fwd: articol - open street map

2014-05-21 Per discussione Badita Florin
May 2014 17:15 Subject: articol - open street map To: Badita Florin baditaflo...@gmail.com Cc: Harta liberă a Bucureștiului a crescut semnificativ, weekendul trecut, datorită unui grup de voluntari pasionați de tehnologia OpenStreetMap. Primul „OpenStreetMap Mapping Party” din București a strâns

[Talk-ro] Mapping Party OpenStreetMap in Bucuresti - 17-18 mai 2014

2014-05-13 Per discussione Badita Florin
În weekendul 17-18 Mai 2014, în Bucuresti, un grup de oameni entuziaști și pasionați de OpenStreetMap își vor aduce aportul în proiectul global de cartografiere colaborativă, ce a determinat dezvoltarea celei mai dinamice hărți digitale a lumii și a hărții cu cea mai rapidă creștere a numărului de

[Talk-ro] Locatie pentru pre mapping party-ul OpenStreetMap de vineri din Bucuresti

2014-04-21 Per discussione Badita Florin
Avem o locatie, si anume Have a Cigar din strada Dianei, nr 11 Daca nu te-ai inscris, gasesi link-ul aici http://www.meetup.com/Bucharest-OpenStreetMap-meetup/events/175463862/ Vroiam sa vin la voi cu o rugaminte, ce profesori / studenti cunoasteti care sunt la facultatea de geografie ? Ca sa ii

Re: [Talk-ro] [geo-spatial] Pre Mapping Party OpenStreetMap Bucuresti

2014-04-14 Per discussione Badita Florin
10-11 mai, pardon On 14 Apr 2014 18:45, ARIN arini...@gmail.com wrote:  1 - week-endul 10 - 11 aprilie nu exista anul acesta, insa oricum... a fost ;) 2 - faceti pre mapping party DUPA mapping party? ;) Codruta *From:* Badita Florin baditaflo...@gmail.com *Sent:* Monday, April

[Talk-ro] spam pe harta

2014-03-24 Per discussione Badita Florin
utilizatorul SKWTGZ este de fapt un bot, care are o editare facuta doar cu scopul sa isi faca reclama. Utilizatorul http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/SKWTGZ Ce se poate face si unde se poate raporta un astfel de cont ? O zi buna, Badita Florin Voluntar OpenStreetMap si administator al pagini facebook

[Talk-ro] Prezentare OpenStreetMap pentru Autoriitatiile locale.

2014-03-07 Per discussione Badita Florin
, Badita Florin Voluntar OpenStreetMap si administator al pagini de facebook OpenStreetMap Romania 0731/172.745 OpenStreetMap Romania http://www.facebook.com/osmromania ___ Talk-ro mailing list Talk-ro@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org

Re: [Talk-ro] Conversie unor linii automata intr-un poligon

2014-02-15 Per discussione Badita Florin
Cred ca ar fi nevoie de ceva cam asa http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= Sa vada exact linile si unde se intersecteaza ... 2014-02-15 20:18 GMT+02:00 Badita Florin baditaflo...@gmail.com: Am trimis catre 48 de institutii publice din Romania o cerere pe legea 544

Re: [Talk-ro] Conversie unor linii automata intr-un poligon

2014-02-15 Per discussione Badita Florin
Sau mai degraba ceva cam asa http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//0017003n00 2014-02-15 20:45 GMT+02:00 Badita Florin baditaflo...@gmail.com: Cred ca ar fi nevoie de ceva cam asa http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= Sa vada exact

Re: [Talk-ro] Conversie unor linii automata intr-un poligon

2014-02-15 Per discussione Badita Florin
in 4 zone ( Cand am incercat sa dau Polygonizer la tot fisierul a crapat Qgis ( 2.4 ghz, 2 gb ram, 32 de biti , windows 7) A reusit sa creeze undeva la 1400 de poligoane. Folosind arggis a generat 2820 de poligoane. 2014-02-15 21:05 GMT+02:00 Badita Florin baditaflo...@gmail.com: Sau mai

