Re: Camel file component URI dynamic options & Filter query

2016-01-28 Thread fxthomas
thanks, will try that -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Camel file component URI dynamic options & Filter query

2016-01-29 Thread fxthomas
hello claus, How do I get the singleton bean nside my FileFilter java code. I tried using the @BeanInject annotation, but it looks like it creates different bean object and not using the one I have defined in the XML. regards, Felix T -- View this message in context: http://camel.465427.

Re: Camel file component URI dynamic options & Filter query

2016-02-01 Thread fxthomas
hello, I have tried with the below route & filter configuration , its works fine once , the filter is never called again after the first run . Do i need to call the filter explicitly to start the poll again? Since in my Filter I am getting the sequence from the Db always in the accep

Re: Camel file component URI dynamic options & Filter query

2016-02-01 Thread fxthomas
I tried with a new approach it works atleast for basic condition . But the problem is if there is any file left in the folder which did not match in the Run , the route keeps on polling and the filter is called everytime . 1) Is there any way in which the route can be told to stop pooling after

Extend FileComponent and create Custom componenet

2016-02-02 Thread fxthomas
hello, Is it possible to extend a existing component and create a new component . I have some specific business logic for file consuimg and in current component I find it difficult to make all scenarios work. Or the only option is to current your own custom component ?

Re: Camel file component URI dynamic options & Filter query

2016-02-02 Thread fxthomas
hello Claus, Thanks for the Tip. I had tried for the point 2) using a eventnotifer class, but the results are quiet confusing or maybe I am handling some other event . But i see the Exchange completed is fired for each message sent. So ite becomes diffcult to know which is the exact exchaneg co

Route shudtdown using Route Policy not working

2016-02-04 Thread fxthomas
hello, I have defined a route & route Policy class 1000 DS ${body} != null

Re: Route shudtdown using Route Policy not working

2016-02-04 Thread fxthomas
hello, Tried that too, same issue. I used a oncompletion with a processor it worked then But the now the issue is the route gets stopped after the processing of 1 Exchange message. Since I am using the Split stream , camel sends 1 row at a time in exch

Re: Route shudtdown using Route Policy not working

2016-02-05 Thread fxthomas
ok thanks, I tried a different approach it worked, using body null check. But I have a problem to get the number of lines processed for each file , since the BATCHSIZE returns only the no of files processed . I tried the below approach to get the splitsize but I cant get it outside the split

pass custom constant value to a bean in Spring XML

2016-02-11 Thread fxthomas
hello, I am trying to pass a constant value which is defined in a class, but it does not work .I am using 2.16.1 version of camel. I have defined as below in the XML. But the value of the Constant is not passed to the method and is always NULL. Is there anyway I can Re use the Constan

Re: Camel BeanIO catch and ignore InvalidRecordException

2016-02-12 Thread fxthomas
hello, I have exactly same issue with the beanIO component. The solution I saw was handling the error at bean Reader level. i.e. by registering your custom ErrorHandler in BeanReader. But how do we do it using camel is mystery for me . -- View this message in context: http://camel.46542

JMS Prefetch size for MQ series.

2016-02-25 Thread fxthomas
hello, Is there any prefetch option for the JMS componenet, I see option in ActiveMQ component. I want to fetch 100 messages at a time from a queue . I have configured as below, I am able to connect using connection Factory. However I have a query about the ackknwl

camel beanIO componenet , is it meant for parsing large files ???

2016-03-01 Thread fxthomas
hello, I was planning to use the camel beanIO component , but I saw something in its implementation that beats the reasoning of processing large files using beanIO . In readModels(Exchange exchange, InputStream stream) method Object readObject; while ((readObject = !=

Re: camel beanIO componenet , is it meant for parsing large files ???

2016-03-01 Thread fxthomas
Sure , i will take a look -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

JMS Route not shutting down (in hang mode forever)

2016-03-08 Thread fxthomas
hello, I have configured the defaultshutdown timeout & configured the route as below , but the the route does not stop properly . I can see the DefaultShutdownStrategy being called but it not forcing to close the route. - JmsConsumer[TESTQ]] ( DefaultShutdownStrategy.doShutdown :

Re: JMS Route not shutting down (in hang mode forever)

2016-03-08 Thread fxthomas
okay, saw a post of stopping using a different route thread, now it stops. However I want to log the exception in my routepolicy. Is there anyway I can get the exception in the route object. -- View this message in context:

Not move file on custom exception thown (file component)

