Re[2]: ZIP all TB dir

2008-03-19 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello NetVicious, I wrote a small utility that exports the HKCU/Software/RIT key and ZIP it along selected directories, into a file where the filename contains date and time stamp, too. That is the way I am making my TB backups (no offense, I just like it this way). Would it find

Re[2]: ToolBars

2008-03-17 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Jens, Try to move the Menu from it's original place. Can you put it back where it belongs? Fuck, why did i try this - what a holy shit it is ! Sorry for the joke :) -- Vili The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

Re: Alt-L issue

2008-03-17 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Peter, using Alt-L to reformat a paragraph, reforts it, but doesn't return the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph as it used to do. Confirmations? I think, it is better now. Often I write something and format it. And then I have to go back to the last cursor location. -- Vili

Re: Common Filters lose share

2008-03-15 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Nick, Just started today, all my common filters lose their sharing checks on shutdown. Each time I restart Voyager all the shared boxes are cleared. (of which I have about 70) I cannot confirm. And by the way, we have the same voyager.exe, I checked... The only thing even remotely

Re[2]: Voyager 4 BETA Registry Keys

2008-03-14 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Jens, But it still writes to the registry! Isn't there a way to do without that? See We will remove the speller settings from the registry. This will be: [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1202660629-2146979555-1343024091-500\Software\RIT\Voyager\Speller]

Voyager v4: Bug: SmartBat

2008-03-13 Thread Kertész Vilmos
I open SmartBat (F6) and there are no Tabs on the bottom of the window to be able to select different notepads. If I switch to the Scheduler and back, the tabs reappear. Confirmation? (Otherwise, I REALLY like to multiple dicts and fast shutdown :) -- Vili The Bat on Windows XP 5.1

Re: [The Bat! 4.0.18] Modified Flag in Status Bar of Message Editor

2008-03-12 Thread Kertész Vilmos
What is the purpose of the Modified Flag in the left corner of message editor's status bar? To remind people who contract Alzheimer's disease that they have already typed any text or what? ;-) In every text editor program or e.g. Word there is an icon like this. -- Vili The

Re[2]: [The Bat! 4.0.18] Modified Flag in Status Bar of Message Editor

2008-03-12 Thread Kertész Vilmos
sarcasm Feature Wish: I want a button in the status bar to toggle between Insert Text and Overwrite Text, because and MS Word have this feature, too! Who wants to support? /sarcasm Oops, this feature is implemented – have not realized that until now! ;-) BTW: Why is the

Re[2]: Multiple activations for Voyager? (was: Voyager v4 published!)

2008-03-12 Thread Kertész Vilmos
The idea is that one activation and install corresponds to one mastrkey.dat file, and this is the only file that you have to keep an eye on it. Would it not be easier if the mastrkey.dat had different names for each installation location|drive|computer? No. It is not really intended

Re[2]: Search window cannot be closed

2008-03-07 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Henk, If you search for messages, and you are inside a mail body, the search window cannot be closed with Esc. confirmed - it closes the message but isn't that wad? What do you mean that it closes the message? I talk about F7, search for message, click in a message body, and click Esc.


2008-03-07 Thread Kertész Vilmos
This is especially irritating, since TheBat takes AGES on my machine to shutdown ( I am sorry, but I am getting kind of frustrated because of the fact this last issue seems to be ignored by the devteam. I did not even get a conformation for the

Re[2]: Search window cannot be closed

2008-03-06 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Rick, If you search for messages, and you are inside a mail body, the search window cannot be closed with Esc. confirmed - it closes the message but isn't that wad? What do you mean that it closes the message? I talk about F7, search for message, click in a message body, and click Esc.

Re[2]: Search window cannot be closed

2008-03-06 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Rick, If you search for messages, and you are inside a mail body, the search window cannot be closed with Esc. confirmed - it closes the message but isn't that wad? What do you mean that it closes the message? I talk about F7, search for message, click in a message body, and click Esc.

TeamViewer, only the truth (Re[2]: Slow Mail Processing)

2008-02-25 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Jens, I changed the subject, as I want to get out the truth about TeamViewer. I think, you talk about another program... Mine is bigger :) TeamViewer does not need any unusual open port, so any user can use it. That is the good point in it. It can go thru corporate firewalls. I

Re: Filter did not work

2008-02-25 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Jens, i have a filter on subject [Spam], which did not work now. Did you change something which could have affected filtering? I have a strange feeling, and that it happened before, that some bugs reappear, depending who compiled the actual version... -- Vili The Bat on

Mass mailing bug fixed (was:

2008-02-25 Thread Kertész Vilmos
The Bat! is available at What's new in since [-] (#0005063) Wrong account could be used when mass mailing Confirmed as fixed, and BT closed :) -- Vili The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Bug: Picture viewer

2008-02-25 Thread Kertész Vilmos
The picture viewer has a strange behavior: 1. open a picture attachment 2. click on the Fullscreen icon 3. press Esc, so you see the picture in original view 4. press Esc, in order to close it. It changes to some not original, not fullscreen mode, and following Esc will not have affect, unless you

Re[2]: Database question, and GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR......

