Hi, Claus, and thank you for the heads up.

Since this is an alternate Dynamic Router implementation, it seems like it
might be best suited to be implemented in the core, unless it would make
better sense to implement it as a component for possible inclusion, later,
in core.  Either way, does it make sense to call it DynamicRouter2?
The main difference that distinguishes this implementation from the current
dynamic router is that this one has a control channel for potential
recipients to register their rules for accepting messages, or to
de-register later.  It is a bit similar to the Choice processor.  Since
there is "mina" and "mina2", it looks like that establishes the convention
for naming alternate/subsequent implementations.

I will trace another processor through the code (perhaps Choice), and see
how it is all tied together.  While I am doing this, I can take good
notes.  Would it be useful to formally document this process?  I would be
glad to do it, and I would need to know about your documentation standards
and format, and where I might include it.

Lastly, for now, is there any special process for getting something new
approved for inclusion in core, or is it the usual merge request process?
If you would like to hear about my design and implementation
considerations, I can write something up and send it to you for review.  I
have the initial/basic processor implementation complete, and it is just
waiting for integration.  I am eager to get it integrated well enough to
write some tests to verify its functionality.

Thanks again!

On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 10:20 AM Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Adding EIPs or changes to the DSL is not a Camel end user task, and is
> not documented thoroughly.
> Adding new EIPs happens more rarely and there is maybe a little
> hesitation to add because when its in the DSL it stays for a long
> time.
> Also the DSL can become bloated - there are some mistakes from Camel
> v1 and v2 that we have today.
> That said to add a new EIP there are 2 ways
> - The EIP is implemented fully in the core, so all its code are in core.
> - The EIP is implemeted in a component and are located in camel-xxx in
> the components folder. Examples are circuit breakers, saga, kamelet
> and maybe others I forgot.
> So first you need to find out if its the former or the latter. However
> for both cases, the the DSL model are in the core and there is a fair
> bit of code to write to add a new model.
> Therefore its a good idea to find a simple EIP and see where its used
> in the code - can be ConvertBodyDefinition (are in core). Or if its
> outside then maybe KameletDefinition which is the latest EIP added.
> The reifer is the "guy" that sits between the model (DSL) and the
> processor (implementation), so all 3 are separated in their own JARs.
> And on top of that then there is also the new YAML DSL, so adding a
> new EIP can require some coding there too, but that can be done
> afterwards.
> At first is to get the regular Java and XML DSLs to work. The XML DSL
> is source generated with a maven plugin, and it can "have weird
> problems" if the DSL model is wrong.
> So if you have a very complex EIP then it can be tricky sometimes.
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 10:16 PM Steve973 <steve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, all.  I am working on a new version of the Dynamic Router processor
> > that implements the pattern spec much more closely, and I have the
> initial
> > implementation complete, but I want to test it (among other ways) by
> using
> > it in the DSL.  I haven't seen any documentation on how to do this, or
> any
> > tutorials.  Have I missed something?  Could anyone give some kind of
> > overview?  I could probably use a different processor and trace up
> through
> > the classes to see what all is involved, but I don't want to miss
> anything,
> > and this would be great documentation to have.  If it would be helpful
> for
> > other contributors, I would not mind putting it together for inclusion in
> > the overall documentation.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Steve
> --
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
> Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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