ICS has OverbyteIcsZlibHigh with versions of many of the Zlib functions,
although only ZlibCompressStreamEx, not ZcompressStream2, but they are
probably similar.
Do you have the time to update the V7 server component (from the nightly
SVN zip) to use the existing ICS Zlib units?  They are used in the FTP
client and server, and the HTTP client.
I'm not working with v7, but here I leave a diff file. Not sufficiently tested , so let me know if you find something not working properly. Functionality is controlled by the SUPPORT_CONTENT_ENCODING and USE_ZLIB defines. If SUPPORT_CONTENT_ENCODING defined, a new OnStreamContentEncode event is present, to enable user to apply custom encodings, or, in my case, to use a different zlib library. All the action is done in the THttpConnection.AnswerStream procedure. If OnStreamContentEncode not assigned, or if encoding not handled by the event, and USE_ZLIB defined, an internal deflate or gzip encode is applied. I think the internal code can be further enhanced to take into account the content type, and/or stream size. I also don't know if replacing the FDocStream by the TMemoryStream encoded one, can break some existing code that relies on initially assigned FDocStream object.


--- C:/Temp/ICSSVN/branches/icsv7/Delphi/Vc32/-OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas dom Jun 14 00:01:54 2009 +++ C:/Temp/ICSSVN/branches/icsv7/Delphi/Vc32/OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas dom Jun 14 00:22:36 2009
@@ -297,8 +297,13 @@
{$IFDEF UseInt64ForHttpRange} // just for backwards compatibility
-{ DEFINE USE_ZLIB} { Experimental code, doesn't work yet }

@@ -329,9 +334,11 @@
    OverbyteIcsSSLEAY, OverbyteIcsLIBEAY,
-    dZLib, zDeflate, ZLibh,
+  OverByteIcsZlibHigh, OverByteIcsZLibObj,
@@ -397,6 +404,14 @@
    THttpAfterAnswerEvent= procedure  (Sender    : TObject;
Client : TObject) of object; { V7.19 }

+    TStreamContentEncodeEvent= procedure (Sender    : TObject;
+                                        Client    : TObject;
+                                        var Stream:TStream;
+                                        ContentType:String;
+                                        out ContentEncoding:string;
+                                        var Handled:Boolean) of object;
    THttpConnectionState = (hcRequest, hcHeader, hcPostedData);
    THttpOption          = (hoAllowDirList, hoAllowOutsideRoot);
    THttpOptions         = set of THttpOption;
@@ -578,13 +593,6 @@
        FRequestHostPort       : String;        {DAVID}
        FRequestConnection     : String;
        FAcceptPostedData      : Boolean;
-        FReplyDeflate          : Boolean;
-        FCompressStream        : TCompressionStream;
-        FDecompressStream      : TDecompressionStream;
-        FZDocStream            : TMemoryStream;
-        FZBuffer               : array [0..8191] of Char;
        FServer                : THttpServer;
        FAuthRealm             : String;
        FOptions               : THttpOptions;
@@ -609,6 +617,9 @@
        FOnGetRowData          : THttpGetRowDataEvent;
        FOnBeforeAnswer        : TNotifyEvent;   { V7.19 }
        FOnAfterAnswer         : TNotifyEvent;   { V7.19 }
+        FOnStreamContentEncode:TStreamContentEncodeEvent;
        procedure SetSndBlkSize(const Value: Integer);
procedure ConnectionDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; Error : Word); virtual; procedure ConnectionDataSent(Sender : TObject; Error : WORD); virtual;
@@ -822,6 +833,12 @@
{ Triggered after the answer is sent from ConnectionDataSent V7.19 }
         property OnAfterAnswer : TNotifyEvent      read  FOnAfterAnswer
                                                    write FOnAfterAnswer;
+        property OnStreamContentEncode: TStreamContentEncodeEvent
+ read FOnStreamContentEncode + write FOnStreamContentEncode;
{ AuthType contains the actual authentication method selected by client }
        property AuthType          : TAuthenticationType
@@ -884,6 +901,9 @@
        FHeartBeatBusy            : Boolean;
        FOnBeforeAnswer           : THttpBeforeAnswerEvent;  { V7.19 }
        FOnAfterAnswer            : THttpAfterAnswerEvent;   { V7.19 }
+        FOnStreamContentEncode:TStreamContentEncodeEvent;
        FAuthTypes                : TAuthenticationTypes;
        FAuthRealm                : String;
@@ -1066,6 +1086,11 @@
        property OnAfterAnswer : THttpAfterAnswerEvent
                                                 read  FOnAfterAnswer
                                                 write FOnAfterAnswer;
+        property OnStreamContentEncode: TStreamContentEncodeEvent
+ read FOnStreamContentEncode + write FOnStreamContentEncode;
        property OnAuthGetPassword  : TAuthGetPasswordEvent
                                                 read  FOnAuthGetPassword
@@ -1746,6 +1771,9 @@
THttpConnection(Client).MaxRequestsKeepAlive := Self.MaxRequestsKeepAlive; THttpConnection(Client).OnBeforeAnswer := TriggerBeforeAnswer; { V7.19 } THttpConnection(Client).OnAfterAnswer := TriggerAfterAnswer; { V7.19 }
+ THttpConnection(Client).OnStreamContentEncode := fOnStreamContentEncode;
    TriggerClientConnect(Client, Error);

@@ -2496,38 +2524,20 @@

{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
-function zlibAllocMem(AppData: Pointer; Items, Size: Cardinal): Pointer;
-  GetMem(Result, Items*Size);
-{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
-procedure zlibFreeMem(AppData, Block: Pointer);
-  FreeMem(Block);
-function CCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
-  Result := code;
-  if code < 0 then
-    raise ECompressionError.Create('error');    {!!}
-{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
procedure THttpConnection.AnswerStream(
    var   Flags    : THttpGetFlag;
    const Status   : String;   { if empty, default to '200 OK'           }
    const ContType : String;   { if emtpy, default to text/html          }
    const Header   : String);  { Do not use Content-Length               }
+  ContentEncoding:String;
+  CompressionHandled:Boolean;
-    Count : Integer;
+  ZDocStream: TMemoryStream;
+  ZStreamType: TZStreamType;
    Flags := hgWillSendMySelf;
    if Status = '' then begin
@@ -2557,39 +2567,32 @@
    if not Assigned(FDocStream) then
        PutStringInSendBuffer('Content-Length: 0' + #13#10)
    else begin
+  CompressionHandled:=false;
+  if assigned(FOnStreamContentEncode) then
+ FOnStreamContentEncode(self , self , FDocStream , ContType , ContentEncoding , CompressionHandled);
+    if CompressionHandled then
+ PutStringInSendBuffer('Content-Encoding: ' + ContentEncoding + #13#10)
+    else begin
-        FReplyDeflate := (Pos('deflate', FRequestAcceptEncoding) > 0);
-        if FReplyDeflate then begin
-            PutStringInSendBuffer('Content-Encoding: deflate' + #13#10);
-            FreeAndNil(FZDocStream);
-            FreeAndNil(FCompressStream);
-            FZDocStream     := TMemoryStream.Create;
- FCompressStream := TCompressionStream.Create(clDefault, FZDocStream);
-            FDocStream.Seek(0, 0);
-            while TRUE do begin
-                Count := FDocStream.Read(FZBuffer, SizeOf(FZBuffer));
-                if Count <= 0 then
-                    break;
-                FCompressStream.Write(FZBuffer, Count);
-            end;
-            FCompressStream.Free;
-            FCompressStream := nil;
-            FZDocStream.Seek(0, 0);
-            FDocStream.Free;
-            FDocStream := FZDocStream;
-            FZDocStream := nil;
-            FDecompressStream := TDecompressionStream.Create(FDocStream);
-            while TRUE do begin
-               Count := FDecompressStream.Read(FZBuffer, SizeOf(FZBuffer));
-               if Count <= 0 then
-                   break;
-            end;
-            FDecompressStream.Free;
-            FDecompressStream := nil;
-        end;
+      if Pos('deflate', FRequestAcceptEncoding) > 0 then begin
+        PutStringInSendBuffer('Content-Encoding: deflate' + #13#10);
+        ZStreamType :=zsRaw
+        end else
+      if Pos('gzip', FRequestAcceptEncoding) > 0 then begin
+        PutStringInSendBuffer('Content-Encoding: gzip' + #13#10);
+        ZStreamType := zSGZip
+      end else
+        ZStreamType := zsZLib;
+      if ZStreamType <> zsZLib then begin
+        ZDocStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ ZlibCompressStreamEx(FDocStream, ZDocStream, clDefault, ZStreamType, true);
+        FDocStream.free;
+        FDocStream := ZDocStream;
+      end;
        PutStringInSendBuffer('Content-Length: ' +
                              _IntToStr(DocStream.Size) + #13#10);

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