AW: mod_jk v. mod_webapp v. ???

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
From a earlier post of mine: (Hasn't made it to by now) mod_jk successor of mod_jserv - Currently the best (At least that's what I sample from the traffic in this list) connector for apache mod_jk2 successor of mod_jk - currently in alpha or

AW: WebContainner Portable Login Module

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
If it really isn't possible to use the standard form login, a portable solution (across all 2.3 containers) would be a servlet filter that implement your own form login. Another option that we implemented for jsp 1.0: Our application has one main page that contains the common

AW: No jk binaries?

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
First check if the source tree contains the directory that matches the package name. If not check if the tarball contains this directory. Tell us the result. Why do you try to build the java part new ? AFAIK you just have to build the native part of the connector. -Ursprüngliche

AW: server.xml

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
What is the sense of your class ? If it is not a Resource you don't need to setup anything in server.xml to use your class. Otherwise see -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Johnny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet:

AW: No jk binaries?

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
I haven't built mod_jk on my own, but i was surprised to see javac in the output. I thought all jar files that are needed are part of the distribution that let me think, that to build the native part in jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native is enough. (Obviously I think to much) It sounds as

AW: Installation successfull but still problems!

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Sounds as if the java compiler that is used by tomcat is an older version than the java that contains the the rt.jar. Do you have an older jdk/jre version on your computer ? If so are you shure you deleted all traces from the environment and the registry ? -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-

AW: Connection Pooling?

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
In the latest version the answer is no ! Tomcat contains dbcp from the jakarta-commons project which is a complete connection pool. So you driver doesn't have to implement pooling. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Meichun Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2002

AW: Installation successfull but still problems!

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
AFAIK there are some registry keys that are use by java, if one shows to the wrong version, there is nothing that tomcat do about that. I'm not using jdk and tomcat under windows, so I can't give you more advice. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Gunter D'Hondt [mailto:[EMAIL

AW: AW: Connection Pooling?

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
AFAIK DBCP not part of the distribution, but you can download it seperately from: Don't know which libraries you need additionally from the commons-project. And you can read more about it at:

AW: AW: server.xml

2002-07-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
I stil don't understand what you are doing and what exacly fails. - What is the url that you request. - Is this request a servlet or a jsp. (Is the class you talked about in the previous post a servlet ?) - Are there any messages in the logs ? - Which connector do you use (I guess

AW: AW: Problem with jdk1.3 nad jdk1.4

2002-07-05 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Have a look at this links: (Require login) -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: shanmugampl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Freitag, 5. Juli 2002

AW: JSP destroy problem

2002-07-05 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
All default variables that are exposed by the jsp engine are not accessible inside %! %. Have a look at the generated source and you get a better understanding what happens: class foo ... { public void _jspService(...) { ... HttpSession session = null; ... } public void

AW: Tomcat, Webapp and PHP

2002-07-08 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
The url's for these resources must be outside the path of the webaplication. (So if you mapped / to a default context all request are handled through mod_webapp) If you can't change this you might switch to mod_jk. With mod_jk you can specify patterns like *.jsp that should be handled through

AW: How to detect whether Tomcat is running?

2002-07-08 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
If you don't change it, the jsp engine always sends content length = -1, as it don't knows how long the output will get at the time it creates the header. So it is better to read the stream and parse the result for the status code. Note taht the content length may be -1 if an error happens

AW: Feasibility question

2002-07-08 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
For the single login look at nglesignon.html -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Iain Downie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Montag, 8. Juli 2002 16:12 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: Feasibility question

AW: JSP variable problem

2002-07-09 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Why do you store the objects in the session, if you want to detroy them whenever you leave the the page ? Why not use something like this % Object mResource = ... % This kind of object will just live as long as the request is processed. If you want to store objects that have to be accessed

AW: Error-Handling

2002-07-09 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
What error(s) do you get ? Try using fehler.html or fehler.jsp. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Jens Thielen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Juli 2002 11:58 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: Error-Handling I'm using Tomcat 3.3 and i put the following in my web.xml

AW: Custom Tag caching bug in 4.1.6, 4.1.7

2002-07-09 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
There has been a little discussion about OSCache some days ago, that might match your problem. (See atached mails) -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Douglas, Rory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Juli 2002 17:20 An: Tomcat Users List (E-mail) Betreff: Custom Tag caching

