Unfortunately, that transformer does not seem to appear in cocoon 2.0.x
(which is the version of cocoon I am stuck on).
-- chris
On 07/29/2009 12:09 PM, Robby Pelssers wrote:
Not sure ... but can't you just use the source-write transformer?
-Original Message-
From: Chri
Unfortunately, that action does not appear in Cocoon 2.0.x (which is the
version I am stuck on) :(.
-- chris
On 07/29/2009 12:07 PM, andre.davig...@free.fr wrote:
You can use the copy-source action.
--Message d'origine--
De : Chris Gow
À :users@cocoon.apache.org
tead send some other
indicator (eg. Success! or something)
One thing to keep in mind...I'm using a really, really old version of
cocoon: 2.0.3 :(.
Any ideas/solutions are welcome, even if it is not cocoon specific
though I would prefer a cocoon sol
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Can't be sure without seeing your code, but my guess is you have some empty cells () - these get displayed differently in different browsers.
Hi ,
I am facing this problem.
While displaying a table in a page in Netscape 8.0 in
some of the table cells are being displaced and filled with
or whatnot. However, the standard File
Generator doesn't catch these sorts of things. Would there be any way to
get at these messages? Perhaps a node in the notifying generator with the
server's response, so that a handle-errors pipeline could use
Chris Marasti-Georg
a query string, I am assuming you are trying
to use the result of a cocoon pipeline in your xslt? In that case, you
could either use document(), which is not recommended, or you can
aggregate these documents into your source document before processing
with the XSLT
Chris Marasti-Georg
I see this example in supersonic tour bean editor
repeater binding:
The parent beans add method is called to insert a new child row.
What if there is no 'addChild' method available such as in one-to-many
sets generated in pojo's by hbm2java for hibernate. In this case the
parent has a:
t; To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Cc: Bob Harner; Chris Marasti-Georg
> Subject: Re: XCSS?
> Thanks to Bob and Chris for their feedback.
> However, my question is not how to serve up different CSS
> files depending on the target browser. What I would like to
> do is create tho
> -Original Message-
> From: Stephen Winnall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 1:37 PM
> To: Cocoon Users
> Subject: XCSS?
> I am setting up a website using Cocoon and want to generate
> XHTML and use CSS to handle the presentation. Like everyone
> else I
queryString includes the leading ? - you only need "http://somesite.org/getpage{request:queryString}"
Chris Marasti-Georg
From: "Boisvert, Éric"
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 12:26
PMTo: users@cocoon.apache.orgSubject: RE: How t
I am actually passing the string as a parameter to an action... I could
probably implement a "use-request-parameters" parameter ala the transform
param, but I prefered to pass them in already attached to the external url
Chris Marasti-Georg
> -Original Message-
> From
tring will be
Chris Marasti-Georg
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian BurridgeSent:
Monday, October 24, 2005 10:07 AMTo:
users@cocoon.apache.orgSubject: Re: How to send parameters to a URL
via http?
I don't think I was as clear as
Word of caution - if the request is a post, the queryString will be empty. If
anyone knows a way around that one, please post - I have forms that I'd really
like to post but are a get for now, because I don't know what params will be
Chris Marasti-Georg
> -Ori
-document and other-document are the document elements of those individual
xml files.
Chris Marasti-Georg
From: Combinational Logic
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, October 16,
2005 6:45 PMTo: users@cocoon.apache.orgSubject: RE:
Return xml from an Action to the pipeline
(Exception ex){
getLogger().error("Error connecting to/reading
from remote server: "+remoteURL);
return null;
public void dispose() {
Chris Marasti-Georg
> -Original Messag
nal pipeline:
Just some ideas, and I take no blame if nothing works... I waited to see
if anyone else would pitch in 2 cents, and they didn't, so you get my
penny instead
in your pipeline
Note that (unless I just missed it), you can't call a resource from a
different sitemap... So if you have a main sitemap with mounted sitemaps
that need to use the same resource, you have to copy it into each of
use a basic spring controller for this as well)
Just 2 more cents on top of the pile.
Chris Marasti-Georg
> -Original Message-
> From: Cocoon User [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 10:49 AM
> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: Authentica
Off the top of my head, you
would probably want to just add a , and have another matcher
Then, in whatever transformer
you use, look for the request/parameters/myparamname element (not sure of exact
element names there)
Good luck
From: Gary
There is an xpath function sum(), try using #{sum(item/quantity)} (not
sure of exact syntax)
Chris Marasti-Georg
> -Original Message-
> From: Upayavira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:05 AM
> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject:
Just for the fun of it, you could also try the directory generator and
document() function in xslt. You can use any cocoon:/ style as the argument.
Surprised noone mentioned it yet
Chris Marasti-Georg
> -Original Message-
> From: Janet Yvan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there a way to
make cocoon read global variables from a properties file? I am working on
a project with a server component, and eXist database backend, and a client side
suite of eclipse plugins. With our current setup, if one thing changes (a
server port, for instance), 3 fiels have to
of results
is not astronomical, perhaps forego pagination?). A lot of this would
come down to who the project is for and how important branding is as
> -Original Message-
> From: Dustin N. Jenkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 11:03 AM
have control over the users setup, and can afford a
css/javascript solution, I'd just make each "page" of results a div, set
them all to display:none, and use js to show/hide the page the users
> -Original Message-
> From: Dustin N. Jenkins [mailto
> ...
> and it doesn't work.
Try taking out the variable, and change the test in the xsl:if to
"../row" (or "sibling::row", or "following-sibling::row")
> My goal is to insert line
architecture for geospatial applications.)
best regards,
On 6/3/05, Sebastien Arbogast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BTW I forgot to mention something. The purpose of my webservices is
> not to create some RPC interface to my business code. In fact I want
> to use the document
s into
build/webapp/WEB-INF/work/cocoon-files/org/apache/cocoon/www/ I
think, in later versions, it puts them somewhere else, under a system
temp directory. In your case, search for getStatement_xsp.java (which
you can see from the error message, is the name of the .java file).
you think, would it be slower than using the FotoTransformer?
Adam Walsh wrote:
This might be the kind of thing that you're looking for:
Irv Salisbury wrote:
In a pipeline we have for producing XML data for our forms, we'd like
Ah, well, apparently, Derek, your email is not real, or something. Let
me know if you want me to email it to you, then.
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list doesn't accept attachments, so I'll email that to you directly, Derek.
Geert Josten wrote:
About the other hint I made:
the cinclude transformer supports the cached-include element. Try
doing something like:
I'm not sure whether
quot;... until then,
you'll need to struggle through things on your own, like the rest of us
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005/05/09 01:32:57 AM >>>
Hi Chris,
When I was starting a project that needed to hit databases and use
CForms I picked apart the Petstore sample
;s names also are
not showing up as hyperlinks, even though they also have personal
pages. I can't figure out what the difference is between the entries
that show up as hyperlinks, and those that do not.
Chris Maloney
ut I guess they've stopped giving out their content for free, or
something. The tutorial in the "Databases Block Samples" doesn't use
CForms, and also doesn't work, and has a lot of nasty dependencies, etc.
Any p
sitePageRef portion, like this:
select='substring($reqURI, 1, string-length($reqURI) -
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f a mess, with lots of these cached
pipeline fragments daisy-chained. I've also implemented "preemptive
caching" on some of them, and now I just haven't spent the time to dig
in and see where the cache isn't getting properly invalidated.
Derek Hohls wrote:
Is the XPath expression the same in every case ("//inml:ind/meta")?
If so, then it would be easy to switch to using CInclude, which is cached:
And then define a new pipeline to produce 101.meta.xml:
I'm pretty new to Cocoon, actually, and I've been using this technique a
Under "Other Sites", you could mention Cocoon Center
(http://www.cocooncenter.org/). I have found this very useful.
