Re: [Trisquel-users] Password management

2013-08-11 Thread onpon4
I decide my passwords manually. They're not random, but based on random phrases. A fake example: G2ye$4a^ (This example stands for go to the money for a carrot.) They're not easy to remember, but if I use the password often, I'll end up remembering them fairly quickly. In the meantime, I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Whats a good usb wifi dongle?

2013-08-11 Thread onpon4
The ones from are your best choice. The Wireless G adapter will work out-of-the-box. The Wireless N adapters won't work out-of-the-box with Trisquel 6 (this is because the firmware required used to be proprietary before it was made free recently), but the Think

Re: [Trisquel-users] Blacklisting certain websites from using gnash

2013-08-11 Thread onpon4
Oh, well, on YouTube, you just need to go to and opt-in to the HTML5 trial. It doesn't work on videos with ads, though. What do you want to use Flash for on other websites, though? YouTube is the only website I'm aware of where Gnash actually works, excluding some really

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help installing Trisquel on my netbook

2013-08-13 Thread onpon4
I don't know if a USB CD drive will work, it didn't work on my old laptop that had its optical drive broken. But you can make a live USB stick from Windows or OS X. There's more info on this page:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help installing Trisquel on my netbook

2013-08-13 Thread onpon4
It's not worded wonderfully, but it just means that it'll install Trisquel on the USB stick from an ISO, resulting in a live USB stick. The instructions for Windows work on any computer that runs Windows; there's no other per-requisite.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wine not installable.

2013-08-14 Thread onpon4
It's because it depends on ia32-libs, which is broken. See this bug report, there's a fix toward the bottom:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel free, but based on Ubutu ??

2013-08-15 Thread onpon4
That PRISM Break page has has this dumb idea flow in that being based on Ubuntu makes a distro dangerous because Canonical can't be trusted. This is nonsense; if a program is free, you can study the source code and find out if it is malicious or not. Flash Player, included in Linux Mint

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does anyone knows about Libre Programs that support language development for children with speeach impairments.

2013-08-18 Thread onpon4


2013-08-18 Thread onpon4
why is he (and others, like Onpon4 and Quantumgravity for example, who have done the same before) always wasting their time harassing a new user who disagrees with them, instead of trying to help the members? I didn't harass[1] anyone. (You have the burden of proof, because your claim


2013-08-18 Thread onpon4
As I pointed out in the other thread which is now rightfully in the Troll Hole, I never even posted in that topic, yet you're acting mad at me. Why are you mad at me? Your posts currently come across as (pre-)teen angst.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A libre Courier font saved my rush

2013-08-19 Thread onpon4

Re: [Trisquel-users] Assault cube and sauerbraten

2013-08-21 Thread onpon4
Trisquel has a free culture standard, too, and AssaultCube doesn't fit that standard. Many of the art assets are under proprietary licenses. It doesn't really matter; the AssaultCube in Ubuntu's repos is years out-of-date, so you aren't able to connect with many people. I don't know about

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lib-Ray (A free and open high-definition video standard for fixed media: no DRM, no region codes, no secrets... No limits!)

2013-08-21 Thread onpon4
h.264 is patented, not proprietary, and MP3 is patented, too (and it's an audio format, not a video format). The major non-patented, non-secret formats are the Ogg formats (usually Ogg Theora/Vorbis), Matroska, and WebM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lib-Ray (A free and open high-definition video standard for fixed media: no DRM, no region codes, no secrets... No limits!)

2013-08-21 Thread onpon4
It sounded like you were suggesting that MP3 was a non-patented alternative to h.264, which isn't true. They're both patented, and serve different purposes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Assault cube and sauerbraten

2013-08-21 Thread onpon4
There's differing opinions on this. The FSF's position is that non-functional data only needs to be sharable, but some people think that all culture must be free. Personally, I think that all culture must be free, but I don't think it's an urgent enough issue for me to refuse nonfree

Re: [Trisquel-users] Assault cube and sauerbraten

2013-08-22 Thread onpon4
Don't use the proprietary drivers. They might or might not boost performance, but it's not worth it to run nonfree software to play a free game (and that doesn't make much sense). If it works with the free driver, great. If not, oh well; there are plenty of other games to choose from.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Assault cube and sauerbraten

2013-08-22 Thread onpon4
You probably want a much newer kernel than 3.2. Nouveau works better with newer kernels, so using the latest version of Linux might solve your problems (also might not, but it's worth a try).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Assault cube and sauerbraten

2013-08-22 Thread onpon4
Have you thought of getting a USB wireless adapter from Think Penguin?[1] All of Think Penguin's hardware works with 100% free software setups, and two of the USB wireless adapters have the respects your freedom certification from the FSF. Also, if you use that link to go there, some amount

Re: [Trisquel-users] Desktops

2013-08-22 Thread onpon4
Openbox comes with LXDE (it's what LXDE uses by default) or KDE (it's an alternative to KDE Plasma), and I suppose it might come with some others.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The next DE for trisquel

2013-08-24 Thread onpon4
They already did. As of GNOME 3.8, Fallback has been removed and replaced with GNOME Classic, which uses GNOME Shell + certain extensions and a different theme.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Assault cube and sauerbraten

2013-08-24 Thread onpon4
Red Eclipse might use the Cube 2 engine, but it plays nothing like AssaultCube. I like Red Eclipse for different reasons.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The next DE for trisquel

2013-08-24 Thread onpon4
I think GNOME Shell would be a good choice. It's reliable, easy to use, and fast. People who are still resistant to the changes and aren't satisfied with Classic mode or some other combination of extensions can install KDE, MATE, Xfce, Cinnamon, or whatever their choice of DE is themselves,

Re: [Trisquel-users] The next DE for trisquel

2013-08-24 Thread onpon4
Trisquel Desktop Trisquel Netbook Trisquel Media Center Trisquel Tablet Except for the Media Center interface, GNOME has all that covered, too. The big difference is with GNOME, they're all the same interface. GNOME Shell works great on a PC or tablet, on big screens or small screens.

Re: [Trisquel-users] They are trying to resurrect SOPA and it is the time to shut it down again.

2013-08-25 Thread onpon4
It's unfortunate that just about everyone speaking against SOPA spoke out only against the nasty side-effects and methods and even often explicitly said that the intent was good. The intent of stopping sharing is not good, either. Sharing is good, and the war on sharing needs to end. By

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-25 Thread onpon4
I suppose if the FSF stopped trying to be gentlemanly and insisted on calling the system just GNU, people would stop rabidly opposing GNU/Linux and it would become the go-to neutral term, like FOSS is for free software and open source.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-25 Thread onpon4
I suppose you can't really fault Wikipedia for saying Linux instead of GNU/Linux. I also once saw a writing style that gave more authority than deserved to Linus Torvalds, when combined with the tendency for Linux to be used to refer to GNU/Linux: Among those critical of the new version is

Re: [Trisquel-users] Assault cube and sauerbraten

2013-08-25 Thread onpon4
You mean the IWADs? For PrBoom (that's the only Doom engine in the repo), it's in something like /usr/share/prboom/wads, I don't know the exact directory but it's easy enough to find. The Freedoom in the repo is actually out-of-date; the latest version is 0.8, which made some major changes

Re: [Trisquel-users] The next DE for trisquel

2013-08-25 Thread onpon4
It can't be that difficult to remove that feature. The main reason not to use Unity is if you think it's a crappy interface. In all honesty, I think it would be decent if you could open the menu with the Super key (I don't know if you can now, but you couldn't with the version I last tried

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-25 Thread onpon4
I meant just GNU as opposed to GNU/Linux. The FSF insists on GNU/Linux, not just GNU by itself. I think if they did insist on just GNU by itself, GNU/Linux would morph into a compromise terminology.

Re: [Trisquel-users] careful with PPA

2013-08-25 Thread onpon4
No, that was a reply to GNUser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Critical error

2013-08-27 Thread onpon4
I don't know if it's possible to do the fix while the system is broken or not. If not, look at what packages are conflicting and remove them (all at once), that will fix the problem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Critical error

2013-08-27 Thread onpon4
If you install ia32-libs-multiarch, it breaks the system because there's something wrong with SDL and I think OpenJDK. More info and a fix here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Switching Email Providers

2013-08-27 Thread onpon4
The best choice is always hosting your own e-mail. If you can't, though, and you don't want to pay for the service, there's

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-28 Thread onpon4
I kind of have to agree that Wikipedia is doing its job properly. It's not Wikipedia's fault that the misnomer Linux is more popular than the more correct name GNU/Linux. The way to fix this is to make GNU/Linux, or some other more correct term, more popular than Linux.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-28 Thread onpon4
Well, language is a funny thing in that whatever is most popular is correct; if everyone is talking about apple juice when they say water, water means apple juice, regardless of how silly it is.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-28 Thread onpon4
I agree entirely, but I don't think Wikipedia is the right place to address the problem. The problem needs to be addressed at the source. If GNU/Linux becomes more popular than Linux, Wikipedia will follow. If by some freak accident LiGNUx becomes more popular, Wikipedia will follow. It's

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can sudo be removed?