2016-03-22 Thread fxthomas
hello, I have a below route configuration, my problem is that I don't want camel to move the file to error Or complete folder incase i throw a custom exception while processing . But currently it moves the file to complete or error if I handle the exception true/false. Is there a way to make ca

Re: Not move file on custom exception thown (file component)

2016-03-22 Thread fxthomas
you are right Claus ! . But I stop the route to avoid that problem (if you see the stop processor). There will be manual intervention to handle this exception , thats why i have to keep the file at the same place. -- View this message in context:

RE: Not move file on custom exception thown (file component)

2016-03-22 Thread fxthomas
Do you mean in runtime change the permission depending on the exception raised. I dont think it will be possible to change in between with a camel lock in place on that file. I could try though ! -- View this message in context:

Re: Not move file on custom exception thown (file component)

2016-03-23 Thread fxthomas
Solved the issue , using a custom logic in processor . So it works fine. currently Only problem was that the Stop processor thread was taking time to shutdown route. So added a delay to counter that. Thanks all for the inputs. -- View this message in context: http://camel.465427.n5.nabble.c

Time taken to read messages from queue

2016-07-19 Thread fxthomas
Hello, I want to know if there is a simple way in camel to measure the time taken by route to read all messages present in the queue. Example My queue get populated on some time intervals , so i want to know how time it took just for the JMS component to read from the queue and not the full time

Re: Time taken to read messages from queue

2016-07-20 Thread fxthomas
hello, I just want to mesaure how much camel JMS component take to read from queue, I dont want the complete exchange time take. I think using a Bean I can measure it which is the only clean option i see. Using grouplog of camel is an option, but I am not sure how many messages are there in que

Route ID in camel logger

2016-07-22 Thread fxthomas
hello, Is there anyway i can just get the Route ID also printed in the logger . My definition is as below. Or Do i need to use my own CustomFormatter in order to do so. -- View this message in context: Sent from t

Re: Route ID in camel logger

2016-07-22 Thread fxthomas
hi, tried with showHeaders=true does not display additional information and also with showAll only the below gets logged :159) - Received: 400 new messages, with total 400 so far. Last group took: 2269 millis which is: 176.289 messages per second. average: 176.289 -- View this message in

Re: Route ID in camel logger

2016-07-22 Thread fxthomas
it works fine alright as you mentioned but I want to use the throughput option i.e. groupInterval & groupDelay i tried with it does not work. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailin

Camel Spring Bean error Handling

2016-07-25 Thread fxthomas
Hello, My question is not Camel specific but more Spring bean handling issue. My issue is that even if there is an error in bean initialization the camel route starts . I want the camel context only started if there was no errors in Bean initialization . Some of beans are custom but some are

Re: Camel Spring Bean error Handling

2016-07-25 Thread fxthomas
hi, I am not using any specific camel componenet to access DB. just plain old JDBC after getting the datasource which is injected in the bean. My main issue to track the DB connection issues which is happening in my custom code when the issue goes more than a limit suspend all the routes running

Why is camel ignoring Startp event error

2016-07-26 Thread fxthomas
hello , I see in my logs the below *2016-07-26 15:39:11,523 WARN [org.apache.camel.spring.Main.main()] ( :807) - Error notifying event Starting CamelContext: camel-1. This exception will be ignored. * java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create PoolableConnectio

Suspend All routes & Resume incase of Business Exception

2016-08-01 Thread fxthomas
hello, I wish to know which would be the best approach to Suspend and resume all routes in the context . I saw the route policy approach but it is linked to each route. I want a Global Context policy in which I can suspend route and resume also . For example if there is a DB failure all routes

Re: Suspend All routes & Resume incase of Business Exception

2016-08-01 Thread fxthomas
So you are suggesting I stop each route one by one and resume it also similar fashion . If multiple share the same process, do you think there could be issue of a similar (Stop) thread getting called in respective routes ? Since the logic will be defined in all routes. -- View this message in

Re: Suspend All routes & Resume incase of Business Exception

2016-08-01 Thread fxthomas
Thanks for the Tip -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Camel Suspend moving file to error folder.

2016-08-04 Thread fxthomas
Hello, I want to know if there is a way to handle this below scenario in which the file which is being processed get moved to the error folder when the camel route is suspended. So when i resume the route the file is not there to be processed . I thought suspend means kinda a wait\sleep process t

Re: Camel Suspend moving file to error folder.

2016-08-07 Thread fxthomas
any tips or hints guys ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Camel Suspend moving file to error folder.