AW: JSP variable problem

2002-07-10 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
That's the beautifull thing, the objects that are bound to the request will be released from memory as soon as the request is finished. (Technically not perfercly true they are just marked as 'not needed anymore' and will be removed witg the next run of the garbage collector(). When and under

AW: jar_cache files

2002-07-10 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Under unix it's legal to delete files that are in use. If a used file is deleted, the directory entry (i-node) is removed but not the file. The file will automagically deleted if the file isn't used any longer. Depending on the architecture of the process that uses the file you may get

AW: Virtual Hosts Question

2002-07-10 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
I don't now if it is realy possible to use mod_jserv and mod_jk in one apache. Is there any reason that you don't setup two instances of apache? That would be the easiest and safest way to get what you want. If you wan't to stick to your approach I would recommend to setup 2 virtual hosts

AW: Virtual Hosts Question

2002-07-10 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
It is possible we have a structure like that: /www/online/site 1 - n /conf httpd.conf File that contains the site specific setup for apache ... /bin Script that calls the apache that we want to use for this site with the site specific httpd.conf

AW: reload servlet after any Exception

2002-07-10 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
- It's not a good idea to open a connection in the init method. - It's better to use a connection pool (e.g. DBCP from the commons project) and get the connection from the pool for each request (ideally this handles timeouts transparently to the application programmer). - If you want

AW: Tomcat, Linux and new JDK

2002-07-11 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Not that I think that I'm more authoritative, but this is my answer: Linux implements Threads as lightwight processes that share some resources. (That's not the same as having no threads, it just a diffent kind of implementation) -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AW: Cannot load mod_jk.dll into server!

2002-07-11 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Can you show us your LoadModule directive ? The log doesn't complain about not finding mod_jk.conf but mod_jk.dll. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Gunter D'Hondt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2002 09:22 An: 'Tomcat Users List' Betreff: Cannot load

AW: Cannot load mod_jk.dll into server!

2002-07-11 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
JkMount /tomcat-docs/* ajp13 JkMount /examples ajp13 JkMount /examples/* ajp13 JkMount /manager ajp13 JkMount /manager/* ajp13 /VirtualHost Gunter -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ralph Einfeldt Sent

AW: Debugging Servlets

2002-07-11 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
As far as I can tell the instructions for the use of Jswat with tomcat are not correct (at least a bit missleading). If you use %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\catalina.[bat|sh] jpda start you shouldn't set the CATALINA_OPTS, otherwise the vm will get started with 2 sets of options (one that you specified

AW: Regarding charset

2002-07-11 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Do you use static or dynamic includes ? According to the spec it's not allowed to modify the response in an dynamically included jsp. One option to avoid the setting in all top level jsp's would be to write a filter that sets the encoding in the response. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-

AW: AW: Regarding charset

2002-07-11 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
For filter have a look at According to your example: I don't see why this wouldn't work. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Irina Lishchenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2002 14:12 An:

AW: Where is WARP connector

2002-07-11 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
mod_webapp, mod_jk2 don't make any sense with tomcat stand alone. They are connector to webservers. There are just two connector for standalone HttpConnector and Coyote. The later is a replacement for the former with a complete redesign. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Turner, John

AW: How to hide a download file

2002-07-11 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
That's not true in all cases. To implement servlets that implement the complete HTTP 1.1 command set it takes some knowledge about the spec and the servlet isn't trivial at all (have a look at the source of tomcats servlet that does this). For the result the original poster desired there are 2

AW: Cannot load mod_jk.dll into server!

2002-07-12 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Just a shot in the dark: Have you verified, that the user that runs tomcat has the right to read that file? (As the access time changes, I assume that he has at least enough rights to read the directory) -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Gunter D'Hondt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

AW: Few questions with XSS vulnerability

2002-07-12 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
See below: -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Freitag, 12. Juli 2002 14:18 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: Few questions with XSS vulnerability Since I can't upgrade to the latest beta (trying to stick with RPM's), the

AW: Two Questions about Tomcat

2002-07-12 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
See below: -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Serdar BOZDAG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Freitag, 12. Juli 2002 15:18 An: tomcatGroup Betreff: Two Questions about Tomcat 1. Can I access from browser to a folder under the WEB-INF folder. No. 2. How can I add another server

AW: AW: Few questions with XSS vulnerability

2002-07-12 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
It loks like tomcat can't parse your web.xml file completely. Did you remove/disable the servlet-mapping and the servlet entry for the invoker servlet ? -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Freitag, 12. Juli 2002 15:53 An: Tomcat

AW: jdk1.4 vs jdk1.2 ==Here is the error page. MAYBE A DEVELOPER OF THIS THING WOULD KNOW!

