do you have a simple application or does it have complex components like rmi
server or pooling. Look for data structures like pooling that have refrences
that never go away, It may be something is allocating objects to a thread that
never dies it may help if you set stuff you are not using to nu
it's not a cookie thing, we still need to find where all the memory is
going :-(
> -Original Message-
> From: Ben Parker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 09 July 2001 22:53
> Subject: Nasty OutofMemory problem - possible reason: Cookie
We are facing a very persisitent and nasty OutofMemory problem and have
narrowed down the possible culprits
Linux 2.2.14 SMP
Tomcat 3.2.2 binary
JDK (Sun 1.3)
Apache 1.3.16 (with mod_usertrack for cookies)
mod_jk compiled from source (thanks to this list's archives, that helped the
99% CP