[Trisquel-users] Math Workout program

2015-09-11 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hi! Anyone knows some programs that we can do brain workout in maths besides Tux Maths? Something less "distracting" and more simple but at same time more challenging? Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to change fonts size of "leafs" in libreoffice?

2015-09-08 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks teodorescup! I will see that. Best regards

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to change fonts size of "leafs" in libreoffice?

2015-09-07 Thread sonhodafloresta
So.. nobody knows how to change it? Thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to change fonts size of "leafs" in libreoffice?

2015-09-07 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thank you for your reply teodorescup. I have another doubt: you spoke about GTK theme. I only have Adwaita theme by default using gnow tweak tooks that comes in fresh installation by Debian. So where can i download another GTK themes, libre themes, to see if any changes apply inside

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to change fonts size of "leafs" in libreoffice?

2015-09-07 Thread sonhodafloresta
In the phrase "In my tongue language" i mean "mother tongue" lol... Sorry..

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to change fonts size of "leafs" in libreoffice?

2015-09-07 Thread sonhodafloresta
Exactly Magic Banana. When i was translating the term "folha" in dictionary english leads to me the word "leaf" or as you said leads to "sheets" too. In my tongue language it is exactly the same... That is why i took a picture to show "Folha 1, Folha 2 e Folha 3" to try increasing this

Re: [Trisquel-users] What games do you play on your computers

2015-09-02 Thread sonhodafloresta
Why all these libre games above said the appearance seems so 90'-95s? we are in the 21 century.. even when i was a kid on 90 i didnt like so much these visuals.. not appealing much for me...i really enjoyed stunning games like Guild Wars 1 and 2 and others similar, of course they were not

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread sonhodafloresta
Tom, can you show me how can you see videos from, for instance, Anitube animes online? Because even with these methods i still can't see. This site have flash, so so far as i know, there is no workaround that works perfectly nor remotely... So, not all sites we can do movies, only a few of

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to split windows nautilus with F3?

2015-08-26 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hi! I will see! Didnt know that i can get/recover my favorite way of working :D Thanks a lot Jbar and Tom! And by the way... why the heck they removed one of the best functionality ever Best regards

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks for your reply Tom :) Let's try then and see it. Best regards

[Trisquel-users] Video editing software libre and

2015-08-11 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hi all, My father had lately problems with windows and after a year seeing me using Gnu-linux without major problems, i.e, without virus and more consistent and balanced experience desktop he is now willing to accept installing a more libre OS. He asked me what programs can he run like

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video editing software libre and

2015-08-11 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks davidnotcoulthard! I will see and try with a live usb these programs. Answering your questions about that way i thougth maybe it is more easy for my dad to work with his pc in a more functional way. He never played with Gnu-linux he was always on windows. What if he is surfing on net

Re: [Trisquel-users] Zyptonite - Free Skype alternative

2015-08-09 Thread sonhodafloresta
The only thing i can see is that at the end of the site it is writing: All rights reserved by Zyptonite Inc 2015. I think that this software doenst respect the 4 principles, to see the code , modify and so on... so.. unless they specifically express that is free software, that we can study

Re: [Trisquel-users] problems acceding at openmailbox.org

2014-12-10 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks SuperTramp83 and OnPon4. I went to library and it worked all fine. I could open my email without problems. So i am suspecting of IPS. But i dont know how can use terminal to see DNS server or to change in any way router settings. Also i tried TOR browser just to test if i could open

[Trisquel-users] problems acceding at openmailbox.org

2014-12-09 Thread sonhodafloresta
As the title say it all, i need confirmation if anyone can access the openmailbox.org's site? I am asking it, because i cannot access my email neither access at forum, noting from openmailbox.org. If it is another DDOS attack since 2 days ago... i better check another email service that dont

Re: [Trisquel-users] problems acceding at openmailbox.org

2014-12-09 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks all. I still cannot access to the site, nor via Evolution. I tried with 3 computers: one with Trisquel 6, with internet via Abrowser and Evolution, for instance, finding for openmailbox.org(via internet Duckduckgo) and after noting happens. I have no problems with conection, it works

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreTrend will be at Evento Linux 2014, the 25th Sept. in Lisbon (Portugal)

2014-09-26 Thread sonhodafloresta
The LibreBox to see in live was and had much more interesting concept than other brands. One of the things that kept my attention was the fact that the librebox could be open and see things inside it. Like an open hardware should be. And the better thing of all the aiming way of being

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreTrend will be at Evento Linux 2014, the 25th Sept. in Lisbon (Portugal)

2014-09-17 Thread sonhodafloresta
Finally! It is time to see life in gnu-linux movement in our country. Count with me. I am in :D

[Trisquel-users] Alternatives web search

2014-04-17 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hello! I found a site that spoke about 4 options when surfing to the internet. This is the site: http://www.brighthub.com/internet/google/articles/93816.aspx And the 4 options listed are: Ixquick www.ixquick.com StartPage https://startpage.com/ Hide My Ass! http://hidemyass.com/

[Trisquel-users] disabling autologin at startup

2014-04-12 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hi all! I want to know how can i disable my autologin chosen option during installation to ask passwd before session? I went to definitions of system users and groups passwd: ask when initiate session. It is ok. But i created another more 2 users, and i want mine as administrator. So

Re: [Trisquel-users] disabling autologin at startup

2014-04-12 Thread sonhodafloresta
You rock! You solved my problem! Thanks very much Magic Banana!! :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bigger texts in Trisquel OS

2014-04-11 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hi Jonathan_Livingston! If you want to change default fonts to make them bigger go to Trisquel Menu. Definitions of system (my default language is not english so i am translating it as i am reading on my pc). After that on advanced settings fonts and there you can change the size of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy: Minimizing your browser fingerprint

2014-04-08 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thank you very much alguien! Interesting topic! and solutions :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is goint to close Ubuntu One

2014-04-05 Thread sonhodafloresta
So that's why i had problems conecting to the email and forum of openmailbox... So thats mean a people created an email of this server is infected too?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0.1 released

2014-04-02 Thread sonhodafloresta
I asked you because i saw at the post by lembas https://trisquel.info/en/forum/you-might-be-using-google-name-server he talked about that thing. Now it is confirmed that annoying thing persists even on an updated version. I tried the solution by Michał Masłowski but it resulted

Re: [Trisquel-users] I can't figure out how to switch workspaces xD

2014-04-02 Thread sonhodafloresta
If it is what i think, that bar disappearing i pressed ALT+ enter or with clicking with the mouse. I am not sure. But sometimes to me disappears as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Horizontal lines at the start of the computer until the login screen.

2014-04-02 Thread sonhodafloresta
You're welcome. But the thanks needs to go to jxself because he is the one that solved my problem :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0.1 released

2014-04-01 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hi alguien! Can you test in terminal grep /etc/resolv.conf ? Because on this post You might be using a google name server by lembas tell some security issue. And it gaves me that i will downlowad the updated version hoping that thing will not appear :P Thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Horizontal lines at the start of the computer until the login screen.

2014-04-01 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hello Caca! If it's what i think then it seems you have the same problem i had. Follow the guide of jxself's repository at https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/update-linux-libre-kernel . It solved my problem. I hope it solves yours. Best regards.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Horizontal lines at the start of the computer until the login screen.

2014-04-01 Thread sonhodafloresta
Yes that is rigth :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser privacy

2014-04-01 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thank you dadix. This gave me ideas to remember where i really saw what i was finding for. What i wanted is in here https://trisquel.info/en/issues/5841 Description Description: Abrowser should change firefox's default settings concerning two privacy features:Location-Aware Browsing

[Trisquel-users] Has anyone heard about Lightbeam?

