Re: Camel Timeout on a route

2012-10-28 Thread Willem jiang
the client request header will still effect on the second camel-cxf endpoint. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) http

Re: Camel Timeout on a route

2012-10-27 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, I just add an unit test to show how to set the HttpClientPolicy dynamically. You can set the receive timeout through the message header like this[1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: http

Re: Spring doesn't inject a ProducerTemplate

2012-10-27 Thread Willem jiang
is passed to your SearchController. Then you can create a template as you want. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) http

Re: unmarshal JSON to Map/List of Strings

2012-10-26 Thread Willem jiang
You can add Processor[1] or bean method[2] to do the job here. [1] [2] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: http

Re: unmarshal JSON to Map/List of Strings

2012-10-26 Thread Willem jiang
-caching.html -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese) Twitter

Re: JMS Selectors and Activemq Cluster

2012-10-26 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, It looks more like Activemq issue instead of camel-jms issue. Did you try to ask the question in the activemq user mailing list? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog:

Re: Proxying WSDL for CXF endpoint via camel

2012-10-25 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, Which version of camel are you using? I just did some test against the camel trunk ( camel-2.11-SNAPSHOT). I cannot reproduce the error. BTW, you should be able to get the message header CamelHttpQuery with value of wsdl. Hope you can find workaround with this message header. -- Willem

Re: Issue during concurrent inOut Queue Call

2012-10-25 Thread Willem jiang
It could be helpful if you can show us your camel route definition. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) http


2012-10-24 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, Did you try the address https://localhost:443/cxf/example? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) http

Re: Choice with xpath

2012-10-23 Thread Willem jiang
I don't think Camel xpath[1] can provide the function that you want. You can use a bean method [2] with @Xpath annotation to do that kind of job. [1] [2] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat

Re: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.camel.CamelExchangeException

2012-10-23 Thread Willem jiang
Can you past the whole stack trace? It hard to tell the error from your discription. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English

Re: SOAP WebService call

2012-10-23 Thread Willem jiang
You can let camel invoke the WebService by using the WebService client you generated in the bean[1] or Processor[2]. Then you don't need to use SOAP data bind or camel-cxf any more. [1] [2] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc

Re: Is Spring ActiveProfiles annotation supported in camel test 2.10?

2012-10-22 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, I think you need to checkout the log file to see if there is any related error. BTW, as camel 2.10 does not use the Spring 3.1.x out box, you may need to check the class patch setting of you test. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: http

Re: Failed to connect using Camel + RabbitMq Configuration

2012-10-22 Thread Willem jiang
We only have some unit tests on AMPQ :( -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) (http

Re: Configuring camel context xml to extract an attribute from incoming xml message and pass it on to bean method

2012-10-22 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, You can define the method of your bean like this import org.apache.camel.language.XPath; public void changeStatus(String value, @XPath(//Root/Key/text()) String key) { …... } -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | http

Re: Camel fail-over mechanism

2012-10-21 Thread Willem jiang
camel-zookeeper component[1] can help you to do that. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog:

Re: Failed to connect using Camel + RabbitMq Configuration

2012-10-21 Thread Willem jiang
Hi I'm not sure why the AMQ connection is closed from the RabbitMq side. From the Camel side log everything look good. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: Strange problem when bridging amq to cxf

2012-10-19 Thread Willem jiang
Yeah, camel-jms component need the message body to be Serializable. Or you need to marshal and unmarshal the POJO with JAXB or other date format. BTW, I just committed the test into the trunk[1] [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource

Re: Camel application design question

2012-10-19 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, If you just want to send a String back the client when the exception is thrown, you can just create a method as toResultString in the ProcessError Object. And it could be used with the ErrorHandler. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: http

Re: Context component not found during build

2012-10-19 Thread Willem jiang
Hi Robert I can reproduce the error that you meet. I'm looking it now. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) http

Re: Context component not found during build

2012-10-19 Thread Willem jiang
/ camel:to ( /camel:route /camel:camelContext camel:camelContext id=fooCamelContext streamCache=true camel:route camel:from ( camel:to /camel:route /camel:camelContext -- Willem Jiang Red Hat