2016-08-08 Thread fxthomas
Hello, I want the file to remain where it is even if the camel route is suspended. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Spring Boot - FatJarRouter or Non FatJar Router

2016-08-15 Thread fxthomas
hi, I am converting my existing spring XML based camel apllication to Spring boot. I saw the existing examples of camel spring boot. My issue is I want to load my existing beans & routes which are there in the camelcontext xml directly . So I am not sure how do i load my context.xml using

Camel Spring boot WAR not executing

2016-08-19 Thread fxthomas
hello, I have a camel spring application , which runs fine from eclipse using the spring:run goal. But when i tried to execute it from command line using java -jar , it does not run and throws the below error. I am using camel 2.17.3 and spring boot 1.4.0 release. org.springframework.beans.fa

Re: Camel website is not showing the code blocks

2015-06-30 Thread fxthomas
helllo, I also still the css tags missging issue on the website class="brush: xml Many of the XML tag content are missing, but some are present also which is strange regards, Felix T -- View this message in context:

Dynamic Routes aadition in Standalone application

2015-07-09 Thread fxthomas
hello, I have write some code to start camel in Standalone mode , with some routes . But how do I make the roue addition dynamic without restarting the camel instance. I will be updating the route dynamically based on some triggers in my application. Looking at the standalone approach I dont

readSize option JDBC component not working for split

2015-07-09 Thread fxthomas
hello, I tried using the readSize option in the JDBC , but does not work. Is it that it won't work because I am using split with StreamList . I just want to get row By row from a DB , but i want only the first 10 rows. Currently it gets all the rows . Me code as below. from("timer://getData

Re: Dynamic Routes aadition in Standalone application

2015-07-09 Thread fxthomas
okay, so if you say if i can add using the camelcontext i need not restart the application again ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Nabb

Re: readSize option JDBC component not working for split

2015-07-09 Thread fxthomas
okay , it worked . Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: What about a simpe to use dynamic to out of the box

2015-07-14 Thread fxthomas
+1 for me. If you can have "Dynamic" from too it would be a great feature. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Cannot store file error CSV

2015-07-15 Thread fxthomas
hello, I am trying to write from a DB to CSV file , and I always get a cannot store file exception. My route is like below from("timer://getData?period=2h").setBody(constant("SQL Query")).to("jdbc:DS?outputType=StreamList").split(body()).to(file://C:\\GitWrk?fileName=data.csv&fileExist=Ap

Re: Cannot store file error CSV

2015-07-17 Thread fxthomas
okay, I will try that. I had tried without existing file and without existing file , in both cases it gave the same issue. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: DUMP Camelcontext to XML DSL -- API ?

2015-07-17 Thread fxthomas
saw this post will try using ManagedRoute dumpRouteAsXml(). -- View this message in context: Sent from the Cam

DUMP Camelcontext to XML DSL -- API ?

2015-07-17 Thread fxthomas
hello, I was wondering if there simple way i can dump the camelcontext details into a XML i.e. convert from JAVA DSL to XMl DSL . Using the camlecontext object I an get the necessary information of the routes and it configuration. I am trying to convert my Routes which are java DSL based to

Re: What about a simpe to use dynamic to out of the box

2015-07-20 Thread fxthomas
ok kool, will try out when i get time -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: DUMP Camelcontext to XML DSL -- API ?

2015-07-20 Thread fxthomas
hello, I tried the ManagedRoute way, it worked but a problem i faced was that the bean entries which are linked to the routes are not dumped. Moreover the XML representation was not full working if i tried to load the XML as spring . for example body which was generated by the API did

Re: DUMP Camelcontext to XML DSL -- API ?

2015-07-21 Thread fxthomas
hello, Not sure what the question is? Are you talking about some tooling that can take Camel java code and covert to xml automatic? "I was thinking of a API call which can do it. That is dump the whole CamelContext things in XML . including bean information related things . If its a tool als

Error in Tokenize in XMl DSL

2015-07-31 Thread fxthomas
hello, I have a route defined as";> ${body} I get this error as below on execution, I checked everywhere dont see a solution

Re: Error in Tokenize in XMl DSL

2015-07-31 Thread fxthomas
hanks Claus worked line a Charm. But i got stuck on the CSV format. I have changed the XML to below, since I want to skip the First line of the CSV and skipFirstLine is not present in the version 2.15.1. I get the below error, But i

Re: Some Stupid Questions

2015-08-04 Thread fxthomas
Thanks for your answers I will try them out whatever possible. I tried the Below things too. 1) I checked the bean construction the saw that it being created only once so i change the bean defination to below