2008-02-24 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Zygmunt, Support for IPC files was removed very long time ago, in 3.86.02 version. Max wrote then: Many thanks for the info. I think, I sign up for TBTECH. -- Vili The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

Re[2]: Mass mailing - Newsletter

2008-02-24 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Eddie, But it's mainly me, my attitude. I wants things comfortable. Starting a wizard, which sdays: I do also Newslettering and it's so easy. Her we go: Step 1: IMPORTANT: Before you start set Focus to the Account you want to use. Innewversion (.17, not

Re[2]: Mass mailing - Newsletter

2008-02-24 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Eddie, And thank for the mail! I learnt some tricks from it! Well that's what this ML is for (or the OT or UDL). Look also at the posting of Marek mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]. He mentioned a few items I forgot. I saved that mail too :) -- Vili The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600

Re[2]: Slow Mail Processing

2008-02-24 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Jens, I can connect to your computer thru TeamViewer (, you just have to install the client module, is availiable in English and needs no installation at all - and is using VNC over SSH, works through NAT and (SSH open) Firewalls. Mine is bigger :)

Re[2]: Duplicated The Bat! in Taskbar under Vista

2008-02-24 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Marek, user reported me, sometimes it has TB duplicated in Taskbar, anybody can confirm? User has Windows Vista build 6000 and as user told me, left one is not active, so nothing happens when user click to it. That icon belongs to the Connection centre... doesnt it? Isnt it a

Re[2]: Duplicated The Bat! in Taskbar under Vista

2008-02-24 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Marek, user reported me, sometimes it has TB duplicated in Taskbar, anybody can confirm? User has Windows Vista build 6000 and as user told me, left one is not active, so nothing happens when user click to it. That icon belongs to the Connection centre... doesnt it? Isnt it a

Re: Slow Mail Processing

2008-02-23 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Kyle, All the system cleaning I did did not improve TB performance (cleanup need to be done anyway). So the problem appears to have been with the data base but I am not totally sure that was the only issue or what the problem was. :'( Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated. I

Re: Trouble with Upgrade

2008-02-23 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Ethan, My client has installed the new version of the Bat over their existing registered copy. As a result, all of the folders from A - I are now missing. The program functions. The folders can be found in the folder using the search the folder feature. However, they will not show

Re: Database question, and GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR......

2008-02-23 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Anyone know of a database program that you can import the bat messages into for easy reference. Im at over 200,000 messages on some of my accounts and would like to start a database of my messages for easy reference and cross referencing. If you dont use encryption, you may try my

Re[2]: Shortcut Ctrl+P prints message in main window instead viewer

2008-02-22 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Stefan, MM I can not test it now, but as user told me, when he opens message in MM Viewer and print it via Ctrl+P, message from main window is printed MM instead. It's because there was no keyboard shortcut defined for printing from a separate message viewer. But it will be fixed, right?

Questions for developers: number of Quick Templates and speed of TB/Voyager

2008-02-18 Thread Kertész Vilmos
I noted that by increasing the number of QTs in my TB and Voyager slows down when I am moving across folders. I mean, the displaying of message list in a folder took sometimes 1-2 seconds to show. I had ca. 20 QTs, that I normally set to share between all accounts. I cut out some, ca. 10,

Re: Slow Mail Processing

2008-02-18 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Kyle, too long, once mail is processed, reading each message takes between 6-10 seconds from the time I select the msg until I am able to switch to a new message. I deleted some of my Quick Templates and my Voyager sped up a lot! -- Vili The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600

v4.current: Bug: Mass mailing

2008-02-10 Thread Kertész Vilmos
I reported it a while ago, now added this note to - Select Account1 - Open Address book, File, Mass mailing using template, select a quick template - Active account, select Account2, another account - I personally select Action: Put in Outbox, but I

v4.current: Bug: After 2 years, help system still states server/client mode of TB

2008-02-10 Thread Kertész Vilmos
See: -- Vili The Bat (BETA) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

v4.current: Bug: SMTP auth

2008-02-10 Thread Kertész Vilmos still there: Using e.g. a GMail account (that requires SMTP auth): Account, Properties, Transport, SMTP, Authentication... window: 1. Perform SMTP auth, checked Use specific settings, put your user name and password in Require secure auth, not checked

Re[3]: Attachments Trouble?

