Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to deny access based on user agent - help

2006-06-23 Thread Mike Jackson
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} '^Mozilla' RewriteRule ^/(.*) [L,R] That would also block most legitimate traffic as well - most browsers report that they're a variant of Mozilla. Better to match on something more unique to that user agent, like RewriteCond

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to deny access based on user agent - help

2006-06-23 Thread Mike Jackson
So of course, seeing a bunch of messages with that subject, I was somewhat curious why someone would want to deny access based on AGE... Ohh. Never mind. Maybe I don't want to know. The obvious: Age restrictions on pr0n. How Apache would tell the user's age is anyone's guess, but that would be

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] access log - strange entry

2006-06-22 Thread Mike Jackson
I found an entry in access log that seems strange to me: - - [22/Jun/2006:15:31:27 +0200] POST /standard.php HTTP/1.1 200 16639,,; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) I

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql config question

2006-06-20 Thread Mike Jackson
I'm running FC4. When my php script hits mysql_connect() it dies. I checked error_log and found PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() What am I missing in my httpd.conf file? That sounds like a question for a PHP mailing list ;) But, it also sounds like PHP doesn't

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] query string from POST method

2006-06-16 Thread Mike Jackson
Hello to all, Is there a way though httpd proxy to show the arguments sent with a POST method? I have been trying to find a way to reveal arguments from our java application that are POST method to the server... for example

[EMAIL PROTECTED] CONNECT queries different in 2.0 and 1.3

2006-06-15 Thread Mike Jackson
I noticed something odd in my logs this morning. Someone tried sending this request to one of my servers: CONNECT xx.xx.xx.xx:25 HTTP/1.0 The server returned a 302, with a Location: of, which I verified by telnetting to port 80 and trying it myself. This particular server is

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Many logs or one?

2006-05-31 Thread Mike Jackson
I'm running a couple Redhat servers with Apache 1.3.36 (which my company is sticking with for legacy reasons; I'm sure we'll move to 2.0 or 2.2 eventually, but everyone here other than me has only used 1.3). It's a typical LAMP setup. There's about 250 virtual hosts on a handful of IPs on the

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Many logs or one?

2006-05-31 Thread Mike Jackson
Apart from certain usage - like MP3 or video streaming on a 100 or 1000Mbps line -, the bottleneck is not the disk subsystem, but the CPU is, the average load of 2 also shows this. Using a RAID1 array also decreases stress on the disks, the 4.5% iowait avg is not an issue - and logging into

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache,php to mysql problem

2006-05-18 Thread Mike Jackson
All the configs are shared across NFS. So config files are the same on both OH1 and OH2... the applications connect to mysql via php connect strings, and as tcpdump reveals are doing the proper things You might try using strace on an Apache process on OH2 and see if you can spot anything