Re: ldap authentication with tomcat

2001-08-24 Thread Boris Niyazov
Depending on your requirements you may want to create a auth servlet that authenticates users to ldap server using for ex netscape's ldapjdk package or JDNI classes, and then keep users login in the session object. All you protected servlets/jsps should assert the session checking if user's

Re: Log problem

2001-08-20 Thread Boris Niyazov
if i use log(testing) in Servlet using Tomcat where will this log going to ? to the $TOMCAT_HOME/servlet.log if you defined one in server.xml, for ex: Logger name=servlet_log path=logs/servlet.log verbosityLevel = DEBUG timestampFormat=-MM-dd

Re: Apache-Tomcat 3.2.3 problem (bstev)

2001-08-20 Thread Boris Niyazov
I'm setting up Tomcat, Apache and for developing/testing server pages locally using: Mac OS X, Apache 1.3.19, Tomcat 3.2.3 I'm getting the following errors when I boot up and try to start Apache and Tomcat: sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart /usr/sbin/apachectl restart: httpd not running,

Re: Tomcat on Windows vs. Unix

2001-08-20 Thread Boris Niyazov
If you have the same versions of jre/jdk on both platforms there shouldn't be any problems. - Boris Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm list-help: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] list-unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] list-post:

RE: Why and How Tomcat before Apache?

2001-08-18 Thread Boris Niyazov
Hi, All: Your help is highly appreciated for the following questions. 1. Does Tomcat have web-based administration functionality? We want to let the Tomcat administrator start/stop Tomcat through a Web-based interface. I have searched the mail archives, and found somebody starting working

Re: Servlet Runs SLow

2001-08-15 Thread Boris Niyazov
I do not think it's a servelt problem. It's probably the browser issue. - Boris Why WOuld a servlet which runs perfectly normal in Explorer take a long time to load in Netscape? On the Tomcat Console Window I see the request coming in immediately, but for

Re: install problem on Solaris7

2001-08-10 Thread Boris Niyazov
You probably need j2sdk (you can grab one for solaris on sun's website). It has development tools like tools.jar in its lib folder. Make sure you JAVA_HOME is set in order for tomcat to find required jars in the JAVA_HOME/lib hth - Boris MIME-Version:

Re: AW: Dynamically Generate PDF

2001-07-25 Thread Boris Niyazov
You may also want to look at for PDFdriver for Java. Worked for us. - Boris As usually there are many way to catch the rabbit: XSL: Instead of XSL

Re: request for suggestions on how to secure a web application....

2001-07-25 Thread Boris Niyazov
I'm not sure whether it'll work for you but you can assert current session on each jsp page that you want to protect (assuming you store user login info in the session) and throw an exception in case the object is not found in the session, then the exception can be caught by an error jsp

Re: How to increase debug reporting?

2001-07-25 Thread Boris Niyazov
in server.xml modify Logger elements. To specify log file use path attribute: Logger name=tc_log path=logs/tomcat.log erbosityLevel = DEBUG / this will redirect tomcat msgs to file $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/tomcat.log. Also in Context element you can specify different

Re: Tomcat memory-leak problem

2001-07-12 Thread Boris Niyazov
Well, GC releases memory used by JVM, but statements and RS can be unrelesed on the db level (depending on db engine), so if your db resides on the same box then eventually you gonna have memory problems on the box. - Boris On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Boris

Re: Include files in Tomcat

2001-07-12 Thread Boris Niyazov
The error indicates that tomcat doesn't know where the packages are located. Make sure you have JAVA_HOME is set and all jars needed are in $TOMCAT_HOME/lib. - Boris Hi i am working with XML and I have my JSPs in the tomcat (version 3.2.2) . I am

Re: can run tomcat on linux servlets but not jsp's

2001-07-11 Thread Boris Niyazov
You should not put your webapps classes in the system classpath. Tomcat startup script builds classpath dynamically based on content of $TOMCAT_HOME/lib, etc. Unset you CLASSPATH and try to start tomcat. Should help. - Boris Hi: I am trying to run

Re: Tomcat memory-leak problem

2001-07-11 Thread Boris Niyazov
You should probably look at your code for possible memoey leaks: not closed db objects (statements, result sets, connections) not closed file descriptors, etc. - Boris Hi! I'm using apache, tomcat jakarta 3.2.1, jdk1.2.2 on a linux 6.2 and a MS SQL

Re: Simple startup question.