Mark Leicester wrote:
Hi everyone,
Now that SpreadCocoon (http://www.spreadcocoon.com) has been running
for a month or so, I'd like to get some feedback from Cocoon users
about how
Is there any standard (or non-standard, for that matter) way of
annotating (i.e.
adding markup documentation) to my sitemap? A lot of XML schema that I
know of allow you to mix in elements of other namespaces into the document.
Then, if a particular processor doesn't recognize the element, it jus
Why not use the ? What is $quickHeaderMenuList?
Is it a node list?
Christian Tanzmann wrote:
I would combine an XSL File with Velocity Statements but it dont work.
Because the XSL Transformer cant interprete velocity.
I have following file:
I would vote yes.
Stavros Kounis wrote:
long time ago when Steven host this wiki at cocoondev, it was a left
navigation-column for this page
i think that it was very usefull
On 4/28/05, Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Le 28 avr. 05, à 16:31,
Is there any kind of site-map for the Wiki, or at least an un-organized
list of all pages?
Or is the only way to get to a page by getting lucky with a search?
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For additional com
Nathaniel Alfred wrote:
But if the large amount of pipelines bothering you is mainly map:read with
different mime-types, you should rather look at your servlet containers
configuration. In Tomcat, for example, you define standard mappings in web.xml:
Then maybe a lot of t
Hey, I just figured out how to do this yesterday!
In your sitemap, put in a transformer in your pipeline like this:
Then, in your XSLT, declare the parameter:
. . .
. . .
You might find that you want to change the format that the date
o this across the board,
without having to rewrite every straight-thru pipeline? I'd like
something like this in the front:
Any help would be fantastically appreciated. BTW, I have really
looked for this answer in the two books I have and in the online
Thank you all for your comments.
The idea below looks great too. At this moment my site
is very small so i will use, the langselect construct.
Cheers all,
Linden H van der (MI) wrote:
Hi Chris,
I'm doing similar things. Some things I've done (note: check syntax, I'm
doing th
(Unsupported major.minor Version 49.0)
I am puzzeled... what does this mean?
Kindly Regards,
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t static xml files.
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chnology. I guess a
"best practices" or "cocoon design patterns" in the wiki would be
a very, very GREAT element!
I hope i get strong enough soon to contribute something to this.
Kindly Regards,
f de there
is en in the middle).
I think it's better cause:
- Google can index all, german and english version of the site
- the link is easier to remember
- i have no dependency to a named param, i only say: {0} decides about
english or german
I hope i could make it clear. Thanks for
- easy deeplinking (easier to remember)
- better search engine support
I thought about something like URL-Rewriting in Apache HTTPD.
I was sure i have read about this somewhere in the documentation, but
i didn't found it anymore.
Kindly Regards & Thanx for answeri
x27;s not search engine friendly and
i want not to have deep links with blub.html?lang=de or something like
Thanx + Kindly Regards,
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K.P. Thottam wrote:
-Original Message-
From: K.P. Thottam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:16 AM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
namespace problem, but
i am not sure about that. I does not look like a
database problem.
Kindly Regards,
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Thanks & Regards,
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ppened at my machine or some
other hints?
Thanks in advance,
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t-xml files.
thanks & regards,
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is it a good idea to use this kind of sql-querys?
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I use:
win2k IIS <--> ISAPI <--> Tomcat-4.1.x-(Cocoon 2.1.5)<-->SQLserver
One thing to look out for is the jdbc driver, the microsoft one has
given me trouble under production loads.
For database access I use Hibernate for any new development.
I have IIS and Tomcat on the same server, but you
need a lot of time to maintain
in the endphase).
Cocoon is flexible and cause of it is a framework consequent.
And: Cocoon is simply cool ;-)
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Ideas on creating tree
structures with cforms.
All the best
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Anybody know a transformer or something to take attributes
out of the text() of an element and get them into
real attributes. I want to trap this one element called
and parse it's text and create real attributes,
but then copy the rest of the document as it.
>From this:
Hi Lionel,
yes there is a samplein the blocks area,
here is a typical url to the samples in your own
cocoon 2.1.6
This is authentication with flow
> Lionel Crine schrieb:
> Hello,
> > I want to make a page which test if th
er an tree structure being huge in memory for no reason.
Does any one know how to do this using cforms in a reasonable way.
Thank You
Chris Bentley
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bos.write(mediaBytes, 0, len);
} else {
cocoon.log.debug("Upload widget.getValue is null");
return null ;
// Return the Byte Array
return bos.toByteArray();
-Chris Dietz
--- Derek Hohls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jean-Claude
> Thanks f
The official syntax for an ftp URL looks like this:
ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port/path
Hope that helps,
On Mon, 2004-07-12 at 12:32, Oscar Picasso wrote:
> > Tee hee. You should have been able to do that by specifying a serializer
> > for the SourceWritingTransformer
This breaks the javascript and causes all sorts of havoc. It looks like
the two options are either fix JTidy (which seems to have not been
touched for around 4 years) or write a transform to undo the effects of
the interaction.
Has anyone else run into this problem? Any thoughts wil
I am having problems sending HTML email through the sendmail/mail tags
provided by cocoon in XSP. I can send HTML email using the body tag and
cocoon utility tag but not through the src/srcMimeType tags. I am trying to
execute the XSP via the command line interface.
Any help is greatly app
No problem. If your data model isn't final yet, you might want to look at the "Data
Model Resource Book" by Len Silverston. Extensibility pattern seems to fit very well
for contact type information.
-Original Message-
From: Thomas Nichols
able to just use the workflow engine,
IMO, we're lacking standards for that to be possible. I think a workflow engine by
nature typically needs a persistence layer and a service layer.
Given your involvement with Cocoon, do you have any general thoughts about the benefit
of using Cocoon and O
uirements in short order, OFBiz will not work. If you're
looking to provide integrated functionality beyond CRM in the future and
your timeframes permit, it might be a good option.
Good luck,
-Original Message-
From: Thomas Nichols [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April
(specifically) were you intending on using Cocoon in this
context? Feel free to take this offline if you feel it wouldn't be
appropriate for this list.
-Original Message-
From: Thomas Nichols [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 5:17 PM
How about using
exclude-result-prefixes ... >
exclude-result-prefixes="xsl xalan">
That will exclude any prefixes that aren't really needed in the results.
x27;t executed.
Anyone else seeing this? Its like setting the 'type' cascades to all
pipelines below it.
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I wish that were it, but it is something else. It turns out that the
request is coming through and is being handled correctly, but the applet
that is sending the data is producing a request that the sitemap isn't
seeing just right.
On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 17:00, Ni
linux primarily.
On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 16:19, Nicolas Toper wrote:
> Sorry, but are you using linux or win32 ?
> nico
> --- Geoff Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : >
> Chris Wilder-Smith wrote:
> > > Geoff,
> > >
> > &
till don't understand the mechanism by which two requests could come
through and only have one get to the pipeline.
> Geoff
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECT
request.get('fileID') -- part of the post
request.get('MAX_FILE_SIZE') -- part of the post
request.get('file') -- from the multipart?
Then I see the next getServletRequest() and things go awry
On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 11:42, Geoff Howard wrote:
, and it doesn't have the 'file' attribute. In addition, the
file has been deleted, one way or another (I know it is transient - only
for the life of the request, which must already have been cleaned up)
Clearly something odd is going on... Any ideas?
Thanks again,
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 19:45, Geoff Howard wrote:
> Chris Wilder-Smith wrote:
> > I get
> >
> > ** request class: org.apache.cocoon.environment.http.HttpRequest
> Right - and that's the point. Sorry I didn't explain more, but a change
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 17:23, Geoff Howard wrote:
> Chris Wilder-Smith wrote:
> > Sorry,
> >
> > Cocoon 2.1.3
> >
> > and this wiki page...
