Need help w. Tomcat

2003-06-03 Thread Steve Burrus
Hello all, I need help with not using the Tomcat server, but with actually getting it set up correctly. Every single time that I try to run it, it seems to be going good for a while, but then I always get a Fatal Parse Error, and it indicates a problem in the org.apache.commons.digester file with

Re: Need help w. Tomcat

2003-06-03 Thread Steve Burrus
? Kwok Peng Tuck wrote: Any other stuff get printed besides that ? Steve Burrus wrote: Hello all, I need help with not using the Tomcat server, but with actually getting it set up correctly. Every single time that I try to run it, it seems

Re: Need help - tomcat do not generate .java and .class file in the work folder

2003-02-14 Thread Steve Burrus
hOW exactly is that particular process done anyway Have you tailored the server.xml file to have a context for your webapp?? I have tried to do this before, but alas, without any successful results!! Now, tell me please about editing the servlet mapping and the servlet name tags because I


2003-02-14 Thread Steve Burrus
To whom were u referring to anyway, Mike And just go away, preferably never to return me perhaps??? If so, I thought that all of the damned *flaming* that WAS going on in this newsgroup had ceased forever, never to raise its' ugly head ever again, but i see that I was quite wrong!


2003-02-14 Thread Steve Burrus
Ron, was a rather nasty epithet to me Go F**ck yourself!!!? If so, I will also tell you, as I just now told another gentleman [sic] in our group that I solemnly thought and hoped so much that the flaming of one another had ceased forever in our little newsgroup. i guess that just plain basic

Re: How It's Done (was Re: Need help - tomcat do not generate .java and .class file in the work folder)

2003-02-14 Thread Steve Burrus
Hi Will. Once again, you prove that you are the undisputable master of the damn sarcastic reply!! [Yes. Exactly. *ding* *ding* *ding* A Winna!] I really don't need, for a moment, all of the upper case lettering which you seemingly chose to put into your offering. Do you really think that i am


2003-02-14 Thread Steve Burrus
Why in the hell do you think that u were wrong in *defending* me in this newsgroup anyway jsp?! What did I suddenly say, in my last posting, that has evoked this kind of a negative attitude from you? I just don't get it or understand you for a moment. Oh well, I really haven't caught on to where


2003-02-13 Thread Steve Burrus
Thanx jsp. I THINK that you were defending my honor :-) in telling someone else that I really don't need at all to RTFM! Ya, you're right that I don't need to read the manual when there is ready and plentiful help/assistance for me within the ranks of this Tomcat group of ours'.


2003-02-13 Thread Steve Burrus
David, sorry to *offend* u with additional postings on this thread!!! you're right, this threAd has sort of played itself out, and I will not post to this thread ever again, although I cannot control what others may wanna do.


2003-02-13 Thread Steve Burrus
Lemme clarify my earlier post for you Barley!! I only meant that there should be some kind of a nice combination of BOTH RTFMing AND getting/receiving useful advice from others in our newsgroup who have vastly more experience and knowledge with using Tomcat than i do, so far. Can you somehow

NEW POST: How do I view this jsp???

2003-02-13 Thread Steve Burrus
hi, I need help/assistance right now with viewing this particular jsp, a rather simple one, which displays the current date and time! Now, when I go to viewing it, any text which I might have written in it shows up OK, but the actual date and time does not. Now, what am i possibly lacking in the


2003-02-13 Thread Steve Burrus
Listen, I said that it would PROBABLY be the last/final post on this thread!!! I didn't make any promises at all to you or anyone else that it would absolutely be the last one. Go back please and read that particular posting in question. People in this group just wanna jump on my back for the

RE: newbie installation problem

2003-02-12 Thread Steve Burrus
Excuse my ignorance please, but what does RPM stand for exactly?? I guess that the PM is package management.


2003-02-11 Thread Steve Burrus
Well, well, Jim, aren't just flat too damned *cute* for yer own good?!!! You think that what u said makes me feel any better?: Steve,Don't go away mad, just go away! How on earth is your *crappy* response back to me gonna help me out w. my long series of problems? I'll bet that you really don't


2003-02-11 Thread Steve Burrus
Matthew, please forgive my *dumb naivety*, but what does RTFM mean,i.e., what does it stand for exactly anyway? I hope that this doesn't sound like some kind of a rant [again], but it seems like for a long time now people in this newsgroup have ragging on me! Capiche?!


2003-02-11 Thread Steve Burrus
Sorry Romeo if not every single one of my numerous posts have anything to do with Tomcat or jsp's or servlets, but I am only human and have certain feelings and attitudes which I Iike/love to openly display for everyone else in this newsgroup of ours' !