2014-04-01 Thread sonhodafloresta
it is here https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/lightbeam/ On trisquel we have something like this one? To See who’s tracking you online? Thanks in advance

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to gmail and hotmail

2014-03-31 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hi all! I have new doubts about using free emails software/service. I said to my personel friends that i was moving to another email. But what i do when is to get jobs, for example, when companies says to delivers the curriculum when they have gmail, hotmail or another proprietary service

Re: [Trisquel-users] The road to knowledge of informatics

2014-03-31 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks a lot alguien! It is very interesting and helpfull indeed :D I didnt know about pressing Ctrl + F. Amazing thing :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to gmail and hotmail

2014-03-31 Thread sonhodafloresta
I dont know the answer for your question davidnotcoulthard, but i hope someone with more knowledge can help you. It is indeed a good question because i am thinking about of OpenMailbox. Or maybe you can try a new post about this issue.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The road to knowledge of informatics

2014-03-30 Thread sonhodafloresta
Awesome! Thanks a lot alguien! Now i can breathe more easy :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to gmail and hotmail

2014-03-30 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks very much! That helped me! :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] My gratefulness to the community of Trisquel

2014-03-30 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks lembas! That link shows that even i can contribute to free software! Good to know!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to increase root 's size

2014-03-30 Thread sonhodafloresta
Alrigth Magic Banana. I made step 1 to 2. Inside Gparted i couldnt accede to internet so i was feeling at the same time a bit crazy and adventurous to try things. So in my first time to try i deleted xfs and swap partition without a problem. But after i couldnt increase the root. I dont know

[Trisquel-users] Abrowser privacy

2014-03-30 Thread sonhodafloresta
I am trying to remember (and find on forum) how to do anonymous geoposition that is by default set as true to false. Going to about:config and after writing geo : geo.enabled --- true. Is this one? I am not sure. And immediately under of geo.enabled we have

Re: [Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-30 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks very much for your help mYself :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks mYself. It is indeed a very deep analysis of yours. Now i require some days to think about it before commiting myself with any decisions. Thanks again for your help mYself.

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to gmail and hotmail

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
This link that you have refered when i open it says: the link is not secure (...) we cannot confirm that link is secure. How can i open it in a secure way and understand that link is from the site that i want to see? Can i add excepcion with all the sites that i want to see in same way when

[Trisquel-users] My gratefulness to the community of Trisquel

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
Although this topic has noting directly about the trisquel software nor technical aspects i thougth it was good to share some feelings about it because it is indirectly related to the community and the relation between each of us. I'm sorry if i break any rules by posting this link, showing

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to increase root 's size

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks a lot Magic Banana and a _slacker_here. I will do for now the second advice like you said Magic Banana. Meanwhile i am so tired my eyes hurt seeing on the monitor and need a bit of rest and a bit of sleep. More later i will do the first advice and i will tell you how it went. Thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome 3.10 on Trisquel?

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
What i really like about Gnome 3 is when i see on desktop screen the clock on center and clicking it with the mouse , displays calendar, i mean, if i put the list to do things on Evolution it appears centralized, directly and very clear my list of to do. On Trisquel in this currently pc i

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome 3.10 on Trisquel?

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
I'm sorry i forgot to put the picture...and i saw that image in png was 2,4Mb... now it is in jpeg

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to gmail and hotmail

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks Legimet. I will see what can i do and how to do it. Thought i dont know how to compile because i used to download EXE files in windows just executing it and it is all. I will create a new topic on this subject if i dont get it. Thanks again Legimet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My gratefulness to the community of Trisquel

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
That is very good to know alguien :) Muchas Gracias por su respuesta (Thanks very much for your answer)

Re: [Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
That makes sense. When i have created the initial post i was thinking about ThinkPenguin because i had assumed when a company that is focused about free software or other focused objectives, they are aiming to persecute that same objective. The more guided they are the more transparent are

Re: [Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
Yes i saw it but i have the Stockfish DD 64-bit 4CPU engine (although i have make a brutal mistake installing trisquel 32bits...when on my machine i can install 64bits) and 64 bits is more strong than 32 bits, i have too Houdini 4 and the older version Shreedder 9 as well. So these

[Trisquel-users] The road to knowledge of informatics

2014-03-29 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hi! I followed the post My conceptual problem with my computer. by roboq6. One of the answers that caught my attention by Pigpen is very interesting in my opinion. He stated the following: Here's my solution, take it step by step and realize that you won't get there overnight: 1) Great

Re: [Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-28 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks mYself, lembas and a_slacker_here! I learned a bit more thanks to you guys. On the h-node site on the section search analyze the output of the lspci command lspci -vmmnn, my hardware is: Intel Corporation Device: 4 Series Chipset DRAM Controller SVendor:ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-28 Thread sonhodafloresta
I understand. Thank you mYself. I will see that program I-Nex you talked about and later post here the hardware components.

Re: [Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-28 Thread sonhodafloresta
Alright! I hope i make no mistake now... Here go the hardware components that i have: CPU: INTEL - (R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8200 2003.000 MHz Integrated GPU: NA Data from the manufacturer: TDP:65w PPS:45nmSocket: Intel Socket 775 Memory support: DDR1, DDR2, DDR3 GPU: Nvidia

Re: [Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-28 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks onpon4! I will see those games. :)

[Trisquel-users] alternatives to gmail and hotmail

2014-03-28 Thread sonhodafloresta
The topics that i saw about these themes have 2 years, the most recent about 1year. How is going nowadays? i saw https://www.fsf.org/resources/webmail-systems ; https://fulvetta.riseup.net/ ; http://www.autistici.org/en/links.html. I dont want to enter in paranoid areas, but i want to know

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to gmail and hotmail

2014-03-28 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks very much Mister a_slacker_here. I have posted this new topic because as mYself comented on previous post: (...)stop mixing other specs(...)this will lead people to confusion and only make them angry(...)Be always exact about what you have, and what you want(...) thus avoiding some

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to gmail and hotmail

2014-03-28 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks alguien for more information. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-28 Thread sonhodafloresta
I see. So better to stick with my current system then. At least i can avoid headaches and avoiding to spend time and money for now. Thanks Magic Banana.

[Trisquel-users] desktop computer from ThinkPenguin and emails in general

2014-03-27 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hello all, I was reading on forum and although it is talked a lot about laptop i am finding more for desktop. I am thinking about to buy a desktop from ThinkPenguin. They ship to Spain, France and another countries but Portugal.I wonder if anybody bougth a desktop to Portugal (if any)? and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Updating the kernel

2014-03-20 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks to place your question about upgrading kernell BrighamKeys! And for answer Gnu and a big thanks for jxself. I followed the guide and now i have my kernell updated too :D I noticed that the image from grub is improved and now it is clear-cut. Before on old version my image grub or

Re: [Trisquel-users] Force YouTube to Use the HTML5 Player

2014-03-19 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hi arielenter! What is important is the willingness to help so thank you for your efforts :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] New on Trisquel: how to see live videos and chatting on sites

2014-03-12 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks very much Icarolongo! it worked! :D Your description was very detailed and easier to understand and is a good step by step on how to do for newcomers like me. Like BugRep said about Unplug i did it for normal videos. But on another hand i am still trying to understand the notion about

[Trisquel-users] New on Trisquel: how to see live videos and chatting on sites

2014-03-09 Thread sonhodafloresta
Hello everyone. I was a windows user and after discovered some free software like libreoffice,Sumatra PDF, etc. i decided to find more about free software until i found linux and the several distributions of linux including Trisquel. I liked so much the ideas concerning freedom that i

Re: [Trisquel-users] New on Trisquel: how to see live videos and chatting on sites

2014-03-09 Thread sonhodafloresta
Thanks onpon4, BugRep and Ivaylo for the fast answer! And such a honor the developer of linterna mágica, talked in first hand! Thanks again all. Because of Ivaylo and his reccomendation's links i understand now a bit more the history and philosophy of Gnu-linux. And by the way, it is possible