2008-02-10 Thread Kertész Vilmos
message. After I further edit the outgoing message before sending, the attached zip file suddenly shows at 0 KB (instead of the original 50 KB or so). I don't see how editing a message could affect the attachment. I will monitor this further, just to make sure when it happens, but I have

Re: Upgrade to v4.0.11?

2008-02-10 Thread Kertész Vilmos
How can you upgrade to v4 on CIFnet when you either misplaced or never had a Login or Password for CIFnet? I looked through my files and did not find a CIFnet Login or Password, so maybe this is all new. Any ideals on how to get the upgrade to v4? TIA! Why do you need that? -- Vili The

Re[2]: MicroEd - Doubleclick to open Links

2008-02-09 Thread Kertész Vilmos
And if you doubleclick a MID link like this one ... mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... you get an Access denied warning. Confirmations? VA Still existent in 4.0.7. Still confirmed in 4.0.11. ditto. This is a biggie for me because I always like to test attachments and insertions like this to make

Re[2]: Deleting messages, empty box

2008-02-08 Thread Kertész Vilmos
When I delete e.g. 1000 mails from Trash, I can see that window that show the progress of deletion. Fine. But the middle of the window is transparent at me. While it deletes the mails, I can see thru the middle of that window. I hope you will get what I try to say here. Attached an example.

Re[2]: A great job again!

2008-02-07 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Eugene, And MAPI. I wish The Bat! could handle Exchange's public folders (it doesn't see them at all by now) and keep the connection to Exchange server open (I have to enter the password every time I receive new mail). I dont have to. -- Vili The Bat (BETA) on Windows XP

Re: The new GUI (was: A great job again!)

2008-02-07 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Eugene, Well a new gui is extraordinary enough ;-) MM The new GUI is already in 4.0. I feel confused. The only noticeable difference I can see is the gradient bars in the header pane. Anyway, I turned them off cause I dislike gradients. After that my looks very

Deleting messages, empty box

2008-02-07 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Tbbeta, It is an old issue, not related to v4. When I delete e.g. 1000 mails from Trash, I can see that window that show the progress of deletion. Fine. But the middle of the window is transparent at me. While it deletes the mails, I can see thru the middle of that window. I hope you will

Re[4]: 4.0 news

2008-02-06 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Bob, I am sure most or all people here understand your deadlines and admire what you do accomplish. Come on man, if we are not critical, who will be? One way of supporting RitLabs is to examine the alpha/beta very carefully! That is different than saying to the RitLabs team

SSCE use problem (was: Re[2]: 4.0 news)

2008-02-06 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Stefan, MP I doubt if this falls under the definition of complete showstoppers, but MP the fact that TB doesn't remember which languages to use for spell checking MP is rather annoying. Hmm. Language selection is stored here. I've just added Norwegian and restarted TB! to continue writing

Re: Should Editor viewer profile be sticky?

2008-02-06 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello MAU, Every time the Editor is opened it uses the default profile. What if I don't like it? Of course I can change it to my preferred one via View/Viewer Profile. But this will not stick for the next time and I'm wondering if perhaps it should. So far my solution has been to change the

Re[2]: Viewer profile, difference between Message auto-view and Separate window mode

2008-02-06 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Stefan, V 4.0.19: If Message auto-view is selected in the View menu, and click V on a mail, TB is using viewer profile #1. If I open that mail in a V separate window, it's using the default viewer profile... WAD What WAD stands for? -- Vili The Bat (BETA) on Windows XP


2008-02-06 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello George, I personally don't care but I am afraid many people are not going to like the new splash at start up. Personally I find that this splash screen is better and looking more professional than the old! I agree with you. This look is a more professional look. -- Vili The Bat

msgid behaviour

2008-02-05 Thread Kertész Vilmos
If I copy a valid, e.g. msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] link in an email I write an would like to see if it works, and double click on it, I get an ... Access denied error message. It works if the link is an incoming mail. Is it normal? -- Vili The Bat (BETA) on Windows XP 5.1 2600

Re: 4.0 news

2008-02-05 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Stefan, Check one of MAU's email, e.g.: msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I see this mail in the Message autoview with profile no. 1. If I open it in a separate window, it uses the default profile. This message has windows-1251 coding, which I did NOT included in profile no.1. They are