[Talk-ro] Raportul anual OpenStreetMap Romania 2013

2014-01-13 Per discussione Badita Florin
buna, Badita Florin ___ Talk-ro mailing list Talk-ro@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ro

[Talk-ro] Realizare ortofotoplanuri folosind o drona

2013-12-09 Per discussione Badita Florin
Cei de la Mapbox au folosit cu succes o drona pentru a realiza ortofotoplanuri. Am nevoie sa realizez niste ortofotoplanuri pe care sa le georeferentiez ca mai apoi sa pot sa fac un server tilemill dupa care sa fac tracing dupa imagini in Josm sau ID ( editoare pentru OpenStreetMap ) Aveti idee

[Talk-ro] Statistici sate in functie de inaltime

2013-11-25 Per discussione Badita Florin
Vreau sa aflu cate sate sunt intre 400 si 500 de metri. De fapt vreau sa aflu populatia pe curba de nivel, dar asta o voi face simplu folosind OSM si QGIS dupa ce izolez satele in functie de inaltime Aveti idee cum as putea sa fac acest lucru ? ___

[Talk-ro] cum pot sa extrag traseul, sa fac automat cum au cei de la ratb la ei pe site

2013-10-11 Per discussione Badita Florin
http://www.ratb.ro/maps1/014.jpg traseele fac parte dintr-o relatie. cum pot sa fac highlight pe aceea relatie, si sa dau sa imi extraga statiile de pe parcurs. ___ Talk-ro mailing list Talk-ro@openstreetmap.org

[Talk-ro] Cum fac sa pot sa deschid osm.pbf in Qgis ?

2012-11-01 Per discussione Badita Florin
http://osm.stilpu.org/daily-odbl/ functioneaza iarasi perfect, iar pentru acesta doresc sa le multumesc celor care se ocupa de el, si ofera acest lucru frumos. Dar eu am o intrebare mai de noob. Cum fac din osm.pbf un format acceptabil ca sa il incerc in Qgis, sa pot sa ma joc cu datele. As

Re: [Talk-ro] Talk-ro Digest, Vol 40, Issue 1

2012-08-22 Per discussione Badita Florin
(Badita Florin) 2. Re: Atelier OpenStreetMap (Cristian Draghici) 3. Re: Atelier OpenStreetMap (Emil Dancescu) 4. Re: Atelier OpenStreetMap (Strainu) -- Message: 1 Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 14:30:38 +0300 From

[Talk-ro] Atelier OpenStreetMap

2012-08-16 Per discussione Badita Florin
In cadru editiei http://incubator107.com din septembrie 2012 o sa fac o prezentare de 30 de minute despre OSM. O sa fie pe 1 septembrie, cand fiecare are sansa ca in 30 de minute sa prezinte despre ce o sa fie atelierul lor. Dupa, undeva in septembrie, o sa iau lumea care doreste si o sa ii

Re: [Talk-ro] Explicatii licenta

2012-02-14 Per discussione Badita Florin
http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reports/stateofplay2011/rcr11ROv103.pdf On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Badita Florin baditaflo...@gmail.comwrote: In estonia au dreptul de a folosi The Estonian leaders of the OpenStreetMap project (*www.openstreetmap.ee*) have been authorised to use

[Talk-ro] Cum putem sa ii ajutam pe cei de la http://topograf.3xforum.ro/

2011-12-22 Per discussione Badita Florin
De exemplu se tot plang despre niste borne http://topograf.3xforum.ro/post/3175/1/borne_topo/ Sunt mai multe postari. Banuiesc ca am putea face un import in OSM ceva cu toate bornele din romania, o scurta aplicatie ca ei sa poate sa caute pe mobil / gps doar bornele . Un filtru ceva. Exista si o

Re: [Talk-ro] Talk-ro Digest, Vol 32, Issue 6

2011-12-12 Per discussione Badita Florin
Consider util grafice pentru orice. Sa arate cate strazi au fost adaugate, au mai aparut 873 de cladiri in Romania, etc :) On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 4:00 AM, talk-ro-requ...@openstreetmap.org wrote: Send Talk-ro mailing list submissions to talk-ro@openstreetmap.org To subscribe or