email listener

2011-05-26 Thread fachhoch
I want an email listener , ie whenever a new email arrives to a particular inbox with a particular subject I want a jms message to be sent to my listener , can camel do this ? -- View this message in context: Sent

Re: email listener

2011-05-27 Thread fachhoch
I tried based on your suggestions I got ConnectException connection refused :connect Connection refused: connect I am sure email address is correct and password is correct , Please tell me what could cause connection problems and I am testing this with my work emai

Re: email listener

2011-05-31 Thread fachhoch
I tried imap its not working, I get the same connection refused exception , Is there any tool I can use to test the connection ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: email listener

2011-05-31 Thread fachhoch
They gave me the mail server address , I can send email , but trying to read email I get connection refused exception. .I tried telnet to the address they gave and I get connection refused ,does this mean there is a problem with mailserver connection ?,my outllok connects well also I have thunde

Re: email listener

2011-05-31 Thread fachhoch
this is the code of my RouteBuilder public void configure() { from("imap://myemailusernam@wholehostname?password=mypassword"). choice().when(header("subject").contains("Test-Camel")). to("jms://").bean(new SomeBean()); } Now I am

Re: email listener

2011-05-31 Thread fachhoch
may be I am missing something with the configration can please give me an example of an email address with yahoo or gmail -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: email listener

2011-05-31 Thread fachhoch
can you please help me write this in camel public class GmailReader{ public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.setProperty("", "imaps"); try { Sessio

failed to create route

2011-05-31 Thread fachhoch
I am new bee trying to use camel . I am trying an email listner I am failing with this exception Failed to create route route1: Route[[From[imaps:// because of Failed to resolve endpoint: imaps://

Re: failed to create route

2011-05-31 Thread fachhoch
Ok I am using camel-mail-2.7.1 platform windows server running on jetty java 1.6 I am getting parameter not found exception I am trying out the configration specified in the example . here is my router configration from("imaps://

custom condition check frequently

2011-06-02 Thread fachhoch
I want to check a table data in my database and if it meets some condtion then start some processing , how to do this in camel , currently I have a quartz job running every 5 minutes to check this table and if the data meets my condition I do some processing , I want to do this in camel pleas

Re: custom condition check frequently

2011-06-02 Thread fachhoch
some of my tables are not mapped as entities and this table I have to query is not mapped I don't want to map it, I want camel to call my predicate if the predicate returns true call some processor , and check the predicate every 5 minutes , -- View this message in context: http://camel.4

check remote folder using ftp

2011-06-09 Thread fachhoch
I want to check a folder in a remote server using ftp and if it has any filescall my processor with the files passed to my processor so that I can read them.Please suggest me how . -- View this message in context:

read all files in folder

2011-06-09 Thread fachhoch
I am trying to read files from a remote folder using sftp, I added a processor to my consumer. The processor is getting called based on number of files , If the remote folder has 4 files the processor is called 4 times each time with a file , I want the processor to be called once with all the fi

Re: check remote folder using ftp

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
I am getting this error org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileOperationFailedException: Cannot change directory to: NEW_NEAR_FILES at org.apache.camel.component.file.remote.SftpOperations.doChangeDirectory( at org.apache.camel.component.file.remote.

Re: read all files in folder

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
Please tell me on how to get all files in my processor My processor gets exchange but I have no clue how to get all files from exchange are there any examples? -- View this message in context: Sent from th

Re: read all files in folder

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
Yes I used aggregator it gets valled once that uis good , what I mean is in my proccesor from exchange what should I call to get all files here is my code public static class FileProcessor implements Processor { @Override public void process(Exchange excha

Re: read all files in folder

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
Thanks for your reply I want to get them as files( not as Strings I need each file name and its content . -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.c

Re: read all files in folder

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
I tried your code It did not work here is my actual code public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() { from("file://e:/u01/oracle/NEW_NEAR_FILES/?delete=true&delay=6") .convertBodyTo(File.class) /

Re: read all files in folder

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
I tried with .convertBodyTo(File.class) , I was able to get filename but when I tried to read the file to byte array I got IO exceptions , file does not exsists , obviously because I said the delete option to true , please advice me how to get file content as byte array ? -- View this messa

Re: read all files in folder

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
I changed my router to use and removed delete , I was hoping at this time I will be able to read file bytes in my processor but its failing with public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() { from("file://e:/u01/orac

Re: read all files in folder

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
can I say convertBodyTo(new HashMap()) and in this hashmap I want to put the filename and its content can I do this ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Nabble

Re: read all files in folder

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
can adding a processor to from will help ? I did not try but want to know ur opinion I saw this in from("direct:start").process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) { Message in = exchange.getIn(); in.setB

Re: read all files in folder

2011-06-10 Thread fachhoch
thank u very much , I also tried a simple approach it worked but not sure if it is right please tell me if it is right , what I did is call convertBodyTo(String.class) and I noticed exchange has headers and it had file path filename and some other values so I just called get header Exchange.F

jms queue endpoint message parameters

2011-06-14 Thread fachhoch
I have my route with endpoint to jms queue, here from("file://e:/u01/oracle/NEW_NEAR_FILES/?delay=6&move=../PROCESSED_NEAR_FILES") .convertBodyTo(String.class) .aggregate(constant(true)).completionSize(10).completionTimeout(1L).groupExchanges()

example app to embed camel-web-console

2011-06-21 Thread fachhoch
I want to embed camel web console into my app ,are there any examples ?,I tried adding org.apache.camel camel-web 2.7.1 war runtime to my pom , it did not work ,do I need to add anything in my web.xml ? -- View this message in context:

Re: example app to embed camel-web-console

2011-06-21 Thread fachhoch
Atleast please guide how to embed apache-web-console in my app. I tried adding the camel war dependency in my pom, maven added everything from the camelwar to my war when I tried accessing local host:8080 I got tomcat home page please guide how to integrate camel web console in my app -- View this

Re: example app to embed camel-web-console

2011-06-23 Thread fachhoch
Thanks for the reply ,I emebdded camel war to my war project which I deploy using jetty-maven-plugin ,context root for my war is artms ,please tell me how to access camel console , I mean what is the url my jetty runs on 8080 so I acces my application as localhost:8080/artms what should

Re: example app to embed camel-web-console

2011-06-23 Thread fachhoch
I dont want both the apps to be independent , I want to have camel web console in my app as a web resource, I tried http://localhost:8080/artms/routes url it did not work , so to test it in simple way I created a a wicket quickstart project added camel-web-console as dependency. this project i

Re: example app to embed camel-web-console

2011-06-24 Thread fachhoch
It worked well in the test application, I tried in my actual application It failed with no such method error, because camel and my application both had the same jar with different version , so what is the solution for this ? I mean both wars might have same jars with differnt version and ob

reload routebuilder at runtime

2011-06-24 Thread fachhoch
My RouteBuilder are written in groovy and are loaded as spring beans using lang tag if I update the groovy file spring reloads the file .So when my RouteBuilder is updated sopring will update the bean but hat baout camle will it reload the RouteBuilder ? what option I have to

Re: reload routebuilder at runtime

2011-06-24 Thread fachhoch
ok in other words If my routebuilder is written in groovy using camel dsl ,will I be able to make changes and reload the routebuilder at runtime ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users

Re: example app to embed camel-web-console

2011-06-28 Thread fachhoch
if I seperate this into two wars , ie one for my aplication and other camel war , how can camel war update routesfrom my application war ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Us

Re: reload routebuilder at runtime

2011-06-28 Thread fachhoch
please tell me how to update a route using camel context I saw the api it has several methods , you have an example on updating a route at runtime , my camel context is started by springand routes registered here is my configration";> gov.h

Re: reload routebuilder at runtime

2011-06-28 Thread fachhoch
what's the route id in my case? how can I find it ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

email verification

2011-06-28 Thread fachhoch
I have new user registration where I have to verify the email address given by user is the one he uses , ie my app has to send him an email to the given email address and I should get back a reply , something like subscription to post into camel forums ? is there anything camel which I can use ?

Re: reload routebuilder at runtime

2011-06-28 Thread fachhoch
I saw the code fo DefaultCamelContext and I think I can use the method public synchronized void addRouteDefinitions(Collection routeDefinitions) throws Exception { for (RouteDefinition routeDefinition : routeDefinitions) { removeRouteDefinition(routeDefinition); }

Re: email verification

2011-06-28 Thread fachhoch
in other words is there a camel component in camel which does email verification or I have to do have a flag in my database for email verification, initially when users registers I set it to pending and application will send out email to this user and when users replies to this email I update the

using camel to call multiple web services asynchronously

2011-12-08 Thread fachhoch
I call a webservice for my application for a user action, I have spring,cxf client , I use this client to call the webservice, now our requirement added new webservice call , so I have to call two webservices , the old one and the new one, my initial plan is in a method I will call each webse

Re: camel aws s3 get only files I need

2012-06-08 Thread fachhoch
The change is very simple here the code from S3consumer first change is to the S3Configuration add new field String prefix; second update the above method to call setPrefix on the ListObjectsRequest if prefix is present -- View this message in context:

messaging between several apps tied with sso

2013-11-29 Thread fachhoch
We have several java application tied using single sign on , each application has its own database.we are using cxf and rest services for any information one app needs from other .Using cxf the problem is web service can be accessed from anywhere and we have to add security and any app which wants