Could not find syncope 2.1.4 in maven central - wrong relativePath

2019-04-22 Thread Alex123
Hi! Try to upgrade from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4 but have an issue: Non-resolvable parent POM, could not find artifact org.apache.syncope 2.1.4 in central (, 'parent.relativePath'

Migration to Syncope 2.1.3 issue: ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY table is used to get old serialized userWorkflow.bpmn20 xml

2019-04-18 Thread Alex123
HI! I migrated to syncope 2.1.3 and force an issue with old User Workflow. After debug I see that Syncope load User Workflow from DB from ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY table, not from userWorkflow.bpmn20 xml. There are questions: 1) Could I (or should I) update ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY table? How? 2) Could I just

Are there any way to add/update css for Syncope Console UI?

2018-09-26 Thread Alex123
I am using Syncope 2.1.1 There is a date picker to specify a starting date for pull task: Topology -> My Connector -> My Resource -> Pull Tasks -> execute -> Specify a starting date -> date picker input I need to disable date picker input html tag to avoid date custom modification. As a result

Re: Ldap pull task fail if one or more of ldap users have uid like this "Na\\\me" or "Na\me"

2018-09-20 Thread Alex123
Thank you for your answers. The root of problem is clear for me. But there is more specific questions - How to override target classes? - And why fail of one Ldap user breaks hole search response from Ldap connector? I could not override javax.naming.ldap.Rdn with my own implementation. Also

Ldap pull task fail if one or more of ldap users have uid like this "Na\\\me" or "Na\me"

2018-09-18 Thread Alex123
Hi! Syncope 2.1.1 net.tirasa.connid.bundles.ldap 1.5.2 Ldap pull task fail if one or more ldap users have uid like this "Na\\\me" org.quartz.JobExecutionException: While pulling from connector [See nested exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a valid attribute string

Why Syncope only add new memberships from LDAP but don't remove old memberships (are removed from LDAP)

2018-08-15 Thread Alex123
Hi! I have Syncope 2.1.0 and Ldap connector 1.5.2. All works fine, but THERE IS A PROBLEM: When I remove attribute 'uniqueMember'='uid=myldapuser,ou=Users,o=client1,dc=xyz,dc=net' in one of LDAP groups such as 'MyGroup' and then pull changes to Syncope, Syncope does not remove 'myldapuser' to

Why passthrough resource is automatically removed by Syncope from Account Policy after Authenticate script fails?

2018-05-21 Thread Alex123
Hi! I have :My REST Connector" with corresponding "My Resource" and I implemented Authenticate groovy script for it. In Syncope console I attached resource to My Account Policy (Configuration -> Policies -> Account -> Edit) I set - "Max Authentication Attempts" to 0 - "Propagate Suspension" is

What is the correct (simplest/predefiden) way to assign users to group using "Pull Templates" with REST connector?

2018-05-15 Thread Alex123
Hi! I am using [1] "Pull Templates" to sync Users and Groups (standalone, without assigning to users) from LDAP to several REST connectors [2]. I am playing around assigning users to groups (or groups to users) using "Pull Templates" now, but no luck. What is the correct (simplest) way to assign

Could Syncope Automatically create new users (just came from LDAP) in remote resource using REST connector

2018-05-04 Thread Alex123
Hi! I already have LDAP and REST connectors and I implemented all actions/settings for connectors (AUTHENTICATE, SEARCH, CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE) Both connectors works fine independently with their users. Syncope pulls users from LDAP to Syncope. Could Syncope Automatically create new users

How to use different remote keys for single syncope user with multiple REST connectors

2018-03-22 Thread Alex123
Hi! As an instance I have 3 REST connectors. I create user '' in syncope. He has syncope key 'asdfsdaf-asddfasdf-asdfasdf-asdfasdf'. During creation flow I add 3 rest connectors to this user. When Syncope pull user to each REST connector all of them by default create different ids