Re: Logging Error in Message or Exchange in DB (Not getting the exception in Processor)

2015-08-10 Thread fxthomas
okay, worked Like a Charm. Just a question, the ErrorProcessor will be called once only after the redelivery policy limit is exhausted I hope not for every re delivery. -- View this message in context:

Re: Load Bean Definitions from XML in Camel

2015-08-25 Thread fxthomas
hello Christain, Sorry , I was not clear in the question. I meant the bean tags in XML , can it be loaded dynamically in camel i.e. a java method which will get the bean definations from a DB rather that hardcoding it in XML. I know that using a complex Java reflection I can load the cla

Re: Camel and ISO 8583

2015-08-25 Thread fxthomas
thanks will take a look -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Loading XML Routes from local directory

2015-08-27 Thread fxthomas
hi, Now sure of what exactly you want to do. As far as i understood , you want to keep all your routes in a XML file or multiple XML file 8specific for each route). I think the only option is currently is to use the loadRoutesDefinition which you have mentioned already. I have used it it work

Re: Send Message to a queue before start & end of a route starts prcoessing

2015-08-28 Thread fxthomas
Sorry my BAD, I forgot the SetBody Tag in the onCompletion, it works fine now -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Nabb

Re: Send Message to a queue before start & end of a route starts prcoessing

2015-08-28 Thread fxthomas
sorry it works , but not the way i want it to be. the Start message comes in the end of the queue just before the end message entry, ideally i thought it would be the first message in the queue , but its the second last . any workarounds ? -- View this message in context: http://camel.46

Re: kyro data format in camel

2015-09-03 Thread fxthomas
no issue as such in execution of route. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Trigger a event to a queue when File component starts processing files

2015-09-09 Thread fxthomas
solved it by Splitting the route to 3 different routes -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: kyro data format in camel

2015-09-14 Thread fxthomas
ohh Sorry for that, below is the part where it is used.

Re: kyro data format in camel

2015-09-14 Thread fxthomas
here is the class implementataion also. public final class KyroDataFormat implements DataFormat { @Override public void marshal(Exchange exchange, Object graph, OutputStream stream) throws Exception { stream.write(new KryoSerializationUtil(

Re: Dynamic datasource with Camel 2.15.x

2015-10-02 Thread fxthomas
hello, You could try with SimpleRegistry. It worked fine for me ,though never tried with PropertyPlaceholderDelegateRegistry. SimpleRegistry reg = new SimpleRegistry(); I load a lot of beans during camel start time using camel context Object camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext(loadBeans());

Re: Start a route based on a specific time everyday , but stop logic is based on ...

2015-10-06 Thread fxthomas
any hints ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Consume messages & rollback

2015-11-13 Thread fxthomas
hello, Okay even if I use spring transaction, i still don't get it if the processing is fail safe even if I set Ack to false For example I have a route as below and even a dead letter channel configured. In the error handler I am logging the message in a DB in case if it was not delivere

Re: Basicdatasource Connection question Camel

2015-11-27 Thread fxthomas
okay thanks for the Pointers Claus -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Multiple Datasource in sql or JDBC component

2015-12-04 Thread fxthomas
ok thanks , will try this -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Camel Shiro Security

2016-01-06 Thread fxthomas
It should work . Or else try with a processor -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Re: statement.maxRows not working as expected camel jdbc

2016-01-08 Thread fxthomas
hello Christain, Have created the JIRA thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Na

IdempotentConsumer Query (How does it work)

2016-01-18 Thread fxthomas
hello, I had read the doc at I have a doubt on how it maintains the uniqueness . I checked the code in DefaultExchange and saw the ExchangeID generated using Instance, Prefix etc. But I am not sure How it makes the message ID unique and avoi

RE: IdempotentConsumer Query (How does it work)

2016-01-18 Thread fxthomas
Thanks for the Tip will try it out -- View this message in context: Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Agggegrate Scenario Camel

2016-01-21 Thread fxthomas
hello, I am not sure if the below use case is possible in camel. I checked the documentation of aggreration in camel but it does not look like it will fit my need. Scenario:- I have to read from a csv file and collect some limited messages in a map which need to be se

Re: Agggegrate Scenario Camel

2016-01-21 Thread fxthomas
hello, Sorry ,I dont have much idea of using "embedded aggregor and build your map in aggregator strategy" in XML. In java I could try it out. Do you have any links or pointer which I can read too and try out for XML. -- View this message in context: