Re: Rich client: licensing and other features

2007-09-16 Thread Cameron Smith
(well, actually more like 10 pence ;-) cameron - Original Message From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:; Cameron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, 16 September, 2007 1:16:43 AM Subject: RE: Rich client: licensing and other features Cameron In term

Rich client: licensing and other features

2007-09-15 Thread Cameron Smith
Following on from the discussion about ZK and other rich technologies: a. In terms of compatibility with OFBiz's Apache 2 license, ZK is definitely not compatible for inclusion in OFBiz itself (as it uses dual HPL-Commercial, like MySQL or Opentaps). This has been pointed out on this

Re: Rich UI for POS

2007-09-14 Thread Cameron Smith
Hi, here is a general contribution about the use of rich technologies, given the discussion about POS. Note I am not talking about POS features, I am just talking about the viability of these features. It is great fun to play with YUI, Dojo and Web 2.0 technology 57, but in terms of

Re: General Ledger questions.

2007-07-18 Thread Cameron Smith
Contributing to this discussion: We originally looked into reselling OpenTAPS here in Mozambique at the end of 2006, but at that time came up against three significant issues: a. OpenTAPS Financials at that time was still fairly rough (I believe it has progressed a lot since then) b. The

Re: Entity Engine SQL Processor

2007-07-03 Thread Cameron Smith
OK, I have opened JIRAs for these two issues, since no-one could explain them (thanks everyone for the suggested workarounds - they are handy for immediate use but do not resolve the funamental bugs).

Re: OFBiz SQL Processor questions

2007-07-02 Thread Cameron Smith
Dear Shi Jinghai, your solution is exactly what we already did to resolve this problem. We just created a helper method which built up this between-like structure. It has been working fine for several months. The reason I wrote to the ML, is that if EntityCondition.BETWEEN does not actually

Re: OFBiz and Web Services

2007-06-30 Thread Cameron Smith
Hi Daniel. In fact, subsequent to the post of mine which Jacques referred to via tinyurl, I did solve this issue but in a different way to Rodrigo. I believe I mentioned this on the ML a while back. We implemented our own little library in .NET/C# which bypassed the whole cumbersome .NET Web

OFBiz SQL Processor questions

2007-06-30 Thread Cameron Smith
Hi, in the last few weeks I have come across a couple of issues with the SQL Processor generating incorrect SQL. I am using MySQL 5.0, but I stress that these issues would also cause problems in the two other RDBMS I am familiar with (Oracle and PostgreSQL). I have dug around this part of the

Re: OFBiz SQL Processor questions

2007-06-30 Thread Cameron Smith
actually got this working, would you mind sending me a code snippet as an example? Agradecia muito. cheers, cameron Use BETWEEN and more new EntityCondition AND to values. Query ie: fieldName BETWEEN 10 AND 20. 2007/6/30, Cameron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi, in the last few weeks

Re: Considering OFBiz for a new project...

2007-06-25 Thread Cameron Smith
Hi, to respond to your questions about SOA and workflow (based on my own experience). 1. SOA. OFBiz would indeed be compatible with an SOA as it provides you with an easy way to expose pretty much any functionality as services, which can be exported as SOAP services very easily. OFBiz also helps

Accounting Entity Service questions

2007-05-14 Thread Cameron Smith
Hi all, after developing our accounting application based on OFBiz, we had to make the following fairly minor alterations to certain entities and services. Is there a specific reason why they did not exist before? Perhaps I am missing something. Otherwise, we could contribute these back to

Re: Accounting Entity Service questions

2007-05-14 Thread Cameron Smith
David, just to clear up your worry about AcctgTrans.specialTimePeriodId. It is not in fact the case that a certain date only falls within one period. At least within the Moz acctg system, there are 16 accounting months - one for opening, and three for closing. Here's a concrete example.

ZK + OFBiz tutorial (was a long time ago: OFBiz featuring Google Ajax?)

2007-05-08 Thread Cameron Smith
Hi all, I have finally put Part 1 of this tutorial up. I will put the next bits up over the coming days, but what there is should get people started. comments and corrections welcome. But please RTFM first, I believe

Re: Risk Management System

2007-05-03 Thread Cameron Smith
Dear Chris, I sent a brief summary to Patrick directly. If you send me your email in an unspammable format, I'd be happy to forward what I wrote to you. It's the kind of project I'd be interested in were I still in the UK. From experience of working on a very successful rapid project to

MySQL memory probs on startup when checks switched off

2007-05-03 Thread Cameron Smith
Hi, I also encountered this prob and mentioned it a while ago in an email about startup performance. I did not try giving the JVM a GB, I will try that. Even if this does work though, it is not much of a help in our case as the main reason to switch off Entity Engine startup checks is to

Re: Ofbiz featuring Google Ajax?

2007-04-20 Thread Cameron Smith
When I have time to write it! - Original Message From: Zesheng Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Cameron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, 20 April, 2007 3:38:33 PM Subject: Re: Ofbiz featuring Google Ajax? Hi, Cameron Untill now, I can't see zk+ofbiz howto like you

Re: Ofbiz performance test

2007-04-19 Thread Cameron Smith
Dear Vikrant, the following information may or may not be of use to you. We have one OFBiz-based product which runs as a windows service on a laptop. If the computer has at least 756Mb RAM, the application runs satisfactorily once it gets going. However the specific problem we had was startup

Calling OFBiz from .NET

2007-04-12 Thread Cameron Smith
On a different note, I think I have finally cracked this old chestnut. I had another stab at it after a recent post by Marina (thanks Marina) about using the RPC style attribute. In fact, it turned out not to be so simple, as .NET explicitly doesn't support wrapped response params for RPC

Re: Leaving OFBiz for a while

2007-04-11 Thread Cameron Smith
I agree that there are many more issues than contributors. But I also agree about the shortage of contributors who have time to review. When I first started using OFBiz, I submitted two very small patches and they were quickly included. But the third thing, which was a lot more complex, is

Re: OFBiz as windows service

2007-04-04 Thread Cameron Smith
: Jacques Le Roux [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:; Cameron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, 2 April, 2007 6:59:07 PM Subject: Re: OFBiz as windows service Cameron, I have no problem to in View mode if the last section is : a.. Open a command prompt and navigate to the OFBIZ_HOME/win32

Re: OFBiz as windows service

2007-04-02 Thread Cameron Smith
here. Any feedback is welcome. cameron - Original Message From: Jacques Le Roux [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:; Cameron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, 24 March, 2007

Re: OFBiz as windows service

2007-03-24 Thread Cameron Smith
We use: Took about half an hour to get it working, very simple. attached is the wrapper.conf file we use, customized for OFBiz cameron ___

Re: .NET 2.0 and Ofbiz (SOAP) Web Service Connectivity

2007-03-22 Thread Cameron Smith
I had very similar problems connecting .NET and OFBiz SOAP exported services. Someone (I forget who), explained that OFBiz SOAP support is very primitive at the moment, and does not support complex types. However even when I tried it with simple types it did not work! There was a discussion

Re: Unsubscription problems

2007-02-15 Thread Cameron Smith
your sent mail box)? -David On Feb 15, 2007, at 12:59 PM, Cameron Smith wrote: I have sent an email to that address 3 times over last few days, no response, nor was anything chucked into my spam folder by mistake. Is there an administrative address (staffed by a human) in who

Re: Usage of java over BSH

2007-02-07 Thread Cameron Smith
Hi. Do not forget that OFBiz has custom improvements to Beanshell, which basically mean the parsed structure of a script is cached after the first interpretation.I have not seen any figures for relative performance but it is an obvious one. For more info start here:

Re: developing with ofbiz

2007-02-06 Thread Cameron Smith
Another open source PBX, less famous, but according to some better able to handle hefty integration needs (and written in Java, unlike Asterisk core), is SipX:[EMAIL PROTECTED] cameron - Original Message From: Chris Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: