Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Use make help to list all of the possible configuration targets.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread Michał Masłowski
The reason RMS uses gNewSense is because he has a [ lemote laptop] which contains a non x86 (MIPS I believe) architecture. Trisquel does not have a MIPS version so he can't install it on his computer. I believe he uses it since it has no nonfree

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread sirgrant
A link to Michal Maslowski's post can be found [ here]. For some reason it is not showing up properly on the forums. According to [ this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Decrypting a users home directory

2012-04-27 Thread mampir
I'm not sure, but it seems there's something wrong with the file system you're trying to mount. What type is the file system you are trying to mount? You can check with Disk Utility, which comes preinstalled with Trisquel. My guess is that the file system is XFS. I haven't used XFS, but if

[Trisquel-users] Re : Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread magicbanana
If you keep a standard configuration, why not simply using this repository to always use the latest Linux-libre kernel?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Steam client coming to Linux. Will you guys still hate it?

2012-04-27 Thread nathangnu
That's a silly question, t3g. You know this is a community that follows FSF guidlines, so I don't know why you always sling anti-rms poop around, and suggest games ought to be able to be made proprietary. I don't see why game developers would be excluded for being required to respect our

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread lobikfilip
For a newbie Free Software supporter, I can only recommend to install Trisquel with Gnome, and concerning your hardware, there is a web page, where you can check whether your wifi card is compatible with the libre kernel. Here is the link: When starting with 100%

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Trisquel 5.5 - Gaming benchmarks and some conclusions

2012-04-27 Thread holger . beetz
Hi all, I find it interesting that no-one replied to my initial mail/posting. Anyway, seems not to be much interest in the general gaming performance of Trisquel with free games on free drivers. The latest Phoronix benchmarks confirmed my estimation that even a dog old card like my

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Please stop installing GDM by default

2012-04-27 Thread Dave Hunt
Hi, When Trisquel 6.0 comes out, it should have a talking light dm. If you've been following the Orca list, you may know that my light dm talked exactly once, but, this is something peculiar to my machine, as it works for all those other blind Ubuntu 12.04 users. Hopefully, by the time

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 5.5 - Gaming benchmarks and some conclusions

2012-04-27 Thread chris
I haven't had the chance to read this (and still have not) :) although am very interested. Will probably do some time later today or tomorrow.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Totem Trisquel mini 5.5 sound issue

2012-04-27 Thread alonivtsan
Solved by installing gstreamer0.10-alsa and gnome-media and setting alsa in gstreamer-properties.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread dave . kirkby1975
Here are the latest man pages. I have installed them on OSX and now have access to complex.

Re: [Trisquel-users] install Scribus 1.4.0 on Trisquel 5.5 ?

2012-04-27 Thread gustavo_cm

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread chris
I believe that card is not compatible. There are a few versions of it and one of them will work... although it is more expensive. Using a USB wifi card to solve the non-free driver issue with an internal card should generally speaking work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread chris
Nobody here is going to recommend installation of a non-free driver/firmware or help you with it. The primary benefit of Trisquel is freedom. If you are really following the free software philosophically rather than the open source philosophy the non-free option isn't an option. If you are

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread chris
Not to nitpick although I think this isn't quite accurate. I believe the Lemote doesn't have a BIOS. It isn't that it has a free BIOS. Some of the hardware may be non-free. I know the newer one has a non-free 3d accelerated graphics chipset for instance. I think there is a bit of incorrect