2013-08-29 Thread onpon4
That's... ridiculous. That guy is trolling or intentionally spreading disinformation. Sudo is free software; it can't have a backdoor without being well-known, and such a backdoor would have been fixed years ago. Sudo is a useful tool on multiple-user machines. It allows you to choose

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-29 Thread onpon4
I'm kind of surprised by this, but I want to quote someone from another forum: Calling it Linux is a misnomer, and like a lot of misnomers, we seem to be stuck with it. The thing about languages is that they change and warp all the time. Whether you call it Linux or GNU/Linux doesn't

Re: [Trisquel-users] VirtualBox Being Removed From Trisquel

2013-08-29 Thread onpon4 Debian-legal may provide you with a clause-by-clause analysis, but let me point out just one particular gem: the moment you use openwatcom to compile any work-related piece of software (thus not Personal Use), you need to make the

Re: [Trisquel-users] VirtualBox Being Removed From Trisquel

2013-08-29 Thread onpon4
Ehm... is this trolling? The FSF didn't approve of the license in question. Only the OSI did. The FSF's reason for rejecting it is a damn sound one, too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VirtualBox Being Removed From Trisquel

2013-08-29 Thread onpon4
I tried QEMU once, and it seemed like it was decent, though I didn't figure out how to actually use it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] careful with PPA

2013-08-30 Thread onpon4
Something Richard Stallman said (I might be paraphrasing a little, since this is from memory): If you use software which doesn't have freedom 2 [the freedom to share exact copies], you can be faced with a moral dilemma which can happen at any moment. If your good friend says, 'That program

Re: [Trisquel-users] Has Minitube gone non-Free?

2013-08-30 Thread onpon4
The Windows and OS X binaries are proprietary, but the source code is free. Maybe the Ubuntu binary is proprietary, too (it wouldn't be surprising). In any case, it really doesn't matter, since everything in Trisquel's repo is compiled in-house anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 13.10 the second step to spy its users ?

2013-08-30 Thread onpon4
There's a key difference between this and the search-sent-to-canonical feature: this one requires participation from the user. As long as they don't make it look like it's required, it's fine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-08-31 Thread onpon4
That collection of software utilities you're talking about is an operating system. It's just how Unix is designed. The kernel is a part of that collection of software utilities; it's the program that manages communication between the other software and the hardware. If you just had that, I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 13.10 the second step to spy its users ?

2013-08-31 Thread onpon4
I don't see any information about Vladimir Lenin being a mass murderer in any fashion. I see nothing about any purges during his time, nothing about using police force against his political enemies, and no other cases of murder that he was responsible for. When and who did he kill?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 13.10 the second step to spy its users ?

2013-08-31 Thread onpon4
Ah, I didn't hear of the Red Terror before. That's pretty bad. Just want to point out, though: just because he committed atrocities doesn't make everything he said invalid. That's association fallacy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 13.10 the second step to spy its users ?

2013-09-01 Thread onpon4
Nineteen Eighty-Four is about totalitarianism, not necessarily fascism or socialism. The origin of Oceania is left intentionally vague, as is the original claimed ideology of Ingsoc (it's shot for English Socialism, but note that the Nazi party called itself national socialist when the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 13.10 the second step to spy its users ?

2013-09-01 Thread onpon4
Psychopaths aren't necessarily sadists, either. Psychopathy is just the lack of ability to feel empathy. It's a perfect description for corporations. Note that many politicians are psychopaths. It makes perfect sense; psychopaths are better than most people at projecting false images of

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-09-01 Thread onpon4
If Debian were to replace the GNU system with something else, we would just have to call it Debian. Not Debian GNU/Linux, but not Debian Linux either; just Debian. Or maybe the replacement system already has a name, in which case that system's name would be appropriate (e.g. maybe it's BSD,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does anyone else have no arrows on their scroll bars?

2013-09-03 Thread onpon4
Honestly, I never used the arrow buttons, so I didn't notice that they weren't there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] NSA Decryption capabilities

2013-09-06 Thread onpon4
1984 Hosting is called that as a reference to Nineteen Eighty-Four, obviously. It's obvious what the name means: that it's the hosting service you use to stay away from such a government as in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Anyway, what you linked to isn't even 1984 Hosting, it's Mailpile. I'm not

Re: [Trisquel-users] NSA Decryption capabilities

2013-09-06 Thread onpon4
We don't live in Oceania. The closest thing to that in the world is North Korea, which I'm certain none of us live in because the Internet is heavily censored there (or more appropriately, they have their own Internet). There is no reason to believe that we have fake movements and

Re: [Trisquel-users] NSA Decryption capabilities

2013-09-06 Thread onpon4
I know that there are problems, and I know that people want power. But any assertion that someone already has enough power to do that kind of deception is baseless.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fundraising campaign: Privacy Friendly Mail (TLS/OpenGPG/etc) Software

2013-09-07 Thread onpon4
...Or, you're making baseless speculation that isn't supported by evidence at all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fundraising campaign: Privacy Friendly Mail (TLS/OpenGPG/etc) Software

2013-09-07 Thread onpon4
The disguised butterfly symbol, that appears in the logo of the (apparently) cynically named FreedomBox company - in the Our Community section, in Mailpipe's web page - is a mind control symbol I stopped reading after this. You can't expect people to take you seriously with crap like

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is there hardware (computers) which has no compatibility problem with free OS ?

2013-09-10 Thread onpon4
Actually, most computers will work fine with Trisquel. The big problems are AMD video cards and integrated graphics, which don't support hardware acceleration; new Nvidia cards, which might be crappy or not have support at all (support for them comes from reverse-engineering, which takes

Re: [Trisquel-users] Have we to protect ourselves against keyloggers ?

2013-09-10 Thread onpon4
I don't know about keylogging, but viruses are a curiosity at best on Unix systems, and that includes GNU/Linux. They need root access to do damage to the system outside of your home directory (which is something you don't tend to routinely grant to programs), and GNU/Linux users use all

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fundraising campaign: Privacy Friendly Mail (TLS/OpenGPG/etc) Software

2013-09-10 Thread onpon4
Can you please, please try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who is a part of a huge conspiracy that you don't want anybody to find out about? Think. You don't want anybody to find out about it. If they do, the conspiracy is destroyed. If you are connected to it, your life is

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble opening a pdf

2013-09-11 Thread onpon4
You should complain to those responsible that they are not using standard file types and ask them to please use standard PDF, not some DRM'd bullshit that only works in Adobe Reader.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sticking To It

2013-09-11 Thread onpon4
is there any way that I can easily convince my friends to atleast try to not use Micro$oft Windows and proprietary software? I'm not sure. Personally, I had read articles on for years before I really took notice, and then it was a while after that before I started actually

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another annoying problem with flash

2013-09-12 Thread onpon4
I don't fully understand what's going on with this website; you can download the songs, but you aren't able to preview them? It wouldn't be that hard for them to support playing the previews with HTML5. One thing you should always check in a situation like this: disable Gnash (and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sticking To It

2013-09-12 Thread onpon4
Not all free software is open source. As an example, the original BSD license is discouraged by the FSF, but it is approved as a free software license. That same license is not approved as an open source license by the OSI. It is true that most open source and free software licenses overlap,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fundraising campaign: Privacy Friendly Mail (TLS/OpenGPG/etc) Software

2013-09-12 Thread onpon4
Conspiracy theorist is a label. It's been built to be used to shut down open debate. It may work temporarily from time to time, but it will not change the underlying facts--true or false--that are not being addressed. To be perfectly frank, conspiracy theorist is a term of endearment.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Watching Vevo videos without Gnash

2013-09-13 Thread onpon4
YouTube forbids downloading videos too.[0] It's a stupid, unjust rule, especially because all streaming is is downloading and showing the video at the same time. Basically, the rule means you are not allowed to choose where the video is saved or when it is deleted unless we give you

