Hi Ben,
What features repos/features are you using in the karaf-maven-plugin
configuration ?
On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 4:56 PM ran...@opennms.org
> I’m attempting to use karaf-maven-plugin:verify to verify our features
> files.
> They load just fine at runtime, but the ve
Hi Matteo,
You have two approaches to implement what you propose:
- Karaf 4 style deployed in Karaf5: K5 OSGi application manager will
deploy the Karaf4 features service, and so you can use the same thing
as in K4. You will see K4 distribution in K5 doing that.
- Karaf 5 style, you implement your
I would like to start playing with Karaf5, waiting for the official RC... With
the final goal of migrating a few OSGi 3-tier projects (Hibernate, Declarative
Services, Apache CXF REST) to Karaf-5 my idea is:
- Put together a very trivial JPA+CXF project using "Karaf-JPA-example" and
I’m attempting to use karaf-maven-plugin:verify to verify our features files.
They load just fine at runtime, but the verify plugin fails on:
missing requirement [de.ruedigermoeller.fst/2.57.0] osgi.wiring.package;
The sun.nio package doesn’t even appe
Hi Bengt,
Thanks, I saw the Jira. Thanks ! I will work on it asap.
On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 3:33 PM Bengt Rodehav wrote:
> I created this issue:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KARAF-7428
> /Bengt
> Den mån 25 apr. 2022 kl 10:47 skrev Jean-Baptiste Onofré :
>> Hi Be
I created this issue:
Den mån 25 apr. 2022 kl 10:47 skrev Jean-Baptiste Onofré :
> Hi Bengt,
> Unfortunately, I missed this one. Can you please create a Jira like
> "version range on Windows" quickly describing the problem ? I won't
> mi