JBoss and J2EE SDK rely on the same tools for some 
technologies. Others technologies are implemented 
from scratch. From the J2EE perspective JBoss and 
J2EE SDK are competitors that have different scopes.

(J2EE SDK the is not intended as a tool for production)

The heavy part (like EJB) is implemented by JBoss
as an alternate implematation of the same technology.
Tomcat is just a very small part of the game.

JBoss is an appserver that uses tomcat as a plugin
to implement servlets and jsp's. (It could and can
use other tools like jetty to achieve the same goal)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Coughlan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 2:49 PM
> Subject: RE: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?
> So, why heck would I want it if I have the J2EE SDK and other fun Sun
> dowloads? Doesn't Sun offer *thee original* implementation of 
> that spec alerady?
> Does JBoss rely on the J2EE SDK? Does it try to replace it? 
> Is it a bunch of
> Sun downloads repakcaged in one big .tar?
> Is JBoss really an App Server? Does it run it's own 
> asynchronous threads outside of the standard Tomcat threads?
> >   It doesn't implement all technologies from scratch but
> >   integrates other projects to implement some of them.
> >   (Like tomcat to implement Servlets and JSP, or use
> >   JavaMail and JDBC from sun)
> It sounds to me like JBoss is simply repackaging Tomcat, Ant, 
> and some other
> Jakarta stuff along with the Sun J2EE SDK and some common jar 
> files like
> Javamail and JDBC.
> Is so, then it also sounds to me like all they're trying to do is save
> developers a few downloads so that they can sell some 
> expensive centralized
> documentation.
> Not a bad idea, but it's not for me because I already have all of that
> installed.
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