About environment entries

2005-09-19 Thread luc_boudreau
Question number one : I've noticed that Tomcat 5.5.X includes environment entries definition possibility in the admin webapp. Are those of any use in a Struts framework webapp ? I would like to access their value to configure my webapps built on Struts so I could deploy them on various

Cannot load JDBC driver class 'org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver'

2005-09-14 Thread luc_boudreau
Hi fellas, I'm working on Tomcat 5.5.7 on a webapp compiled by Ant using shared and common libraries in their respective tomcat folders. My mysql driver (mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar) is in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/ folder and I still get the following message : Cannot load JDBC

Tomcat 5.5 classloader log4j vs JCL issue

2005-09-02 Thread luc_boudreau
I'm having the same issue and after trying to follow the instructions given by Paul Austin, I've got stuck on the part that says to add a listener. There's no place for a listener in web.xml according to the dtd validation file. Am I wrong ? (I'm using Tomcat 5.5.9 with the struts framework)

Re: Apache-like Deny/Allow directives

2005-07-18 Thread luc_boudreau
The deny directives in the httpd.conf are not respected when it comes to pages ending with either of the .jsp or .do extensions, and are therefore relayed to Tomcat which then gives the response to the browser. The Deny directives are not respected for these requests. But I know that Apache

TR: Apache-like Deny/Allow directives

2005-07-18 Thread luc_boudreau
It seems that the Location directive is the right one to use. I've been using the Directory directive and it didn't block the dynamic content. Now that I've added the Location directive, it works and more, it adds a supplemental security barrier. Thanks a lot for your ideas, it really helped

Apache-like Deny/Allow directives

2005-07-15 Thread luc_boudreau
Is there any way, with Tomcat, to block connections from domains and allow only certain ones, just like the Apache directive : Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from .company.com I've setup my Apache server to do this, but since all the dynamic content is relayed to tomcat (jsp's), it is

RE: Connector for apache and tomcat

2005-06-16 Thread luc_boudreau
Please verify first that you did not added a secont connector on port 8009 in tomcat/conf/server.xml for they cannot listen both on the same port. Second, the instructions i've provided are for mod_jk.so version 1 minor 13. Please make sure you've got the right module library. It seems to me

RE: Can't find workers file

2005-06-16 Thread luc_boudreau
Fedora Core 3 uses a special security system called [something I've forgot...] which runs the Apache process a it's own user name/group and prevents it from accessing files that doesn't belong to him. Search in that direction and you should find what you are looking for. Consider placing the

RE: Connector for apache and tomcat

2005-06-15 Thread luc_boudreau
Please refer to message 128209 for a complete howto. Request it by sending an email to : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Paths for JkMount

2005-06-14 Thread luc_boudreau
Hi, Well, I never made any research on Jk with Virtual Hosting, but I think this might help. It's a reply I gave to someone who asked for configuration instructions with Tomcat 5.5, Apache 2 and Jk. Hope it helps ! First, in httpd.conf, load your module : LoadModule jk_module

RE: Paths for JkMount

2005-06-13 Thread luc_boudreau
Hi, I used relative path to mount files to Tomcat with the JkMount directive so I don't think your problem comes from that. First. Be sure that : - Aliasses have been created in httpd.conf - Your JkMount directives are placed between section 2 And 3 of httpd.conf - Your JkMount

Tomcat - Apache - Jk

2005-06-09 Thread luc_boudreau
Is it normal that Apache configured to relay jsp's to Tomcat doesn't write the contents of the page (jpeg, gif, css and others) in it's access log ? I've configured Apache to relay only .jsp and .do requests, how is it that the images don't show up in the access log ??? Luc

RE: Module jk2 and jk Connectormodules

2005-06-08 Thread luc_boudreau
Hi, Jk suse 9.1 binary? Yes, you need a binary module suitable for your OS. Or, you still can try tom compile it for your system, but it's not recommended since it's too long for not so many more advantages. Same: /, \ for suse? Of course, you have adapt the paths to match your OS logical

RE: Module jk2 and jk Connectormodules

2005-06-07 Thread luc_boudreau
I've configured lately such a configuration. I first tried to use the jk2 module, but soon discovered that it was deprecated and much more complex to use. I really recommend using jk. There are big differences in the configuration directives required in the httpd.conf by jk and jk2. Since I've

RE: Apache Integration

2005-05-31 Thread luc_boudreau
After the whole day searching for answers in the Jakarta docs, I've come up with something. I made a whole howto which I'll publish right after I test it. It turns out that many docs published by people about Tomcat/Apache integration are wrong and make big mistakes. A lot of them mix-up jk

Re: Apache Integration

2005-05-30 Thread luc_boudreau
Well, things got a bit more complicated lately. Now, my bos wants me to connect both Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5 to the httpd server. If I use mod_jk, I have to specify the path to a tomcat installation in the workers.properties in the Apache2/conf/httpd.conf file. So, there's no way to connect

Apache Integration

2005-05-27 Thread luc_boudreau
I'm trying to setup an Apache 2.X server to relay JSP's to a Tomcat 5.5 server. So far, the information I've found is fragmented and out of date. It concerns Tomcat 3.2 and the libraries used by this « hot-to » are deprecated. For example, it says to install the mod_jserv module, which is

Context Class with Tomcat 5.5.7

2005-05-26 Thread luc_boudreau
I'm developping on Tomcat 5.5.7 and I want to use the Environment Entries with my servers. To access those entries, it seems like I need to use the Context class located in the package org.apache.tomcat.core.Context. I cannot find this package or the source code for this class. Is there