2002-07-15 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
That looks like there is an outdated servlet.jar (or another jar file that contains a javax.servlet.jsp.pageContext class) in the classpath. Previous version of the jsdk just had a handlePageException(Exception) the latest version (2.3) has a handlePageException(Throwable) which is used by

AW: Tomcat MySQL Run On Read-Only Media ..

2002-07-15 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Unless you know your customers very well that isn't a road I would follow. I can hardly imagine cutomers that are willing to loose there primary os just to view a product catalog. That happens at least for the time you run the cd. (No quick copy and paste to the mail reader, no quit look at the

AW: Tomcat4 + Apache2, and I need the tomcat connectors

2002-07-15 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
But this method has the same drawback as the current implementation of mod_webapp: It serves all content under a webapp through tomcat. If you want that apache serves the static content you have to place the static content outside the webapp. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Rick Mills

AW: Redireceting HTTP - HTTPS

2002-07-17 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
This is a problem between your mail reader (Outlook I guess) and the original post. Look at the option of the mail there is something like From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Your mailer just displays your name instead that of the original poster in the from field. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-

AW: tomcat+jdbc

2002-07-17 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Some variable that you use on line 71 in is null. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Mario Henley Becerril Geldis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2002 03:41 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: tomcat+jdbc java.lang.NullPointerException at

AW: common/lib installation problems

2002-07-18 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
1. You need a J2SE not J2RE to run tomcat with jsp's that are not precompiled. 2. Your classpath looks quite strange. 3. It might be easier just to use the zipped tomcat version and just extract that. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Kirsten Sachwitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

AW: HttpSessionBindingListener, HttpSessionListener : Session already invalidated

2002-07-18 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
What do you want do with the session ? You have always the option to store everything you need from a session in an object that is a HttpSessionBindingListener and use that information to do what you want. (In your example you can either the let the object caddy implement it, or you can

AW: Caching problems

2002-07-18 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
- Do you run behind a connector or stand alone ? - Have you tried to see if the headers are even sent ? Just telnet to your http port and requst the page manually. GET /url HTTP/1.0crcr cr=enter - Do you set the header as early as possible ? Tomcat 3.* might have a different buffer

AW: Is Tomcat affected by the Apache HTTP Server chunked encodingv ulnerability?

2002-07-18 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
I think that is not completely right. - As the VM is written in C or C++ and uses some native libraries it always possible that there is a buffer overflow error in that part. It's just not possible to create new buffer overflow errors wihout using native code, but code you write might

AW: How to close a response?

2002-07-19 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
One idea for the magicMethod: (Just PseudoCode has never seen a compiler) synchronized (session) { String mMagicSessionToken = session.get(MagicToken); String mMagicRequestToken = request.getParameter(MagicToken); String mRandom = GetRandomNumber.toString(); if ((mMagicSessionToken !=

AW: Apache/Tomcat/Mod_jk = setKeepAlive() in = NoSuchMethodError

2002-07-19 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
The first thing that puzzles me is that you have org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConnector in server.xml although you are talking about mod_jk. I don't have an idea how this might cause your error message. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Gunter D'Hondt [mailto:[EMAIL

AW: Apache/Tomcat/Mod_jk = setKeepAlive() in = NoSuchMethodError

2002-07-19 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
As i'm not a user of mod_jk, I won't burn my mouth. Maybe this link helps to answer your question: -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Gunter D'Hondt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Freitag, 19. Juli 2002 09:30 An:

AW: unsubscribe does not work

2002-07-19 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Has your mail adress changed or do you now use a different address than in your subscription ? Look at the return path of the mails and you get: Return-Path: tomcat-user-return-26788-your name=your If that doesn't match use this address to