2001-07-11 Thread Boris Niyazov
It's up to you. You can modify your S85httpd to include starting tomcat or create another script like S95tomcat that starts tomcat. Depending on how you configured apache-tomcat you may want to start tomcat before starting apache. If you do not rely on dynamicaly tomcat generated configs then

Re: Newbie needs help

2001-07-10 Thread Boris Niyazov
you can get it from - Boris again is under tomcat/lib. - Original Message - From: Graham, Steve (GIC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 1:17 PM Subject: RE: Newbie

Re: can't find download page for jakarta-servletapi

2001-07-10 Thread Boris Niyazov - Boris Hi, I'm new to Tomcat. I can't find the any source for the jakarta-servletapi. I found one email to this subject in the archive, but there where no solutions at all. Thx.

Re: Reloading

2001-07-10 Thread Boris Niyazov
* * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: Help Please

2001-07-09 Thread Boris Niyazov
if you use apache web server look at or - Boris Hello all, I am planning to use https: protocol for the secure communication(i.e. when ever i use users name and password i need to switch on to

Re: Problem running servlets on Apache/Tomcat

2001-07-06 Thread Boris Niyazov
* * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: JSP / JavaBean problem

2001-07-05 Thread Boris Niyazov
in the Request object, or if it has the value of , the jsp:setProperty element has no effect (a noop) hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED


2001-07-05 Thread Boris Niyazov
. * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: Session problem with netscape-6.01

2001-06-28 Thread Boris Niyazov
Seems like your netscape-6.01 is not configured to enable cookies ... hth Boris Niyazov Columbia Law School On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Zsolt Koppany wrote: Hi, I use tomcat-3.2.2 and every request seems to use (create) a new session from netscape-6.01. I don't have this problem with either

Re: Apache won't start with Tomcat

2001-06-26 Thread Boris Niyazov
As the error msg says you probably do not have the module (mod_jserv or mod_jk) build for apache (should reside in libexec of apache tree) hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems

Re: mysteriously dying connections (Oracle - tomcat)

2001-06-22 Thread Boris Niyazov
Make sure your developers properly close resultsets and statements. It could be that they remain open after exceptions. Make sure you have the closing statements in the finally section of try/catch/finally. hth * * Boris

Re: where is the JSP servlet

2001-06-21 Thread Boris Niyazov
Look at $TOMCAT_HOME/work/localhost_8080%2Fyour_webapp/ HTH * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School

Re: Internal Servlet Error

2001-06-21 Thread Boris Niyazov
Does the user who runs tomcat have proper permissions on $TOMCAT_HOME/work? * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia

Re: Compile ??

2001-06-20 Thread Boris Niyazov
. * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: apache tomcat as services under Linux

2001-06-20 Thread Boris Niyazov
I'd make tomcat start first and then apache, especialy in case when apache relies on tomcat-apache.conf that is updated dynamically by tomcat. * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems

Re: start up tomcat from a virtual terminal

2001-06-20 Thread Boris Niyazov
Are you closing the window w/o logging out first? Logout appropriately, using exit command or Ctrl/D, and then close the window if you need to. The reason is that Tomcat writes to stdout/stderr. hth * * Boris Niyazov

Re: distributable servlet in Tomcat3.2

2001-06-19 Thread Boris Niyazov
Your servlets belong to 2 different contexts, moreover - jvms ... sessions are defined per context ... hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL

Re: distributable servlet in Tomcat3.2

2001-06-19 Thread Boris Niyazov
Xavier, pls, disregard my posting. I didn't read your question correctly. I didn't work with distributedable servlets, so can't help with this. * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems

Re: Regarding loading a class on startup

2001-06-19 Thread Boris Niyazov
If your class is a servlet you may want to use load-on-startup 1 /load-on-startup in your web.xml hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager

Re: How can I make tomcat to instantiate a class

2001-06-18 Thread Boris Niyazov
* * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: How to avoid messages spamming?

