Hi Steven
Good to know. Sorry I am too focused on 3.14 LTS release, a few last
things to clear up.
About ascii doc links, then they can be tricky. There has been some
improvements/updates to the website build and whatnot,
so its a bit in "flux" at the moment. So if you need to continue then
do no
Hi, Claus, and thanks for the reply. I created the ticket on 31 Oct:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/CAMEL/issues/CAMEL-17154 and I am
working on it in the evenings as time allows. I have finished the initial
implementation, and I am working on tests and the asciidoc stuff. So far,
I hav
Hi Steven
On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 5:01 PM Steve973 wrote:
> Hi, Claus. I have done what I hope was a fairly full tracing through the
> code of camel-core, and I can now say that I appreciate your concern about
> adding things to core! I also took a closer look at the Saga and Kamelet
> compo
Hi, Claus. I have done what I hope was a fairly full tracing through the
code of camel-core, and I can now say that I appreciate your concern about
adding things to core! I also took a closer look at the Saga and Kamelet
components, and that helped to correct a misconception that I had --
Hi, Claus, and thank you for the heads up.
Since this is an alternate Dynamic Router implementation, it seems like it
might be best suited to be implemented in the core, unless it would make
better sense to implement it as a component for possible inclusion, later,
in core. Either way, does it ma
Adding EIPs or changes to the DSL is not a Camel end user task, and is
not documented thoroughly.
Adding new EIPs happens more rarely and there is maybe a little
hesitation to add because when its in the DSL it stays for a long
Also the DSL can become bloated - there are some mistakes fro