Re: Context component not found during build

2012-10-19 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, I filled a JIRA [1] and committed an enhancement for it. It could give us more meaningful information if we don't setup the camel context rightly. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: http

Re: SOAP 1.2 for CXF Consumer on Glassfish 3

2012-10-19 Thread Willem jiang
Please see my comments in the line. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) (

Re: Dynamic File Name

2012-10-19 Thread Willem jiang
You can set the message header CamelFileName dynamically in a processor. This processor can get the FileName from the message body. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: How to use camel component properties outside camel context

2012-10-19 Thread Willem jiang
-- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese) Twitter: willemjiang Weibo

Re: Strange problem when bridging amq to cxf

2012-10-18 Thread Willem jiang
I think I can add one to the camel trunk. I will let you know when I commit the code. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English

Re: How to maintain a seperate Datastructure to choose processor in my custom load balancer

2012-10-18 Thread Willem jiang
-- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese) Twitter: willemjiang Weibo

Re: Context component not found during build

2012-10-18 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, It looks like you are using camel spring Main to load the camel application context. I'm not sure why your mvn project have the dependency of camel-archetype-spring:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | http

Re: Camel application design question

2012-10-18 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, I think you can use the ErrorHandler to catch the Exception in a genetical way. What's your ProcessError class looks like? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: Exception not captured by Tracer

2012-10-17 Thread Willem jiang
As I know the Trace just log the exception, it will not catch the exception. Camel Error handler can do that kind of work. Please forget about the InOnly data format, I should say the InOnly Message Exchange Pattern. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: http

Re: How to execute route on shutdown?

2012-10-17 Thread Willem jiang
I think the most convenient is define a ShutdownStrategy and configure it into you camel context with the Spring DSL. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: Secure camel-web and limit to read-only access?

2012-10-17 Thread Willem jiang
be great if you are plan to submit a patch for it :). [1] [2] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: http

Re: Unexpected exception parsing XML document from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/config/applicationContext.xml]; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException

2012-10-16 Thread Willem jiang
It is hard to tell why the NPE was thrown. Can you try to deploy the application into other WebContainer to see if it works ? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: NPE in CxfProducer due to client prematurely closed.

2012-10-16 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, I just checked the camel-cxf trunk, it doesn't create the JaxWsClientProxy any more. Can you try to upgrade the camel version to pick latest CXF version for it ? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog

Re: Jetty proxy routes confused behavior.

2012-10-16 Thread Willem jiang
-example.html -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese) Twitter

Re: Webdav AHC component

2012-10-16 Thread Willem jiang
Hi I'm afraid camel-ahc component doesn't provides the Webdav implementation for you. It could be easy if you use the Sardine API to build up component for do kind of work. Anyway, it could be great if you can contribute the implemented component to camel :) -- Willem Jiang Red Hat

Re: Exception not captured by Tracer

2012-10-16 Thread Willem jiang
It looks like you are using InOnly data format. Can you check if there is any exception is thrown in the camel log? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: Camel CXF Compnenent consuming a webservice having header of type X.(X maps to xsd)

2012-10-16 Thread Willem jiang
, org.apache.cxf.message.Message.class); Then you can tried to access the Headers like this ListHeader soapHeaders = (ListHeader) cxfMessage.getHeader(Header.HEADER_LIST) -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: http

Re: Unmarshalling stop working

2012-10-16 Thread Willem jiang
. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese) Twitter: willemjiang Weibo

Re: Issue with Camel + CXF + Blueprint

2012-10-15 Thread Willem jiang
I just you specify the bindingId=service:EchoServiceSOAP11Binding for the echoService. Maybe you should double check it :) -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: Camel CXF Compnenent consuming a webservice having header of type X.(X maps to xsd)

2012-10-14 Thread Willem jiang
[2] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: http

Re: JMS request/reply and aggregate

2012-10-14 Thread Willem jiang
the response back in the CXF service implementation class without use camel-cxf component. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English

Re: Can WebLogic 12C support Camel 2.1?

2012-10-14 Thread Willem jiang
to help you :) -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese) Twitter

Re: Dynamic jms destination from wsdl?

