Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-29 Thread lobikfilip
I've heard of a successful solving the issue by a USB Dongle before, and I can only recommend using a dongle, which has been confirmed as working with the libre kernel; in other words: rather invest into working hardware, than possibly submitting some non-working one in the category not

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-29 Thread chris
Depends on what you mean by proprietary hardware. We certainly are reliant on closed designs. Those hardware designs can't be modified or used by others. However this is a separate issue from free software. The user can't modify the hardware even had the designs been 'open'. x86 is a

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-28 Thread Michał Masłowski
Not to nitpick although I think this isn't quite accurate. I believe the Lemote doesn't have a BIOS. It isn't that it has a free BIOS. It has a free program that initializes the hardware, shows a menu of kernels to run and boots one of them, supports network booting and flashing itself. It's

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-28 Thread chris
Good to know. That is about what I figured. It isn't using coreboot or a non-free BIOS. Obviously there is something present prior to the OS (although maybe I worded it badly). I think there is something which distinguishes the BIOS in x86 systems with the firmware here. I know there is a

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Use make help to list all of the possible configuration targets.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread Michał Masłowski
The reason RMS uses gNewSense is because he has a [ lemote laptop] which contains a non x86 (MIPS I believe) architecture. Trisquel does not have a MIPS version so he can't install it on his computer. I believe he uses it since it has no nonfree

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread sirgrant
A link to Michal Maslowski's post can be found [ here]. For some reason it is not showing up properly on the forums. According to [ this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread lobikfilip
For a newbie Free Software supporter, I can only recommend to install Trisquel with Gnome, and concerning your hardware, there is a web page, where you can check whether your wifi card is compatible with the libre kernel. Here is the link: When starting with 100%

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread dave . kirkby1975
Here are the latest man pages. I have installed them on OSX and now have access to complex.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread chris
I believe that card is not compatible. There are a few versions of it and one of them will work... although it is more expensive. Using a USB wifi card to solve the non-free driver issue with an internal card should generally speaking work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread chris
Nobody here is going to recommend installation of a non-free driver/firmware or help you with it. The primary benefit of Trisquel is freedom. If you are really following the free software philosophically rather than the open source philosophy the non-free option isn't an option. If you are

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-27 Thread chris
Not to nitpick although I think this isn't quite accurate. I believe the Lemote doesn't have a BIOS. It isn't that it has a free BIOS. Some of the hardware may be non-free. I know the newer one has a non-free 3d accelerated graphics chipset for instance. I think there is a bit of incorrect

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-26 Thread dave . kirkby1975
By the way, I love this picture.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-26 Thread alonivtsan
In order to know whether the wireless card is supported please paste output of this command: $lspci -nnk | grep Network controller

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-26 Thread dave . kirkby1975
Thanks for the ping back. Here is the link to the Linux Libre laptop. There's information on how to install, a reverse engineered b43 driver on gNewSense. However, the git clone command: git clone

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-26 Thread TralfamadorianOrator
If you use [pre]make menuconfig[/pre] instead of [pre]make xconfig[/pre], you won't require the QT libraries.