Re: [Trisquel-users] Watching Vevo videos without Gnash

2013-09-13 Thread onpon4
Well, it's the right link (I verified this). Must be inaccessable right now, try again later.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fundraising campaign: Privacy Friendly Mail (TLS/OpenGPG/etc) Software

2013-09-15 Thread onpon4
Most people prefer to believe in what they /want/ to be true, rather than face the possibility that what sounds /horrible/ might actually /be/ the truth The irony is that the conspiracies you believe in are exactly this. They're things you want to be true, because you can't stand the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v gNewSense

2013-09-15 Thread onpon4
gNewSense is really only useful if you have a MIPS computer (like the one RMS has), since Trisquel only supports x86. Like others have said, it's old (though not quite outdated yet; it still keeps upstream support for another half a year or so). I don't know the version numbers or anything,

Re: [Trisquel-users] A phone without GPS

2013-09-17 Thread onpon4
In fact, any phone is connected in a way that your position can be learned. Traditional phones are always in one location, and cell phones can have their location detected by triangulation. Actually, it's not a bad thing that your position can be detected, necessarily. It's good in

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which media players can play 10-bit H264 videos and Bluray rips smoothly?

2013-09-17 Thread onpon4
Hardware acceleration is available on older Nvidia cards that have been reverse-engineered, too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A phone without GPS

2013-09-17 Thread onpon4
What's preventing that is the phone needs to communicate with towers. There's no way around that. You also can't hypothetically work around the problem by connecting via some other phone network because people communicate with you in a way that requires your phone to identify itself (each

Re: [Trisquel-users] A phone without GPS

2013-09-17 Thread onpon4
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. So change that to: airplane mode needs to be something that people use routinely (not just when airplanes are taking off) and as easy to activate as silent mode, and the OS needs to be free software so we can be sure that it's truly never attempting

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another annoying problem with flash

2013-09-20 Thread onpon4
There's an extension called Flash OnOff that gives you a button.[0] The Mozilla addons database doesn't tell you what license it's under, but I investigated and it's under the MPL 2.0. [0]

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recording from the sound card output

2013-09-21 Thread onpon4
Cool. That's not perfect (it would be better if it became detected as a microphone, so that other programs that record sound could be used), but it would work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recording from the sound card output

2013-09-22 Thread onpon4
That and other screencasting programs (like SimpleScreenRecorder) grab sound from the microphone. That's why I would like the output to be treated as an input as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Your thoughts on SteamOS?

2013-09-24 Thread onpon4
I know about that; it's basically just a less powerful and keyboardless version of the OpenPandora (even though it's made by different people), and it shares all the same problems: no wireless or hardware acceleration without nonfree software, designed to play nonfree games via emulation,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Your thoughts on SteamOS?

2013-09-24 Thread onpon4
Trisquel includes emulators too, like Zsnes and Scummvm. Yes, but the Trisquel community isn't centered around them. Take a close look at the OpenPandora website and you'll notice that emulators are heavily flaunted; it's the main purpose of devices like these. Also these pc's are very

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google brain implants. What do people think?

2013-09-26 Thread onpon4
I'm not convinced that people would be receptive to embedding anything into themselves in the near future, outside of small niches. Especially embedding a chip into the brain seems like it would be an extremely invasive, dangerous surgery. Now, if that were to change in the future, we

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you use Trisquel, or Trisquel Mini?

2013-09-27 Thread onpon4
Well, the main difference is the DE, so I guess I use neither. I installed from the regular GNOME Fallback liveCD, but I use GNOME Shell.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SteamOS

2013-09-28 Thread onpon4
If it's designed to play nonfree games, removing nonfree firmware and drivers is not that huge of a difference.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SteamOS

2013-09-28 Thread onpon4
I don't really think SteamOS is going to have a positive impact. I suspect is will include a lot of nonfree software and eventually become a whole new proprietary OS that happens to have some free components and is marketed as open because of those components. Kind of like the Ouya, but more

Re: [Trisquel-users] As close as possible

2013-09-28 Thread onpon4
Since I had to get rid of the Play Store app and for some reason downloading apps through the online play store no longer works, I can't install any applications unless I have the .apk on the phone. But that's the price of freedom, I guess. So, F-Droid didn't work?