2012-10-14 Thread Willem jiang
(new Processor() { public void process(final Exchange exchange) { Message in = exchange.getIn(); // get the cxfMessage from camel message header org.apache.cxf.message.Message cxfMessage = in.getHeader(CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_MESSAGE, org.apache.cxf.message.Message.class); …... } -- Willem

Re: Unmarshalling stop working

2012-10-12 Thread Willem jiang
How did you call the convert method? I need have a look at bean method of jmsCacheServer. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English

Re: Camel Confusion

2012-10-12 Thread Willem jiang
Hi I don't get what the instance that you mention in your questions. Camel will create a new Message when it get the mms from the topic queue. I don't know how you link the processRequest route to sendPesponse route. It is important for us to answer the question of 4. -- Willem Jiang Red

Re: Removing an Endpoint from a route

2012-10-11 Thread Willem jiang
the FailOverLoadBalancer directly without any addition work. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) (http

Re: Making Camel based middle layer available even when services are not

2012-10-11 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, The exception is thrown as the cxf endpoint need to access the WSDL to build the service module. You can work around it by store the WSDL in your local directory. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog

Re: Camel and JBoss

2012-10-11 Thread Willem jiang
context listener which loads the XML file -- listener listener-classorg.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener/listener-class /listener …. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: http

Re: Camel and JBoss

2012-10-11 Thread Willem jiang
You can also start a camel context by using the Camel web console[1]. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: The problem with the client to an external WebService CXF

2012-10-11 Thread Willem jiang
No, you don't need to export 10 cxfEndpoint to invoke the 10 different methods. There are some message headers can help CxfProducer to decide which method it will use. operationName, operationNamespace You just need to set them up once you decide to invoke the external WebService. -- Willem

Re: Help Needed (Came cxf)

2012-10-11 Thread Willem jiang
Can you try to set the operation in the URI like this? cxf:bean:helloWorld?wrappedStyle=true -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (

Re: Missing data when using split / tokenizer

2012-10-11 Thread Willem jiang
The Splitter will remove the line, as you just use the regex token like C.*?PAG\. 1.*?. Camel will create a list for splitter to use. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog:

Re: AmbiguousMethodCallException on override methods

2012-10-11 Thread Willem jiang
of CollectionTransform like this class CollectionTransformerFactoryBean implements FactoryBeanTransformerString, Long { public TransformerString, Long getObject() throws Exception { return new CollectionTransformerString, Long; } …... } -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part

Re: Camel-CXF web services are not available

2012-10-10 Thread Willem jiang
Hi Can you change the transportID in you WSDL from; to; to workaround this issue? It looks current CXF SoapBindingFactory doesn't make a right mapping for it. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now

Re: Camel-CXF web services are not available

2012-10-10 Thread Willem jiang
I just checked the CXF code, there is an entry of; You should use; instead of; -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | http

Re: Camel-CXF web services are not available

2012-10-10 Thread Willem jiang
We need to clean up the namespace of SoapTransportFactory, as the; is not a validate namespace. I just filled a JIRA[1] for it. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: http

Re: Help on deploying Camel on Weblogic 12c. Name Collision

2012-10-10 Thread Willem jiang
It looks like a JPA (EclipseLink) related error. What kind of camel components are you using? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English

Re: File name as (Program|Delta) for File and FTP consumer?

2012-10-09 Thread Willem jiang
Camel has the GenericFileFilter[1] interface that you can use the do this kind of job. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: http

Re: Netty or Mina Async in the same socket

2012-10-09 Thread Willem jiang
It's depends on what's version of service mix are you using. As Apache Camel provides patch releases, it could be possible that you just replace the camel-netty or camel-mina jars with that latest one. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: http

Re: smpp consumer inflight exchanges keep growing

2012-10-09 Thread Willem jiang
It looks like the message body is null, can you double check it ? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) http

Re: Camel-CXF web services are not available

2012-10-09 Thread Willem jiang
/SwaptionCompactService.wsdl] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese

Re: Camel-CXF web services are not available

2012-10-09 Thread Willem jiang
Can you try to use the more latest Camel version? I think it could be better if you are trying to use CXF 2.5.x. BTW, how did deploy your camel route? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: http

Re: camel-veloccity property configuration

2012-09-29 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, Current camel-velocity doesn't support to check the property configuration file periodically, It only load it when the camel-velocity endpoint is started, and will not reload it per request. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web:

Re: Context Scan with @Configuration and camel-spring-javaconfig

2012-09-28 Thread Willem jiang
Basically, you just need to find out the RouteBuilder classes as you want in Java when you extends the CamelConfiguration class, then you don't need to be bothered by any XML. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | http

Re: Camel MQ help needed

2012-09-28 Thread Willem jiang
You can enable the trace[1] feature to see if the message is sent to jms endpoint. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: activeMQ reading order problem

2012-09-28 Thread Willem jiang
How did you stop the consumer, I'm not sure if the consumer still hold the first message when you stop the consumer. What kind of JMS ACKNOWLEDGE did you use? -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: http

Re: Camel Weblogic Using CXF Proxy Pattern and Jetty Component

2012-09-27 Thread Willem jiang
Just quick note, if you are using CXF 2.5.x, you don't need to specify the below line in your spring configuration file import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml/ -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | http

Re: Restlet component with OSGi/Blueprint

2012-09-27 Thread Willem jiang
You may also need to take a look at the camel-servlet component[1]. It's not an easy job to combine the Servlet, CamelContext within the OSGi platform. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat

Re: RESTful route with Apache CXF

2012-09-27 Thread Willem jiang
the Java object of PriceReuqestMessage from the message body. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (

Re: Camel and tomcat

2012-09-27 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, You need to take a good look at the camel-servlet[1] component, as you want to get the file name from the client http request. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: |

Re: Camel and tomcat

2012-09-27 Thread Willem jiang
camel-servlet is using the CamelServlet as the servlet name by default. You can use the servletName option to specify the servlet name as you want. Like this from(servlet:/hello?servletName=CamelServlet1).transform(simple(Hello ${})); -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource

Re: Header goes missing while posting from a periodically polled consumer

2012-09-25 Thread Willem jiang
You can use the ProducerTemplate sendBodyAndHeaders method. It will take a map as the headers those you want to send the endpoint. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: (http

Re: How to mock endpoints taking lots of different query parameters values?

2012-09-20 Thread Willem jiang
It could easy to implement your requirement by add a customer MockComponent which just look up the created MockEndpoint if the uri is end with *. But I'm not sure why do you want to create the same mock endpoint with the uri with different the query parameters. -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc

Re: print a PDF with camel-printer

2012-09-20 Thread Willem jiang
I just committed the patch[1] of it into the trunk. Please check out the camel-2.11-SNAPSHOT to verify the patch. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog

Re: How to mock endpoints taking lots of different query parameters values?

2012-09-20 Thread Willem Jiang
I think the user wants to set the response message by leveraging the mock endpoint. It could be easier by using sending intercepter. 2012/9/21, Henryk Konsek Hi guys, from(direct:start).process(new ClassThatGeneratesDynamicUriHeader()).recipientList(header(DynamicURI));

Re: Example of scheduling

2012-09-20 Thread Willem jiang
Hi, You can take a look at the camel-quratz[1] and camel-ftp[2] component. [1] [2] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: | Blog: http

Re: Starting route(s) upon completion of another route

2012-09-20 Thread Willem jiang
You can set if the route is started[1] when the camel context is started. Then you can start the route as you want in when the other route is ready. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red

Re: print a PDF with camel-printer

2012-09-19 Thread Willem jiang
I think we can add a printer prefix option on the camel-printer endpoint to help us find the right printer we want. I just fill a JIRA[1] for it. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web:

Re: URI parameters for one Zookeeper endpoint are contaminating another endpoint

2012-09-18 Thread Willem jiang
The ZooKeep endpoint configuration should not be effected by the other endpoints. I just filled a JIRA[1] and will commit the fix as you suggested shortly. [1] -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. FuseSource is now part of Red Hat Web: http

Re: Can we improve Main to accept RouteBuilder subclasses as arguments?

