Re: Teaching Intro Psych

2001-06-25 Thread Matthew Raney
Make it relevant to them. Example-After you talk about hearing in the SP chapter tell them about the dangers of hearing loss at a modern rock concert. Use visual aids--overlays, slides, powerpoint. Use humor. I wholeheartedly agree. Give them some practical knowledge they can apply and

Re: chalkboard anyone?

2001-05-01 Thread Matthew Raney
I do, even if my handwriting resembles Sumerian cunieform. Too often I find that powerpoint presentations are just glorified, high-tech, boring overheads. I've actually received a lot of positive feedback about powerpoint overheads. I keep them very skeletal in nature, but the words are

Re: Non-Traditional Student Question

2001-05-01 Thread Matthew Raney
This disturbed me (and him), because I know of many Ph.D.s who entered grad school late and have gone on to successful and fulfilling careers. Also, in my personal experience, the opportunities are never quite as narrow as many people suggest. However, I would like to give him some

Re: our friend Will

2001-02-27 Thread Matthew Raney
From now on I suggest we ignore any postings from any yahoo or hotmail type addresses and have no sig line or are unknown folks to us. I think it's fine to ignore postings from someone that you cannot individually email, if it would seem to cause more harm than good by addressing it over the

Hemispheric functioning handedness

2000-12-05 Thread Matthew Raney
Given that we've been discussing hemispheric influences, I was wondering if anyone might know if hemispheric lateralization was different in any way for left-handed individuals versus right-handed individuals? Thanks, Matt

Re: Personality test for counselors

2000-11-01 Thread Matthew Raney
I'm curious as to what people think about the ethics of screening for pathology in potential mental health professionals. Would this constitute a form of discrimination against such folks? Could it also be counterproductive? (i.e., I've known people who were strongly motivated to enter the

Re: textbook recommendations

2000-10-13 Thread Matthew Raney
I need some recommendations for textbooks for an undergraduate class in Psychology of Personality I've used Perspectives on Personality by Carver and Scheier (4th ed.) for three semesters of teaching Personality, and found it wonderfully structured and well-suited to preparing a lecture.

Re: various questions

2000-10-04 Thread Matthew Raney
A student asked me what the difference is between schemas and stereotypes? The way I explained it to my students is as follows: A schema is a mental categorization of information and often helps us screen relevant info for our purpose out of all potential info/input (e.g., an architect

reinforcement schedules and punishment

2000-09-20 Thread Matthew Raney
Hey, all, Does anyone know if reinforcement schedules (i.e., continuous, fixed/variable-ratio/interval) also apply to punishment? Thanks for your time. Matt *** Matthew L. Raney, M.A., M.A.Work#:

Re: Levitation

2000-09-18 Thread Matthew Raney
I saw a program where David Blaine (Street Magic) was able to levitate from the ground he stood on. I would like to learn the art of levitation so that I can give demonstrations in class. Please send advice. I think it should be analogous to the art of flying, which simply involves falling

Re: Ever hopeful, I post more questions

2000-09-17 Thread Matthew Raney
1) Although some scientists claim that there is no predisposition for spoken language (as opposed to gestural) my developmental psych students noticed in one video of deaf children who were learning to sign, that the children were vocalizing anyway. he students wondered whether speech

Sleep Questions

2000-09-15 Thread Matthew Raney
Hey, all, I had a few questions students had posed, and was wondering if anyone could answer them or direct me to some good sources: 1) What occurs when people "twitch" themselves awake (including in what stage of sleep this occurs). 2) How long does the typical dream last, and why do

Intro Psych help

2000-08-27 Thread Matthew Raney
Hey, all, I'm starting to teach Introduction to Psychology for the first time this semester, and was wondering if folks could point me toward helpful web pages in regards to classroom and web demonstrations, activities, discussions, etc. Thanks for your time and help! Take Care, Matt

Testosterone fluctuations?

2000-06-06 Thread Matthew Raney
Hey, all, Once again, I had a student ask a good question for which I don't have the answer: do men have any type of cyclic fluctuation in testosterone levels? Another student was curious as to whether testosterone levels fluctuated and/or were different in men once they entered

Can neurons contain/use more than one neurotransmitter?

2000-05-25 Thread Matthew Raney
Hey, all, A colleague of mine recently had a student ask if a neuron can contain/use more than one type of neurotransmitter. Anyone know the answer to this? Thanks for your time, Matt *** Matthew L. Raney

what do brain teasers demonstrate?

2000-03-08 Thread Matthew Raney
I am not saying this as a criticism of the recent discussion. But frankly I have always hated brain teasers. It makes me just cringe to see them. For instance, I read all of Discover magazine except for the last page, which is a brain teaser... And I consider myself a problem-solver! Wonder

Dreaming and Sensation; Also Anesthesia

2000-03-01 Thread Matthew Raney
Hey, all, I'm currently teaching the Psychology of Personality, and we were discussing dreams today when a student asked if you could experience touch, smell or taste in dreams. I'm unaware of any research/empirical answer to this question. Does anyone know if people can and do experience such

Re: Black Psychohistory Month

2000-02-19 Thread Matthew Raney
And how about the Rorschach Inkbot projective tests? A white dude spills ink forming ambiguous figures and we include these as scientifically valid from the psychodynamic perspective and yet the magical configurines and hypotheses of other cultures are discredited. Dig?

High levels of serotonin?

2000-02-17 Thread Matthew Raney
Hey, all, I had a student ask what the effects of significantly high levels of serotonin might be, and wasn't quite sure. Does anyone know, or know of some reference where I might learn what the effects would be? Thanks! Matt Raney