> >
> > http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=FileUploadsWithFlow
> 1) request-factory
Cocoon 2.1.3
and this wiki page...
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 16:35, Geoff Howard wrote:
> Chris Wilder-Smith wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We're trying to use a multipart/form-data post to upload audio files
ample, this implies that uploads
still aren't enabled.
I do see other parameters that come through on the request, it's picking
up the correct generator, etc.
Anybody have any insights?
Thanks in advance,
Chris Wilder-Smith
Principal Technical Architect
|-> 5
-> 3 -> 4 ->/
Do you know if the sitemap could handle something like this?
Thanks for your thoughts,
-Original Message-
From: Morley Howell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: HTTP Post u
an specify XML in a parameter, but it doesn't allow you to specify
an XML document to be sent as the request body of the POST, correct?
-Original Message-
From: Morley Howell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 1/22/2004 10:26 PM
To: [
ey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 1/22/2004 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: HTTP Post using XML
Chris Chesney wrote:
> I need to write a reporting application that obtains data from
> multiple serv
another service call.
Can anyone tell me what generator(s) I would use to accomplish this, or
do I need to write one myself? Sorry if this is obvious – I’ve
spent a couple days searching, but can’t find the answer.
Thanks in advance,
I;ve got it working now. It turns out that the redirections just needed
to have cocoon:// in front of them so that they wouldn't appear to
belong in the protected sitemap. Thanks for your help diagnosing
On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 19:02, Joerg Heinicke wrote:
oes anyone have an explanation for what is happening - and better yet,
a solution (or at least some clues)
Chris Wilder-Smith
Principal Technical Architect
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.cast.org
CAST: 781-245-2212 Home Office: 508-650-8885
I suggest using actions and pipelines for this. Theoretically, any
flow-related logic should be handled by the pipeline.
-Original Message-
From: beyaRecords - The home Urban music [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 10:34 AM
that'd work too.
-Original Message-
From: Geoff Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: Content Updating
Look through the archives - unless I misunderstand you this
has been discussed ad nauseum. In your case,
nt and do all XML processing on the
Hope this helps,
-Original Message-
From: Brent L Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 11:08 AM
Subject: Content Updating
Im creating a basic content management system to allow users
to chan
I work for a textbook publisher and we have similar requirements.
Basically, you need a client that will generate some form of valid XML or
XHTML. From this, you can transform and store it in a way that works for
your application. There are a couple of possibilities that I know of. Each
I find that O'Reilly's Learning XML book by Erik T. Ray is a great, simple
reference. The section on XSLT and XPath is relatively small, but well
written with great examples.
-Original Message-
From: apurva zaveri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 10:44 AM
To: [E
On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 08:09:45AM -0800, frank careccia wrote:
> How about the Bay area (SF/SJ California)?
> Frank
> - Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Cincinnati too. Or possibly a regional group that could include Pittsburgh.
-Original Message-
From: Scott Malec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: Cocoon Users in New York City
And ditto that, but in Pittsburgh, PA -
ionId variable as it's being
transformed. This will be done after the file is compiled to java. If you
change your logic sheet as follows it should work:
select * from section where
-Original Message-
From: Otmar Vobejda [mai
I'm trying to return a series of parameters from an authentication action
that I'd like to make available to the XSP pages within the same pipeline.
These parameters represent common session variables that are retrieved from
a database and made available to the application for use. So far, I've on
I've run into similar problems with the authentication session. I think
that the problem is that your tag precedes the
tag. Don't know for sure, but I think the session (and therefore, the
authentication) isn't available outside of the tag.
-Original Message-
From: Laurent Trillaud
s used to make it
more stand alone GUI like. Now if there was just an easy javascript
creator and/or GUI ...
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