2003-02-11 Thread Steve Burrus
Mike, (u don't mind if I call you Mike do you? :-) ) what did you mean by stating Don't feed the troll, eh?


2003-02-11 Thread Steve Burrus
I will keep this little note to the whole group short and sweet. I am feeling quite contrite and even sorry about the *hideous* way in which I have acted recently. It seems like this isn't the 1st time that I have felt compelled to openly apologize to our newsgroup for my behavior, and probably

Re: Need help w. another jsp!

2003-02-10 Thread Steve Burrus
Rasputin (whatever the hell your real name is supposed to be!!!), I guess that you haven't gotten the msg. yet from me that i successfully executed the calendar.jsp last nite!!! Not that you will ever read this little message from me IF you have seen fit to channel my postings into yer

RE: Need help w. another jsp!

2003-02-10 Thread Steve Burrus
Hi Daniel, I don't think that I have ever heard from u before--but that is neither here or there :). Listen, about handling that switch-case block in my code, someone suggested to me that I wrap the whole block in brackets ({ }). And that would magically make my problems with the code go away!


2003-02-10 Thread Steve Burrus
This might be just enough from me to get me permanently kicked off of this newsgroup (are you reading this, Craig R. McClanahan??) I don't really care! I just had to get off of my chest a thing or two, and that is that just about all of you people out there in this newsgroup seem to have in


2003-02-10 Thread Steve Burrus
Thank you Peng for being THE ONLY PERSON TO RESPOND TO ME SO FAR!!! I really do appreciate your honesty that u seemed to display in yer response back to me!!! And, I have never stated this as a reason for sounding the way that I must to others in our newsgroup, but I have never much learned the

RE: Need help w. another jsp!

2003-02-10 Thread Steve Burrus
Hi Denise, and I really do appreciate yer nice response back to my plea for some help/assistance with this damn ControlFlow.jsp of mine. Listen, did you know that the switch-case is in a jsp, and so the whole block is contained in these symbols (% %). Now, how exactly do I handle that? I need

Re: Need help w. another jsp!

2003-02-09 Thread Steve Burrus
Sean Dockery, while I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE yer helpful advice which you have offered to me (in fact, u are the only person so far to offer any advice for this current problem of mine!) it still isn't going right at all!! Here is a screen dump from the tomcat server error page. Note that it is

Re: Need help w. another jsp!

2003-02-09 Thread Steve Burrus
SUCCESS gentlemen with the calendar.jsp!!! I got it to execute in the Tomcat app. server--probably my very 1st jsp/servlet to successfully run!!! All that I had to do was to correct a variable name (it had a "-" in it mistakenly) and then "lo and behold" it ran! I am, however, having a problem now

Re: Accessing Java Classes

2003-02-08 Thread Steve Burrus
Hi Brian, or Bio Jazz. Ya, I am wondering about the very same thing that you are now agonizing about! Re. putting your classes that you need to execute a jsp/servlet in the Tomcat container is a long-time problem of mine! I am still trying to learn the fine art of packaging up classes, lemme

Need help w. another jsp!

2003-02-08 Thread Steve Burrus
Hello all, I am having yet more trouble with executing a jsp in the right way! The jsp in question this time is a calendar.jsp, which as the name of it suggests, displays a calendar. I placed/put it into the right folder, the C:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes, but alas, when I go

Re: servlet URL

2003-02-07 Thread Steve Burrus
will, this has NOTHING to do with what you responded to, i.e., whatever problem some Tomcat user had, but I was honestly wondering why you haven't seen fit to respond back to my email to u some time ago, like some 10 days to 2 weeks ago?!! Don't you respect me enough to respond back to my

Can someone tell me please.........

2003-02-07 Thread Steve Burrus
Can someone tell me please just what the current methods are supposed to be for the deprecated getValue() and setValue() and there's some other method dealing with Value that I momentarily forgot! A recent program that I was trying to run gave me about 3 separate deprecation warnings when I

RE: Why won't anyone help me out??

2003-02-05 Thread Steve Burrus
Hi Chuck, I just now read your little post to me, and I apologize for my sheer stupidity, but would u please humor me and tell me what exactly you mean by an open source product??! Am I to assume that the jar files in the product will demonstrate to me the fine art of packaging up class

RE: Tomcat 4.1.18 will not start for me(Hello am to facing the same problem is there anyone to help us out)

2003-02-05 Thread Steve Burrus
Yes, yes, i would wholeheartedly echo what Nicole said, that you should very definitely check to see that you properly installed the JDK and that u have correctly set the env. variables the right way, including NOT typin' in the (;) symbol at the end of the path statements.Capiche?