AW: Session timeout mystery

2002-07-19 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Have you verified that the reload requests have hit the server ? (access.log or own log in the doGet) Some browser have there own opinion if and when they honor the cache prevention headers (especially some IE versions). -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: HC Hammerstoft, InterResearch

AW: Help with build

2002-07-22 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Tomcat 3.1 isn't that outdated. 3.2 came in the last quarter of 2000. (That's less than 2 years ago). Software that is in production can get much older (I know customers, that still run the software that I developed 10 years ago) There can be many reasons to that: - You have to use what your

AW: AW: Help with build

2002-07-22 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
See below: -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Montag, 22. Juli 2002 17:26 An: Tomcat Users List Betreff: Re: AW: Help with build 3.1 itself was earlier than that (4q1999) ... and I don't know any Tomcat developers who

AW: Xalan performance within Tomcat

2002-07-22 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
As the original post says that the cpu performance was lower for the servlet application, it sounds to me as if tomcat and the servlet fight for the same restricted resource. I just can give the advice to monitor the system to see any differences. (Watch for swapping, paging, disk io, use a

AW: default pageEncoding

2002-07-23 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
AFAIK it not possible to set the default encoding by configuration. But you could write a servlet filter that does this. -Ursprungliche Nachricht- Von: Dmitry Melekhov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Juli 2002 08:26 An: Tomcat Users List Betreff: Re: default

AW: How can I access files that are in the webapps directory?

2002-07-23 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Put them in the webapps/ROOT directory. webapps is the parent directory for all contexts. ROOT is the directory for the default context. Unless you define a new context (web application) it's enough to put your files in the ROOT directory -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Laurence Turpin

AW: AW: default pageEncoding

2002-07-23 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Sorry, my answer was a bit to fast. There is more than one aspect of the encoding: - Compiletime This aspect defines which character set is/was used to write the source of the page. That's what you can define with the -encoding option of javac. I'm not shure, how to specify that for

AW: Tomcat Question

2002-07-23 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
What classes are you talking about servlets/beans or jsp's ? AFAIK in that version of tomcat the reloadable flag only works for jsp's. Try to touch a jsp (change the modification date) and request it. This should also reload the classes that are loaded through the same classloader. I can't

AW: Tomcat Question

2002-07-23 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Have you tried my hint with the jsp ? -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Anthony Diodato [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Juli 2002 16:38 An: 'Tomcat Users List' Betreff: RE: Tomcat Question Servlets and Beans... If I change the code for one of my servlets, I

AW: Tomcat Question

2002-07-23 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Then define a dummy jsp and give it a try. If that doesn't work for 3.2 you have to upgrade to tomcat 4.x. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Anthony Diodato [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Juli 2002 16:46 An: 'Tomcat Users List' Betreff: RE: Tomcat Question Im

AW: some questions about tomcat ......urgent!!!!!

2002-07-24 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
See below: -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Sumit Johar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2002 08:16 An: Tomcat Users List Betreff: some questions about tomcat ..urgent! 1) Can there be 2 instances of TomCat webserver on the same machine? Yes b)

AW: More flexible JDBCRealm implementation ? (for ASP-style webapp)

2002-07-24 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
See Below: -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Soefara Redzuan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2002 08:52 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: Re: More flexible JDBCRealm implementation ? (for ASP-style webapp) Yes, but this adds complexity due to different table

AW: More JDBCRealm Questions

2002-07-24 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
To use encrypted passwords have a look at: d%20Passwords -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Soefara Redzuan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2002 08:40 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: More

AW: some questions about tomcat ......urgent!!!!!

2002-07-24 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
To use loadbalancing you have to use apache+mod_jk+tomcat. Have a look at: -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Sumit Johar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2002 10:11 An: Tomcat Users List Betreff: RE: some questions about tomcat

AW: some questions about tomcat ......urgent!!!!!

2002-07-24 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
That is a module to connect apache with tomcat. (That the first link if you search google for 'what is mod_jk') -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Sumit Johar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2002

AW: Unix command from jsp does not work

2002-07-24 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
- Did you have a look at the result code of the statement ? (Don't forget to call p.waitFor() before calling p.exitValue() - Did you have a look at the stdout and stderr of the command ? (Print out the content of getInputStream() and getErrorStream()) What do they return ?

