Re: [twsocket] OverbyteIcsPingTst

2009-11-20 Thread RTT
Now, Why the ping test cannot ping but CMD can when the ESET smart security is on? Am I missing something? Because it's not the ping functionality that's blocked but the application that executes the ping? The system ping.exe is not being blocked by ESET, but your application ping test

Re: [twsocket] Website hacked?

2009-11-03 Thread RTT
These pop-ups are probably coming from the Motigo Webstats Counter Better change to statcounter, completely free of any advertise technique. Hi, I just visited At

Re: [twsocket] Website hacked?

2009-11-03 Thread RTT
These pop-ups are probably coming from the Motigo Webstats Counter I have removed Motigo counter. Could you check if you still see the popup (Strangely, I don't see it from here).

Re: [twsocket] OpenSsl Verify bug?

2009-10-04 Thread RTT
Hi, What do you think about this verify result? D:\openssl verify -CAfile TrustedCA.pem -untrusted MyServerCert.pem MyServerCert.pem MyServerCert.pem: OK TrustedCA.pem contains the issuer certs of MyServerCert.pem. If the TrustedCA.pem file contains the root CA, what happen if you add

Re: [twsocket] OpenSsl Verify bug?

2009-10-04 Thread RTT
Arno Garrels wrote: RTT wrote: Hi, What do you think about this verify result? D:\openssl verify -CAfile TrustedCA.pem -untrusted MyServerCert.pem MyServerCert.pem MyServerCert.pem: OK TrustedCA.pem contains the issuer certs of MyServerCert.pem. If the TrustedCA.pem file contains

Re: [twsocket] Sending Record Type Data over tcp

2009-06-30 Thread RTT
buffer. And why you don't use only one record, with variant part? TEmployee = record FirstName, LastName: string[40]; BirthDate: TDate; case Salaried: Boolean of True: (AnnualSalary: Currency); False: (HourlyWage: Currency); end; RTT -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket

Re: [twsocket] Sending Record Type Data over tcp

2009-06-29 Thread RTT
as load it from a file) RTT -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto Visit our website at

Re: [twsocket] OverbyteIcsHttpSrv V7

2009-06-17 Thread RTT
There is nothing to stop you using alternative compression libraries, I have applications using different components each with their own versions of zlib. Yes, of course, but why increase final application size, and resources used, if we can simple add the possibility to not duplicate it,

Re: [twsocket] OverbyteIcsHttpSrv V7

2009-06-17 Thread RTT
If we are not going to use compression, or we are handling it in our own code, why link the zlib library? You said you are not using the v7 component, so none of this currently effects your applications. It is not realistic to make the code more complicated just to satisfy

Re: [twsocket] OverbyteIcsHttpSrv V7

2009-06-16 Thread RTT
Hi Angus, With one bug fix to reset the stream to the start, your code worked fine thanks. Don't know if this is really a bug, or if the need to reset it correspond to a not standard way to deal with streams by the HTTPServer component. In order to enhance the AnswerStream

Re: [twsocket] OverbyteIcsHttpSrv V7

2009-06-16 Thread RTT
Just to post some enhancements to my early proposed changes. if not Assigned(FDocStream) then PutStringInSendBuffer('Content-Length: 0' + #13#10) else begin if hoContentEncoding in FServer.Options then

Re: [twsocket] OverbyteIcsHttpSrv V7

2009-06-13 Thread RTT
ICS has OverbyteIcsZlibHigh with versions of many of the Zlib functions, although only ZlibCompressStreamEx, not ZcompressStream2, but they are probably similar. Do you have the time to update the V7 server component (from the nightly SVN zip) to use the existing ICS Zlib units? They are

Re: [twsocket] webpage image source

2009-05-02 Thread RTT
RFC1738 - Uniform Resource Locators (URL) RFC1808 - Relative Uniform Resource Locators Hi, I'm using httpcli to save a webpage html doc and I extract all of it's image locations to a text file by saving the 'IMG SRC='

Re: [twsocket] Pause and Resume just not working!

2009-01-24 Thread RTT
Hi RTT, which Operationgsystem and Pachlevel are you using? Do you use ICS Version 6 RC1 ? I am using Windows XP with Service Pack3, tested my Client now on 3 Clients with this config. I am using ICS Versoin 6 at RC1. I added my client.exe and server.exe on my server http

[twsocket] Is this elist software/server working properly?

2009-01-24 Thread RTT
Is just with me or something is not working? Some of my messages/replies simple don't hit the list, and some others don't show up in the archive. I also noted other members messages I received today are not show in the archive too! RTT -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket

Re: [twsocket] Pause and Resume just not working!

2009-01-24 Thread RTT
Correct, beside the maximum limit of 65,353 in detail: With TCP Window Scaling (RFC 1323) you can use values up to two Gigabytes. I read 1GB From RFC1323: Since the max window is 2**S (where S is the scaling shift count) times at most 2**16 - 1 (the maximum unscaled window), the maximum

Re: [twsocket] Pause and Resume just not working!

2009-01-23 Thread RTT
not an expert but I think you don't see the memory usage because data is not cached in the client. Piotr clearly say that if the RCV client is not accepting data, Winsocks cache it until its internal buffer is full and only then report can't accept more because client is too slow consuming it. RTT

Re: [twsocket] Pause and Resume just not working!

2009-01-23 Thread RTT
. Of course not only on Version 6 of ICS but also on any other Framework or TCP/IP Server listening on localhost. Tested right now, and in my case it blocks normally at socket.Flush line since first cycle, no 'Sent # Bytes!' message show, so something is different at your system. RTT

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in all v7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
It is not that easy! The code above might work if String maps to an AnsiString, however fails if String maps to a UnicodeString ( Delpi 2009 ). This little modification does the job in D2009 uses rtlconsts; ... procedure TMyUnicodeIniFile.WriteString(const Section, Ident, Value:

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in all v7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
Yes, that should work and is the bare minimum required for use in the demos. Though it cannot handle a possible BOM. With a little trick and we just need to rewrite the create constructor. unit UnicodeIniFile; interface type TMyUnicodeIniFile = class(TIniFile) public constructor

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in all v7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
The D2009 TInitFile already uses the WritePrivateProfileStringW and GetPrivateProfileStringW versions of the functions, but only work if the ini file already exists and is Unicode. Surprise! That works indeed with UTF-16, however if there is a UTF-8 BOM and data I cannot read a

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in all v7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
As I wrote in my previous message, this does not work for me. Whenever Windows finds an UTF-8 BOM it does not return a single byte. Sorry, I have not understood. For me, the previous code works fine in Vista and XP. I change the encode of the ini file using Notepad from UTF16 to UTF8, and

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in all v7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
My fault, now it works. But it won't be the same level of backwards compatibility that can be achieved with a class derived from TCustomIniFile. Can you, please, point one possible problem? -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in allv7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
It appears the OS API code is not reading the 3 UTF8 BOM bytes correctly if there are only 3 byte before the section name. That's what I mean, don't rely on the API in this case since all this stuff is undocumented. Better use a class that handles file access natively. The class

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in all v7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
Old Delphi saved ini files will open correctly in D2009 compiled demo too. It is also important that the INI file generated by D2009 compiled application remains compatible with the same application compiled with older Delphi as long as it is possible (This is not possible if a value

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in allv7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
Arno Garrels wrote: Back again, it does not work reliable for me, please try the attached INI. This elist support attachments?! Or my email client made something wrong or the elist software trashed the attachment. Please send it directly to my email address -- To unsubscribe or change

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in allv7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
Arno Garrels wrote: Here's the INI file that does not work with your code for me. It appears the OS API code is not reading the 3 UTF8 BOM bytes correctly if there are only 3 byte before the section name. Probably a bug in the API, or a text files requirement, BOM always terminated by EOL?

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile byTRegIniFile in all v7 demo applications

2008-11-09 Thread RTT
If you derive something like the TMemInFile that writes all data in one call to a method UpdateFile it's possible to add a BOM or not depending on the data itself. You can read a BOM-marked UTF-8 INI + file, change it and write it back as Ansi or plain Ascii without BOM if encoding is no

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile by TRegIniFile in allv7demo applications

2008-11-08 Thread RTT
That's IMO not worth the effort, I was searching for a very simple solution that took not more than a few minutes to change everything. What about writing a new TIcsIniFile doing the job ? Would be enough to searchreplace TIniFile by TIcsIniFile. TIcsIniFile or TUnicodeIniFile ?

Re: [twsocket] Proposal to replace TIniFile by TRegIniFile in allv7demo applications

2008-11-08 Thread RTT
XML can ease the process. I don't think so. XML is an heavy beast, taking a lot of code and power. I don't like it for that purpose. Just one idea to implement the ini sections handling, without the need to write parsing code. It's heavy, but to deal with these little ini files will

Re: [twsocket] Intercept Http Request Headers and Alter Them

2008-03-18 Thread RTT
This is a very simple parse solution, but works. HeaderList := TStringList.Create; HeaderList.NameValueSeparator := ':'; HeaderList.Text := YourHeaderString; //must be a string with header items delimited by carriage return and line feed, as it came in the

Re: [twsocket] httpserver memoryleak

2008-03-16 Thread RTT
You have to nil the stream object if Assigned(ClientCnx.DocStream) then begin ClientCnx.DocStream.Free; ClientCnx.DocStream:=nil; end; of just Uses SysUtils; if Assigned(ClientCnx.DocStream) then freeandnil(ClientCnx.DocStream) I tried: ClientCnx := TMyHttpConnection(Client);

[twsocket] HTTPServer - How to handle empty, header only, POST requests?

2008-03-02 Thread RTT
Strange or not the next html form code generate a empty,only header, POST request. form method=post action=/SomeAction onsubmit= input type=submit value=Proceed to next step / /form The cause is the onsubmit event. If in the httpserver onPosteDocument I accept the request the connection will

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