RE: Why won't anyone help me out??

2003-02-05 Thread Steve Burrus
John, I just now read over your little response back to me, and I must say that for maybe NO response back from you which I sort of anticipated you certainly devoted quite a lot of typing away to answer me. I will only refer u to what I posted yesterday to our newsgroup yesterday. Here it is:

Why won't anyone help me out??

2003-02-04 Thread Steve Burrus
Well, seeing how no one, so far, has seen fit to respond back to my plea for help/assistance, I will re-post this from late last nite!! I am getting quite desperate the longer that I have to go on without getting this right! Hello again, Filip, I tried to package up the 2 required files,

RE: Why won't anyone help me out??

2003-02-04 Thread Steve Burrus
Hi Jakob, I just gotta respond back to your posting w. the obvious question of you: Why do you necessarily recommend to me that I start to check out Macromedia's Cold Fusion product??! How would that help me get over this problem with being able to execute a jsp/servlet in the Tomcat container?

RE: Why won't anyone help me out??

2003-02-04 Thread Steve Burrus
Ron, you know, at least I hope to God that you do, that your rather snide comment to me (which you saw fit to send me TWICE, I guess to make your point to me twice!) is going to elicit a response back from me of some nature!!! Now, how on earth do you personally think that my language/wording

RE: Why won't anyone help me out??

2003-02-04 Thread Steve Burrus
Ken, this is the constant whiner, and I sincerely apologize to you and others for my less-than-desirable manner in which I seem to have posted my pleas for help both now and in the past!!! I will certainly admit that I have a lot to learn about manners, as others do also (I won't name names!).

RE: Why won't anyone help me out??

2003-02-04 Thread Steve Burrus
Hi John, were you directly addressing me in your post or that other guy who wrote me that little choice email?? I don't wanna perpetuate this flame war which I seem to be momentarily bogged down in right now, but I was just a little bit curious as to who you were talking to!!! Surely the

RE: Why won't anyone help me out??

2003-02-04 Thread Steve Burrus
JSP, right before I go to beddie bye for the nite, I just had to ask u directly what in the hell you meant by the damned phrase Live long, and prosper? Were you trying/attempting to be cute or something because we really don't need that kind of cuteness in our little newsgroup!!!

RE: jsp:useBean error

2003-02-03 Thread Steve Burrus
Hi Filip, I just now read yer little email msg. to me, and I understand that there should be little or even nothing that I need to do special to get the jsp/servlet to work in JBuilder!! However, I have no experience at all in packaging up a .java file! Would u please humor me and explain the

RE: jsp:useBean error

2003-02-03 Thread Steve Burrus
Hello again, Filip, I tried to package up the 2 required files, login.jsp and into a newly created org.burrus.test folder, and then compiled them into that same folder/directory to create 2 .class files, but then when I tried to run the whole program in my JBuilder 8, I STILL

Still need help w. Tomcat installation

2002-09-09 Thread STEVE BURRUS
in DOS, I always seem to get an error message saying that the JAVA_HOME variable is either missing or improperly set. Now, what's up with that anyway? Sincerely Yours, Steve Burrus SINCERELY YOURS, STEVE

Re: tomcat + apache

2002-08-09 Thread steve Burrus
Buenos Tardes, Carlo, this is Estebban Burrus, and I was just wondering if u could possibly put your submission in English, as I would love to help you, but don't speak Spanish!! Gracias.

Re: Apache + Tomcat sometimes pegs CPU

2002-08-02 Thread steve Burrus
Hello there, I need the file--mod_jk.dll--to be able to smoothly connect the Tomcat 4.0.* Server with the Apache HTTP Server!!! Does anyone out there have the download link to access and then install this file WHICH I STILL DON'T HAVE! I am getting sick and tired of seeing other members of the

And I LOVE you too, John!

2002-08-02 Thread steve Burrus
Hello dear Johnnie, this is Steve Burrus, and I just now read your little response back to me in which you seemed to set a pissed off tone toward me!! I am QUITE SORRY if I hijacked threads to make my demands [-sic] of other members of the tomcat users newsgroup, and that includes you

Re: Starting tomcat in a graphical environment????

2002-07-08 Thread steve Burrus
Hi Carlos, this is Steve Burrus, and I would like to ask u the question: What version of RedHat Linux are you using??! ** Carlos wrote: Hi Forum, Is it possible to start tomcat in a graphic environment in Linux RedHat