Re: [Trisquel-users] SteamOS

2013-09-29 Thread onpon4
Free graphics drivers, Linux-libre, etc. That definitely isn't going to happen. With Valve's audience, they need SteamOS to work with AMD and (current) Nvidia cards. Virtually nobody in this audience would ever consider Intel integrated graphics or Nouveau-supported Nvidia cards to be

Re: [Trisquel-users] email and domain names

2013-09-29 Thread onpon4
You can have whatever you want in the sent from field if I'm not mistaken, but I think that can also get your e-mail filtered as spam, so I'd advise against it. Just change the reply-to field. I don't know how you do it in evolution, but in Thunderbird, you add another e-mail address click

Re: [Trisquel-users] SteamOS

2013-09-29 Thread onpon4
Only the client of Desura is publicly available (the server software is not shared), and the Desura server doesn't have any way of filtering out proprietary software. If they were to make that kind of filtering possible on the server side, it would be possible to have a client that only

Re: [Trisquel-users] As close as possible

2013-09-29 Thread onpon4
You see the license when you click on one of the download links. It's a generic proprietary license. I guess this is a recent development, because there's a post on the Replicant site about it.[0] It seems like what you should use is the Replicant SDK.[1][2] [0]

Re: [Trisquel-users] software as a service

2013-09-29 Thread onpon4
The FSF recently stopped calling it SaaS (Software as a Service) and started calling it SaaSS (Service as a Software Substitute), to be less ambiguous.[0] [0]

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dax OS, another free distro on ubuntu like Trisquel?

2013-09-30 Thread onpon4
It doesn't say anywhere that it includes only free software. Did you check the packages?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convert these programs to Python?

2013-09-30 Thread onpon4
Rewrite them. Look at the code, and write similar code in Python. There is no magical converter tool from BASIC to Python that I'm aware of.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convert these programs to Python?

2013-09-30 Thread onpon4
Python is pretty easy. In Python 3 (what you ought to use; Python 2 is being phased out), you print with the print function (e.g. ``print(Hello, world!)``) and get text input with the input function (e.g. ``a = input(What's your name? )``). I don't know what gosub does. As an aside,

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convert these programs to Python?

2013-09-30 Thread onpon4
Looks like some sort of a function. Just define functions in Python. The keyword for defining functions is def; look at the docs for more specific details.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convert these programs to Python?

2013-09-30 Thread onpon4
IDLE is the basic native IDE (sudo apt-get install idle3). gedit will work just fine as well. If you're more into larger IDEs than basic ones and text editors, probably Eclipse.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install 32 bit software in 64 bit Trisquel - Troubleshooting

2013-09-30 Thread onpon4
ia32-libs-multiarch being broken (caused by a couple 32-bit packages) is a known problem, and there's a way to fix it on an individual system. See: It sounds like you panicked and removed basic system packages. Bad idea in general; better to deal with

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does Amazon track my browsed items?

2013-09-30 Thread onpon4
It's just using URLs. All hyperlinks on Amazon are fixed with a ref variable (or whatever it is those things are called in URLs) that is some sort of unique identifier. So Amazon stores your browsing history by associating it with that unique identifier, and links are presented to you with

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does Amazon track my browsed items?

2013-09-30 Thread onpon4
I wouldn't call it sneaky, and it's not new either. Websites have been doing that for a long time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Space trading games

2013-10-01 Thread onpon4
I'm not familiar with any of those games you mentioned, but how about Naev?[0] It's actually in a very incomplete state and in desperate need of some love (for the best experience, stick to the Empire; lots of dead-ends exist with everyone else), but it's a game that sort of comes to mind

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox/Abrowser add-on lets you see all YouTube videos in HTML5

2013-10-01 Thread onpon4
I haven't checked, but I'd bet on KeepVid's Java code being proprietary.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox/Abrowser add-on lets you see all YouTube videos in HTML5

2013-10-01 Thread onpon4
I usually use UnPlug to watch YouTube videos. I used to sometimes use ViewTube, but ViewTube has been constantly having problems with watching YouTube videos lately, so I don't usually try with it on YouTube anymore. For videos that are age-restricted, UnPlug isn't able to find the video

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dell printers

2013-10-01 Thread onpon4
Sadly, only HP printers normally support free software (though some of them don't; there are a few dozen (I think 50 or so) printers in the Laserjet line that require proprietary firmware, and some other printers that only have partial support). The list on h-node only shows vendors that

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to date girls using free software :P

2013-10-02 Thread onpon4
E-mail? Phone numbers?

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