AW: Request forwarding to a specific target frame?

2002-07-25 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
On the server side this can't be solved as tomcat doesn't know anything about targets. 3 ways to achive something like that: - include javascript in the output of the servlet - include javascript in the calling page that issues the request from the right target. - forget abou frames (That's

AW: Apache, Tomcat and Struts

2002-07-25 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
shouldn't VirtualHost localhost be better VirtualHost ? -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Chris Ruegger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2002 15:42 An: Tomcat Users List Betreff: Apache, Tomcat and Struts -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL

AW: mod_jk load balacing configuration

2002-07-25 Thread Ralph Einfeldt -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Chris Ruegger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2002 15:45 An: Tomcat Users List Betreff: mod_jk load balacing configuration Is the load balancing configuration of mod_jk documentated somewhere?

AW: confused - Installing tomcat4.0.4 on RaQ3 (Apache)

2002-07-26 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
For mod_jk you can try the binaries for tomcat 3.3: /i386/ From : NOTE: AJP 1.3 native connectors binaries for Tomcat 3.2 and 3.3 are fully compatible

AW: architecting large sites

2002-07-26 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
The first step is to estimate following numbers - Number of new users per time unit - Average session length - Number of requests per user and time unit Break the requests down to request for - static resources - simple dynamic pages - dynamic pages with database access estimate the

AW: Switch from SUN jre to IBM jre

2002-07-26 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
You don't have to recompile tomcat. The change of JAVA_HOME is enough. I think your problem is caused by the fact that with the new JDK a different xerces library is found than with the older version. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Andrew Ferayorni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

AW: virtual hosting questions

2002-07-30 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
It's not a direct equivalent, but you can achieve similar results. You can allow or disallow access to several resources. (files are just a small part) -Ursprüngliche

AW: getHeader(Referer) and document location

2002-07-30 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
If CheckURL1 is the url to your servlet you should use something like: out.println(document.location=\); out.println(response.encodeUrl(CheckURL1?myReferer=test)); // The call to encodeUrl ensures that the link will contain // the session id if the browser has cookies disabled. // The

AW: Suppression of directory listing in Tomcat

2002-07-31 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Have a look at the DefaultServlet in web.xml. It has an entry like this: init-param param-namelistings/param-name param-valuetrue/param-value /init-param Change true to false. (Also have a look at the welcome-file-list in web.xml) Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH

AW: AW: Suppression of directory listing in Tomcat

2002-07-31 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Have you looked at all your web.xml files ? ${CATALINA_BASE}/conf/web.xml ${CATALINA_BASE}/webapps/webapp-name/WEB-INF/web.xml In the default installation of tomcat 4.0 it's defined in the web-app element. BTW: Which tomcat version are you talking about ? Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet

AW: Internal server Error - Read of HTTP Request POST parameters failed

2002-07-31 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
wrong and you have a connector it could also be an error in the connector. Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: François Gauvin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

AW: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

2002-07-31 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
The only place outside the tomcat directories where tomcat will find additional jars is ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/ext. If you can't place the jar file there you have to copy or link the file to a tomcat lib directory. Ralph Einfeldt; Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting

AW: Embedded Tomcat and manage requests and responses at the connectorlevel

2002-07-31 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
be incompatible with your tailored connector) Ralph Einfeldt; Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Eriam Schaffter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31

AW: Performace: Tomcat 4.0.x vs. Tomcat 4.1.x

2002-07-31 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
this for your environment and your application on your own. (At least nobody else knows which features you nead, how much processing is done by your own application or backend applications that are outside of tomcat (like a database)) Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg

AW: Connection between TOMCAT and DB2 ???

2002-07-31 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
According to it's a native driver. The page also has a list how the libraries are called under wich os. Find this file and add the directory that contains this file to the (library) path. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von:

AW: Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat + Internet

2002-08-01 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
You can setup a SSL Tunnel between the machines. (Keywords for further search: ssh, tunnel, ssl, port forwarding) E.G.: -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1.

AW: Denying GET request for a JSP page howto!