2001-06-18 Thread Boris Niyazov
* * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: Fw: binary file upload fail

2001-06-05 Thread Boris Niyazov
You may want to take a look at O'Reilly package com.oreilly.servlet for file uploading: works for me. HTH * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems

Re: Server Beans Classes WEB-INF

2001-06-05 Thread Boris Niyazov
When you compile your jsp look where the jsp is trying to look for the been. Place the been in the appropriate subdirectory of WEB-INF/classes. You may need to package the beans. HTH * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212

Re: Tomcat and container question

2001-06-04 Thread Boris Niyazov
Do you think bombing of the mailing list with unsibscribe messages can help you to unsibscribe? How we as subscibers can help you with this? Would it be wiser to read subscribe/unsibscribe rules sent to you after you got subsribed? Boris Niyazov Systems Manager Columbia Law School

Re: Internal Server Error

2001-05-30 Thread Boris Niyazov
Is your Login.class is in %TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\web\WEB-INF\classes\VC folder? * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: simple Query

2001-05-30 Thread Boris Niyazov
check your http.conf for ServerName directive; make sure the name is dns valid name; hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: What is the value of auto-assigning beans?

2001-05-30 Thread Boris Niyazov
* * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: Can't add a context to Tomcat 3.3

2001-05-30 Thread Boris Niyazov
I put SnoopServlet.class in webapps/reports/classes It should be in webapps/reports/WEB-INF/classes hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL

Re: Changing default servlet url

2001-05-23 Thread Boris Niyazov
* * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: Changing Tomcat's User ID

2001-05-21 Thread Boris Niyazov
you may want to use in your script: /usr/bin/su nobody -c $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: 3.2.1 Dies

2001-05-21 Thread Boris Niyazov
Why use nohup if you can configure tomcat to log into a file? Logger name=tc_log path=logs/tomcat.log verbosityLevel = DEBUG / * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854

Re: Antigen found =*.vbs file

2001-05-09 Thread Boris Niyazov
may be that was the intention: to create a flood of junk mail on the mailing list ... * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: JSP Tomcat

2001-05-08 Thread Boris Niyazov
Could be other reasons: 1. your bean may not be autoreloaded after you change it. 2. if your bean does not close properly statements after using them, they still refer to old one. * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854

Re: Question about Debug log

2001-05-08 Thread Boris Niyazov
tail -f logs/tomcat.log hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL: http

Re: error message logging

2001-05-07 Thread Boris Niyazov
Look at server.xml: you can specify a log file for Loger name=tc_log, that where tomcat will redirect its logs insetad of console. Is it what you want? hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749

Re: session timeout

2001-05-02 Thread Boris Niyazov
. * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: session timeout

2001-05-01 Thread Boris Niyazov
you probably can find in your web.xml: session-config session-timeout 30 /session-timeout /session-config units seconds hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems

Re: auto reload not working

2001-04-26 Thread Boris Niyazov
on. * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: ClassCastException when passing a list of Beans to JSP page

2001-04-25 Thread Boris Niyazov
. * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL:

Re: The servlet prefix

2001-04-25 Thread Boris Niyazov
Why wouldn't you want to create a redirect? For ex for apache you can use: Redirect /servlet_app hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems

Re: JDK1.3 ?

2001-04-25 Thread Boris Niyazov
make sure tomcat knows the path to the class: place the corresponding jar file (parser.jar) in $TOMCAT_HOME/lib. hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email

Re: tomcat webapps/examples

2001-04-24 Thread Boris Niyazov
Create a new directory myweb under $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps, make similar structure that examples has. Restart tomcat. hth * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email

RE: Tomcat SSL

2001-04-24 Thread Boris Niyazov
probably use ajp13, meaning tomcat+mod_jk. This is my 2 cents * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School

Re: [tc3.3] configuring logging

2001-04-22 Thread Boris Niyazov
Read JSP spec. You should use application.log(...) in your JSP pages. HTH * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia

Re: Where does System.out.println go under Tomcat

2001-04-16 Thread Boris Niyazov
use application.log method in your jsp pages to log msgs into servlet.log. HTH * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: LDAP Server

2001-03-29 Thread Boris Niyazov
OpenLdap is realiable and FREE: * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School

Re: Reloading Servlets

2001-03-29 Thread Boris Niyazov
: reloading does not work all the time. * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL: http

Beans do not get reloaded

2001-03-28 Thread Boris Niyazov
, * * Boris NiyazovPh: 212-854-4094 Fax: 212-854-1749 * * Systems Manager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Columbia Law School URL: * *