Re[2]: 4.0 news

2008-02-05 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Bob, Well, it happened many times before, so it won't be a big surprise, but... we are going to release 4.0 on February, 7th. It was the last date set for this release, so we must keep with it. I am sure most or all people here understand your deadlines and admire what you do

Re[2]: BETA???? (was: Re:

2008-02-04 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Henk, The Bat! (BETA) is available at I have just noticed it on my own signature. Is this the first **BETA** ?? Yes, noticed that too! Too sad. It has, if I see well, still many unsolved issues... -- Vili Current

Re: The Bat! (ALPHA)

2008-01-21 Thread Kertész Vilmos
[-] The memory occupied by viewed messages was not released properly. While wandering across messages, the memory consumption was raising, which might cause unpleasant results (like excessive disk swapping) when running The Bat! continuously during a few days. Way to go :) Ok, when can

Re: Virtual Folders

2008-01-20 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Peter, I found, that my Virtual Folders lost the entries of the folders they are applied to. Refresh only works from the context menu, ctrl+R or ESC don't work any more. Auto-refresh doesn't work either. Only here? No. I confirm that. -- Vili The Bat 3.99.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600

Slow shutdown

2008-01-20 Thread Kertész Vilmos
I installed FileAudit. It can log file access in folders. I found out the following: when I shutdown Voyager, there is a huge (sometimes 90 sec)delaybetweenfinished(?) writing addrbook.eni and reading/writing global.ini (after I used Voyager for a day, on a laptop, ca. 5

Re[2]: Slow shutdown

2008-01-20 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Thomas, KV It is reproducible. It is a reason, that me and many other users KV kick off TB/Voyager. Once, after like 5 days use of Voyager, I KV took a quick shower, Voyager still did not shut down. It took ca. KV 10 min to shut it down. So, I am seeking for support to push KV

Re[2]: Wish/Idea that would make TB unique

2007-12-14 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Marek, 2. If the above is complicated: how could I open a mail with specific msgid: in TB using an external software. I would build the assistant then and just tell TB which mail to open... commandline parameter /MSGID with Message-ID and folder /MsgId:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Version 4 testing

2007-12-03 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Ethan, Is version 4.0 testing anticipated prior to year end or sometime first quarter next year? By Xmas. -- Vili The Bat 3.99.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2 Current beta is 3.99.29 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: (no subject)

2007-12-03 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello Cees, hlmr Здравствуйте, . pity I ain't at work because I have the flue; otherwise I could have asked for a translation with my Russian colleague. But let me take a wild guess: Viagra: special offer! No. She said Hi. (8 years of learning Russian :)) -- Vili The Bat 3.99.6 on

Wish: Window header setting with template

2007-11-28 Thread Kertész Vilmos
I have many emails open in separate windows, many times. I use Alt + Tab to switch between them. Problem is that all of them has the same title, e.g. View Folder Inbox of GMail. I would like to see the sender or something else in the title. It should not be hard to implement, and I think a

Slow down when PC is waken up from sleep

2007-11-25 Thread Kertész Vilmos
I use a laptop with Voyager and TB! on the HDD, sometimes both running. If I extensively use the programs and put the laptop to sleep, and wake up, it slows down... It seems to me that with every sleep and wake up there is some memory that is not freed up... Also, it must be

Re: Memory Leak

2007-11-25 Thread Kertész Vilmos
I continue to experience some sort of memory leak with the current official version of The Bat. After about half of a day of use, it moves from 57, 232 K to just under 180, 000K. Even when I minimize the program, it still continues to escalate. Can anyone verify this problem? By the way, I


2007-11-20 Thread Kertész Vilmos
News: -- Vili The Bat 3.99.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2 Current beta is 3.99.29 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: v4

2007-11-20 Thread Kertész Vilmos
Hello George, extesnive changes of GUI will be available in 4.1, not in 4.0. Ok, now I'm officially confused. Is there any worthy changes to justify the jump from 3.99.25 to 4.00? If yes what are those and when will be tested? If no why release a 4.0 and later a 4.1 instead of finalizing the

Re[2]: v4

2007-11-20 Thread Kertész Vilmos
KV Marketing. Also Revenue$ :) Marketing = revenue. -- Vili The Bat 3.99.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2 Current beta is 3.99.29 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: The Bat! 4.0

2007-11-10 Thread Kertész Vilmos I read that several times, and I'm still sure what it says. Sure or not sure? :-) Your v3 key will work with v4.0.x. New code will need for v4.1.x and above. -- Vili The Bat 3.99.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

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