2002-08-01 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
-resource-collection auth-contraint role-namerole-name /auth-contraint /security-constraint Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Meder Bakirov [mailto

AW: Tomcat4 on Debian Woody : /etc/init.d/tomcat4 stop won't unload apps properly

2002-08-01 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
If you don't like the 'sleep 30' because most time it's wasted time, you can loop with a sleep 2 around the result of a netstat on one of the tomcat ports or a kill 0 to the vm pid. Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java

AW: Apache-tomcat integration

2002-08-01 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Yes it's possible to use mod_jk from 3.3. Zhis informatin is better than your previous post, but I'm missing an description of the error(s). - Is apache running at all. (ps aux | grep bin/apache) - Is tomcat running at all. (ps aux | grep tomcat) - Is apache listening on the ports you expect

AW: About mod_jk.

2002-08-01 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Are you shure that IfDefine HAVE_SSL is true ? -Ursprungliche Nachricht- Von: Tony Mak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. August 2002 12:24 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: About mod_jk. LoadModulejk_module modules/ IfDefine HAVE_SSL AddModule

AW: Reading properties file from ClassPath (ServletContextListener)

2002-08-01 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
-doc/class-loader-howto.html BTW: Is there any reason why you use getSystemResource() instead of getSystemResourceAsStream() ? Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht

AW: Apache-tomcat integration

2002-08-01 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
The fir error message comes because you didn't disable the warp connector. If 8080 doesn't responds it because it uses port 8180. (See the log message for the HttpConnector) If all is running you should diable the HttpConnector. Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg

AW: AW: Reading properties file from ClassPath (ServletContextListener)

2002-08-01 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
of getResource() against getResourceAsStream(): AFAIK the only benefit is that you save one line of code. Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: petra staub

AW: Apache-tomcat integration

2002-08-01 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
for confusion. Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. August 2002 17:01 An: 'Tomcat Users

AW: howto avoid overuse of session object?

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
the objects names by using a naming convention that makes it unlikely that you add, change or remove them by accident. Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von

AW: Apache/Tomcat Connectors List

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
standalone) Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Heligon Sandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Freitag, 2. August 2002 09:28 An: 'Tomcat Users List

AW: Start/shut down Tomcat/Apache automatically

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
track on the open sessions and closes the resource if the last open session is closed. Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Heligon Sandra [mailto

AW: Standalone Tomcat on port 80 without root privileges

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Some ideas: - Use a proxy that redirects all requests on port 80 to 8080. - Use nat and map port 80 to 8080 (port forwarding) -Ursprngliche Nachricht- Von: Leos Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Freitag, 2. August 2002 09:53 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: Standalone Tomcat

AW: urgent help please!

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
the code look like when you store and retrieve the attribute? Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Richard Diaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet

AW: problems using tomcat/apache with htdig and German Umlaute

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
say much more at the moment. (That may change as I will have a look at the htdig-OpenCMS-integration too see if it solves some problems we have with the no longer supported htsearch.jar) Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting

AW: problems using tomcat/apache with htdig and German Umlaute

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
At a first glance would suspect the error in opencms/modules/searchhtdig/src/com/opencms/modules/search/htdig/CmsHtdi in the method read() there is this block: (wrapped by me for better readability) if (page == null) { query = restrict= + restrict + config= + conf +

AW: AW: Embedded Tomcat and manage requests and responses at theconnectorlevel

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
A filter from the servlet spec 2.3 is the equivalent to a Valve and is portable across all servlet containers that implement this spec. (e.g. tomcat 4.*) Have a look at: -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Eriam Schaffter

AW: Oracle 8.1.7 JDBC classes

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Which tomcat version do you use. as far as I can remember at least one tomcat version ignored any jar in the tomcat directories that contained certain classes (java.sql.* I believe). Compare the contents of the two oracle jars to see if something changed in this respect. -Ursprüngliche

AW: Apache/Tomcat Connectors List

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
is needed, as it is the the counterpart for the mo_jk module in the apache. Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Heligon Sandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

AW: Oracle 8.1.7 JDBC classes

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
You also can unjar the jar, and rejar it without the classes. For the rest of your question: There was a discussion in this list a while back. But that is hard to find as to many messages in this list contain oracle and java.sql. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Roland Carlsson

AW: AW: AW: Embedded Tomcat and manage requests and responses attheconnectorlevel

2002-08-02 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
a filter ? Have a look at webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes/filters/ Ralph Einfeldt Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH Hamburg, Germany Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail

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