2012-09-16 Thread Willem jiang
It makes sense to add an option which can help user to load the routes they need. If you are using Spring, you can setup a camel context which has reference all the route you need. I just filled a JIRA[1] for it. [1] -- Willem Jiang

Re: Can we improve Main to accept RouteBuilder subclasses as arguments?

2012-09-16 Thread Willem jiang
I just have a quick look at the article, it is a good tutorial for the user who want to know about how to use camel. -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English

Re: Windows 2003 server mount

2012-09-13 Thread Willem jiang
It looks more like the issue of user permission. btw, you can use the camel:run plugin to start the camel application without using tomcat. -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: (http

Re: Using the HTTP4 component to make a HTTPS call behinf proxy sever

2012-09-13 Thread Willem Jiang
No, I dont think the upgrading can resolve the issue, as there is no much chang in the camel-http4 component. Can you try to invoke the sevice by using http client4 directly? Willem 2012/9/13, Adrian Harris Hi, Thanks for the response, the workaround was a success.

Re: Performing Sticky load balancing in Camel.

2012-09-12 Thread Willem jiang
Instead of using camel-cxf component, this is most effective way to do the load balancing. I think you can do some tracing work to see if the xpath expression return the right ServiceGroupID first. Then we can keep digging if the sticky load balancing is doing its job. -- Willem Jiang

Re: SOAP session handling in load balncer

2012-09-11 Thread Willem jiang
-HowtogetandsetSOAPheadersinPAYLOADmode -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese) Twitter: willemjiang Weibo: willemjiang

Re: SOAP session handling in load balncer

2012-09-11 Thread Willem jiang
producer with the back end server address as you did before for load balancer to pickup . -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English)

Re: Windows 2003 server mount

2012-09-11 Thread Willem jiang
Can you try to use the latest released camel 2.10.1 ? -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese

Re: SEDA and concurrentConsumers

2012-09-11 Thread Willem jiang
You need set the seda endpoint parameter on the first one endpoint, because Camel will pickup the created queue in the next endpoint. Please change the first route like this … .log('direct ${body}') .to('seda:insert?blockWhenFull=truesize=5') -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: http

Re: @XPath evaluation

2012-09-10 Thread Willem jiang
It's here[1] [1] -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English) (http

Re: Help on Mock for Async calls

2012-09-10 Thread Willem jiang
Which version of camel are you using? I just try the below test in the camel trunk the test is passed. -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English) http

Re: FATAL level on Log Component

2012-09-06 Thread Willem jiang
I just checked the code, we don't support the FATAL level, it's a document issue. I just updated the wiki page for it. -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English

Re: camel route help

2012-09-06 Thread Willem jiang
You can take a look at the loan-broker-example[1]. [1] -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English) http

Re: Getting consumer endpoint details or exchange headers in custom ExceptionHandler

2012-09-05 Thread Willem jiang
-HowtousetheCamelerrorhandlertodealwithexceptionstriggeredoutsidetheroutingengine [2] -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: (http

Re: problem with ActiveMQ component

2012-09-02 Thread Willem jiang
Yeah, I should work. -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese) Twitter: willemjiang Weibo

Re: Synchronous consumer

2012-09-02 Thread Willem jiang
://; errorHandler id=noErrorHandler type=NoErrorHandler/ /camelContext or Java DSL public void configure() { errorHandler(noErrorHandler()); …… } -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: http

Re: aggregation failed

2012-09-02 Thread Willem jiang
How did you shutdown the camel context? It looks like you need to wait for the aggregation to aggregate the XML for you before shutdown the camel context. -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: (http

Re: Understanding Idempotent Consumption

2012-09-01 Thread Willem Jiang
Could you submit a patch to Camel JIRA for it ? 2012/9/2, krishy I experimented with this some more and believe its a race condition in the HazelcastIdempotentRepository. Patched it and all is well after that. -- View this message in context:

Re: @XPath evaluation

2012-08-28 Thread Willem jiang
Sorry, I missed that line. Thanks for commit the fix shortly. -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English) (

Re: Exec-component: get stdout streaming while not finished?

2012-08-28 Thread Willem jiang
be defined when you define the route. -- Willem Jiang FuseSource Web: ( Blog: ( (English) ( (Chinese) Twitter: willemjiang

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