[EMAIL PROTECTED] logrotate doesn't create *log.1

2006-07-20 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi Working with Apache 2.0.52 on Linux, I created this logrotate configuration file: --- /usr/local/httpd/logs/*log { missingok notifempty sharedscripts postrotate /bin/kill -USR1 `cat /usr/local/httpd/logs/httpd.pid 2/dev/null` 2 /dev/null || true endscript }

[EMAIL PROTECTED] RewriteRule: foo.com/directory -- foo.com/directory/

2008-02-04 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2, I want to create a RewriteRule within the '.htaccess' file which redirects from: http://foo.com/directory to http://foo.com/directory/ This last directory is a RewriteRule: -- RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/$ /directory.php?label=$1 [L] - I tried adding this line

[EMAIL PROTECTED] RewriteEngine on creates a 403 Forbidden error

2008-02-22 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. I'm experiencing one problem with Apache2 on Linux. If I insert a RewriteEngine On line in .htaccess, webpages return a 403 Forbidden Error. I inserted these lines in 'httpd.conf': Directory /var/www/httpdocs Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All FCGIWrapper

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] RewriteEngine on creates a 403 Forbidden error

2008-02-22 Thread thomas Armstrong
What does the apache error log say? [Fri Feb 22 10:03:38 2008] [error] [client] Options FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is off which implies that RewriteRule directive is forbidden: /var/www/httpdocs/phpinfo.php

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Alias returns a 403 Forbidden error only with PHP files

2008-02-22 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache2 on Linux, I get a 403 Forbidden error only when I access PHP files: http://www.domain.com/foo/hello.php but it works fine with HTML files http://www.domain.com/foo/hello.html In addition, PHP scripts work fine on root directory (outside Alias directories):

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Alias returns a 403 Forbidden error only with PHP files

2008-02-22 Thread thomas Armstrong
Look again in the apache error logs. There really should be something there. Most likely it is this: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/13PermissionDenied I checked error logs again and didn't found any message. If I add ExecCGI I get a 500 Internal Error message, with this line on the error

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Alias returns a 403 Forbidden error only with PHP files

2008-02-22 Thread thomas Armstrong
There's an entry for that error message on the wiki. Have you read it? I was reading: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/CommonHTTPStatusCodes But no more explicit info about 403 Forbidden messages. - The official User-To-User

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Alias returns a 403 Forbidden error only with PHP files

2008-02-22 Thread thomas Armstrong
This seems to be a problem with your FastCGI configuration. (FastCGI is also probably at fault for returning a 403 without logging something interesting.) You haven't said which FastCGI module you are using, and I don't know much about FastCGI in the first place, so I can't help

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Alias returns a 403 Forbidden error only with PHP files

2008-02-22 Thread thomas Armstrong
I think that this has to do with these lines inserted at the top of the VirtualHost configuration: AddHandler fcgid-script .php .php5 SuexecUserGroup myuser psacln DocumentRoot /var/www/httpdocs/web ErrorLog /etc/httpd/logs/dev_error_log Directory

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mmap cache can't open foo.php - Too many open files

2008-03-27 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache version 2.2.3 on 'Linux CentOS', my webpages are very slow and I get this error messages on my 'error_log' file: --- [Wed Mar 26 13:05:39 2008] [warn-phpd] mmap cache can't open /var/www/classes/Threads.php - Too many open files (pid 17650) [Wed Mar 26 13:05:42 2008]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: mmap cache can't open foo.php - Too many open files

2008-03-27 Thread thomas Armstrong
As you see, my Host provider gave me a VPS server with Swap=0. ? On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:08 AM, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi. Using Apache version 2.2.3 on 'Linux CentOS', my webpages are very slow and I get this error messages on my 'error_log' file: --- [Wed Mar

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by Options directive

2008-03-27 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2.2 with Plesk, I found out these error messages on my 'error_log' file: [Wed Mar 26 18:45:50 2008] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /var/www/html/ [Wed Mar 26 18:49:57 2008] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden

[EMAIL PROTECTED] You don't have permission to access foo.php on this server.

2008-03-27 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache/2.2 + PHP/5.2, I'm suffering an odd issue when accessing an image generated with PHP. When I access: http://www.foo.com/apc.php?IMG=11206615989 I get *SOMETIMES* this error message --- Forbidden You don't have permission to access /apc.php on this server. -- But most

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: You don't have permission to access foo.php on this server.

2008-03-27 Thread thomas Armstrong
Order Allow,Deny Allow from all AllowOverride all DirectoryIndex index.php /Directory -- On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 12:21 PM, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi. Using Apache/2.2 + PHP/5.2, I'm suffering an odd issue when accessing an image generated

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mmap cache can't open foo.php - Too many open files

2008-03-28 Thread thomas Armstrong
You can use the apachectl script which internally does the same or issue the following command from the command prompt ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n` and then start the Apache, hopefully it will resolve the issue :) Thank you very much for you answer. I inserted this line on my /etc/rc.d/rc.local

[EMAIL PROTECTED] How to FilesMatch files within a certain domain

2008-03-30 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. I want to cache multimedia files by using mod_expires and created this rule within my .htaccess file: --- ExpiresActive On FilesMatch \.(flv|ico|pdf|avi|mov|ppt|doc|mp3|wmv|wav|swf)$ ExpiresDefault A29030400 /FilesMatch However, this .htaccess file is shared by five

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.2 as a static server (without PHP) to serve images

2008-03-31 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. I've got Apache 2.2 with PHP running on my Linux box to serve dynamic pages. I was told that Apache 2.2 allows to create a secondary process which doesn't use PHP to serve images or static files without installing a secondary Apcache webserver or lighttpd. Is it possible? How can I

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.2 as a static server (without PHP) to serve images

2008-03-31 Thread thomas Armstrong
Sure, make a copy of the httpd.conf file, remove everything that refers PHP (the LoadModule basically), then run a secondary Apache using that config file. You'll have to use a different port of course and redirect images and the like to the secondary apache. But... why? Thank you very

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Service Unavailable - Zero size object

2007-04-24 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2.0.52 + PHP 4.3.10 on Linux (Fedora Core 2), I get this error message when accesing my PHP page: --- Service Unavailable - Zero size object The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later. Reference #15.21eaaad4.1173400585.294a7ed8

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Service Unavailable - Zero size object

2007-04-24 Thread thomas Armstrong
I fixed it by restarting Apache, but I'd like to know the reason of this error. On 4/24/07, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi. Using Apache 2.0.52 + PHP 4.3.10 on Linux (Fedora Core 2), I get this error message when accesing my PHP page: --- Service Unavailable - Zero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Problem with htaccess (/year/month/day/)

2007-05-25 Thread thomas Armstrong
I'm trying to make my website works with http://www.domain.com/2007/05/25/foo to server http://www.domain.com/redirect.php With Apache 2.2, my .htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.*) /redirect.php [QSA,L] RewriteRule

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Problem with htaccess (/year/month/day/)

2007-05-28 Thread thomas Armstrong
Yep, I agree it's better using RewriteRules within httpd.conf but... I'm not allowed with this server :( Is it possible to use RewriteLog within '.htaccess'? Thank you very much for your answer. On 5/26/07, Joshua Slive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 5/25/07, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Problems with an extra Rewrite Rule before a RewriteCond

2007-05-30 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. I'm trying to create an additional Rewrite Rule appart from those created by default by my application (in this case, Wordpress). The extra line (within '.htaccess') is: --- RewriteRule ^faq index.php?page_id=119 [R,L] --- However, I want users see 'http://myblog.com/faq' and not

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Problems with an extra Rewrite Rule before a RewriteCond

2007-05-30 Thread thomas Armstrong
How exactly isn't is working? Instead of 'http://myblog.com/faq' URL I see 'http://myblog.com/index.php?page_id=379'. The information is OK, but I think it's an ugly URL. Do you see a loop? Nope What does the error log tell you? There's no error Are you able to edit the main server

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Problems with an extra Rewrite Rule before a RewriteCond

2007-06-01 Thread thomas Armstrong
Thank you everybody. However I'm still gettint the same odd effect. I tried: RewriteRule ^faq index.php?page_id=119 [R,L] --- it doesn't mask the URL RewriteRule ^faq index.php?page_id=119 [R,TP] -- Internal server error RewriteRule ^faq index.php?page_id=119 -- it's caught by index.php, I

[EMAIL PROTECTED] How to mask an URL with .htaccess

2007-09-10 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. I want to make http://mysite.com/post/004.htm -- http://mysite.com/post.php?id=004 but not redirecting but masking the URL (the first URL must be shown and not the second one). My .httaccess: -- RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

[EMAIL PROTECTED] My Apache server doesn't execute my CGI script, but download it

2007-11-12 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2.0 on Linux, I'm trying to create a directory to execute CGI scripts: - VirtualHost ... DocumentRoot /home/project/web/ ... Alias /foo/ /home/project/foo/web/ Directory /home/project/foo/web/ Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Order

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] My Apache server doesn't execute my CGI script, but download it

2007-11-12 Thread thomas Armstrong
Thank you very much. it's fixed On Nov 12, 2007 10:44 AM, Vincent Bray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 12/11/2007, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If I access, Apache downloads it. But if I execute it via shell, it displays a hello world

[EMAIL PROTECTED] How can I change the Content-Type of CGI scripts?

2007-11-12 Thread thomas Armstrong
How can I change the Content-Type of CGI scripts? Hi. Working with Apache 2.0 (on a customer's server and on my own server), I've got a '500 Internal Server Error' with a CGI application. When accessing 'http://customer_machine/test.cgi', Firefox tries to download the error webpage. But when

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Does Alias /foo/bar/ work?

2007-11-16 Thread thomas Armstrong
://wiki.apache.org/httpd/DistrosDefaultLayout Tony thomas Armstrong wrote: Hi. Using Apache 2.0 on Linux (with 'mod_alias' loaded), I want to set an alias: /foo1/foo2/ -- /usr/www/example/foo2/ This is part of my 'httpd.conf': --- VirtualHost example.com DocumentRoot /usr

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Does Alias /foo/bar/ work?

2007-11-16 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2.0 on Linux (with 'mod_alias' loaded), I want to set an alias: /foo1/foo2/ -- /usr/www/example/foo2/ This is part of my 'httpd.conf': --- VirtualHost example.com DocumentRoot /usr/www/example/web ServerName example.com Alias /foo1/foo2/ /usr/www/example/foo2/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache Performance Analysis tools

2007-11-19 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2.0.52, I'd like to analyze the performance and know how resources (memory, threads) are used during a period of time. Do you know any tool to carry it out? Thank you very much. - The official User-To-User

[EMAIL PROTECTED] An error occurred while processing your request

2007-11-20 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2 on Linux, I suffer frequently this error message: --- An error occurred while processing your request. Reference #67.c7ec0f50.1295581330.24f1cb25 -- This is a blank page with the message. Any similar experience? Does it someting to do with Akamai service? (My

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 'domain.com/foo' = 404 but 'domain.com/foo/' works fine

2007-12-12 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. I created this .htaccess: - RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/$ /page.php?id=$1 [L] --- And it works fine with: http://domain.com/foo/ (it shows a webpage) But it shows a 404 error page with: http://domain.com/foo I tried adding this line to .htaccess: RewriteRule ^([^/]+)$ /page.php?id=$1

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'domain.com/foo' = 404 but 'domain.com/foo/' works fine

2007-12-12 Thread thomas Armstrong
On Dec 12, 2007 1:31 PM, Eric Covener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Dec 12, 2007 7:18 AM, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi. I created this .htaccess: - RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/$ /page.php?id=$1 [L] --- And it works fine with: http://domain.com/foo/ (it shows

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Using Edge Side Includes (ESI) with Apache

2006-11-07 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2, I'm trying to work with Edge Side Includes (ESI) in order to Akamai my webpages: http://www.akamai.com/html/support/esi.html Does anybody know any module for Apache to execute this ESI markup language? Thank you very much, --T

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Using Edge Side Includes (ESI) with Apache

2006-11-08 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi Nick. Thank you very much for your answer. So what's the way to implement ESI-Akanai on my webserver? By using PHP headers? I've got no idea :( Regards, --T On 11/7/06, Nick Kew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Tue, 7 Nov 2006 18:25:34 +0100 thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Where are Apache start|stop logs?

2006-11-28 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2.0 on Linux, it doesn't start, and I'd like to find the start|stop logs. I want to browse start logs, not access logs. Apache is installed at '/usr/local/httpd' Thank you very much. - The official

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Where are Apache start|stop logs?

2006-11-28 Thread thomas Armstrong
Thanks. 2 min and 2 seconds! O_O On 11/28/06, Boyle Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -Original Message- From: thomas Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 1:51 PM To: users@httpd.apache.org Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Where are Apache start|stop logs

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 'mydomain.com' doesn't work ('www.mydomain.com' does)

2006-12-07 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Working with Apache 2 on Linux, I'm trying to make server accept also 'mydomain.com' petitions (www.mydomain.com works fine). Within my httdp.conf, I've got: - VirtualHost 102.100.x.x:80 ServerName mydomain.com:80 ServerAlias www.mydomain.com UseCanonicalName

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_dav_svn.so is garbled - perhaps this is not an Apache module DSO?

2006-12-20 Thread thomas Armstrong
Mmm.. I don't know, Joshua. I installed it by using Yum: []# yum install mod_dav_svn I suppose I could get the right version if I build it from sources, right? Thank you very much, --Thomas On 12/20/06, Joshua Slive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 12/20/06, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_dav_svn.so is garbled - perhaps this is not an Apache module DSO?

2006-12-20 Thread thomas Armstrong
where can I find the mod_dav_svn.so for FC6? On 12/20/06, Richard de Vries [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Or perhaps this .so got pulled from a different OS? It's been a while, but I think I got a similiar error when I accidentely tried using a .so compiled for linux on a solaris box. (Don't ask how

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_dav_svn.so is garbled - perhaps this is not an Apache module DSO?

2006-12-20 Thread thomas Armstrong
[]# yum info mod_dav_svn Name : mod_dav_svn Arch : i386 Version: 1.4.2 Release: 2.fc6 Size : 135 k Repo : installed - On 12/20/06, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: where can I find the mod_dav_svn.so for FC6? On 12/20/06, Richard de Vries [EMAIL

[EMAIL PROTECTED] WARNING: APR not found error (but I compiled with '--with-apr')

2006-12-21 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. I compiled from sources Apache 2.0.59 with APR 0.9.13 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/httpd --enable-so --enable-modules=all --with-apr=/usr/local/apr-httpd/bin/apr-config --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr-util-httpd/bin/apu-config It works ok aparently, but I'm now trying to compile

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How not to generate error_log

2006-12-21 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi Stefan. It works! Thank you very much! On 12/21/06, Stefan Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Thomas, Using Apache 2.0.59 on Linux FC6, I'd like not to generate error_log ErrorLog /dev/null Does the trick here :) Cheers, Stefan

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WARNING: APR not found error (but I compiled with '--with-apr')

2006-12-21 Thread thomas Armstrong
Yep, Sander, it works! ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/httpd/bin/apxs --with-apr=/usr/local/apr-httpd/bin/apr-config --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr-util-httpd/bin/apu-config On 12/21/06, Sander Temme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Dec 21, 2006, at 4:57 AM, thomas Armstrong wrote: I compiled

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Deny from foodomain.com... does it work?

2007-01-15 Thread thomas Armstrong
Ooops... it's on the F* Manual :) http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_access.html On 1/15/07, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi. Using Apache 2, I'm trying not to allow accesses from fodomain.com, but this domain changes its IP address each day. Can I use: Deny from

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Can I use AddDefaultCharset on Apache 2.0?

2007-02-01 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. I want to use UTF-8 on Apache 2.0.59, and I configured 'httpd.conf' to use: - AddDefaultCharset utf-8 - I don't know if it's correct, since I'm still suffering some special-chars problems (perhaps due to other issues). Thank you very much.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Mess with symbolic links, directory owners and 403 Forbidden error

2007-02-02 Thread thomas Armstrong
Fixed. I changed /var/www/mydomain/dir/common_images/ owner to 'apache.apache' and it works now. Thank you very much, anyway :) On 2/2/07, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi. Using Apache 2.0.51, I've got a VirtualHost 'mydomain.com' mounted on: '/var/www/mydomain/' Within

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mess with symbolic links, directory owners and 403 Forbidden error

2007-02-02 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2.0.51, I've got a VirtualHost 'mydomain.com' mounted on: '/var/www/mydomain/' Within this directory, I've got another directory ('test'), and within it one symbolic link: /var/www/mydomain/test/images - /var/www/mydomain/dir/common_images/ -- If I make 'images' owner be

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Does AllowOverride All damage Apache performance?

2007-02-22 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. One colleague claims that if we set AllowOverride All within our httpd.conf, the performance of Apache (we use 2.0.59) is damaged. Is this true? Any suggestion is welcome. - The official User-To-User support forum of the

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (8)Exec format error: exec of 'test.php' failed when ScriptAlias

2007-02-22 Thread thomas Armstrong
Easier (within httpd.conf): Directory /home/project/modules/ AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php /Directory --- Thank you very much anyway! On 2/22/07, Eric Covener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 2/22/07, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 51a8

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Trying to create a RewriteRule with a ScriptAlias

2007-03-01 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache 2.0.59, I want to create a new RewriteRule outside the DocumentRoot and modified my 'httpd.conf': -- VirtualHost mydomain DocumentRoot /home/project/web ServerName mydomain ScriptAlias /foo/ /home/project/modules/foo/web Directory

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (8)Exec format error: exec of 'test.CSS' failed when ScriptAlias

2007-03-07 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi, Using Apache 2.0.59 on Linux, I try to install a ScriptAlias. My DocumentRoot is '/home/project/web', and the ScriptAlias directive within httpd.conf is: - ScriptAlias /videos/ /home/project/modules/videos/web/ Directory /home/project/modules/ AddHandler application/x-httpd-php

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: (8)Exec format error: exec of 'test.CSS' failed when ScriptAlias

2007-03-07 Thread thomas Armstrong
Sorry, it works ok. I failed to include the Directory line in the right place :( Regards. On 3/7/07, thomas Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Using Apache 2.0.59 on Linux, I try to install a ScriptAlias. My DocumentRoot is '/home/project/web', and the ScriptAlias directive within

[EMAIL PROTECTED] attempt to invoke directory as script error when accessing root directory

2007-03-07 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi, Using Apache 2.0.59 on Linux, I try to install a ScriptAlias. My DocumentRoot is '/home/project/web', and the ScriptAlias directive within httpd.conf is: - ScriptAlias /videos/ /home/project/modules/videos/web/ Directory /home/project/modules/ AddHandler application/x-httpd-php

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Graceful restart requested, doing restart

2005-10-11 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache/2.0.52 (Fedora), it crashes suddenly and I must restart it. I've found this error message on '/var/log/httpd/error_log': [Sat Oct 08 02:01:57 2005] [notice] Graceful restart requested, doing restart [Sat Oct 08 02:02:00 2005] [notice] Digest: generating secret for

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache Memory Leak in MPM 'worker.c'

2005-10-26 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Just found this: http://www.securitytracker.com/alerts/2005/Oct/1015093.html A vulnerability was reported in the Apache httpd server (version 2.x). A remote user may be able to deny service. In certain situations after an aborted connection, a remote user can trigger a memory leak in some

[users@httpd] htaccess in a directory under one with another htaccess

2014-10-26 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. On my Apache Server, I have this structure to host a website under '/' and a WordPress blog under '/myblog' directory: --- root_directory/.htaccess --- root_directory/php_stuff --- root_directory/myblog/.htaccess --- root_directory/myblog/php_wp_stuff Within 'root_directory/.htaccess' file I

[users@httpd] RewriteRule not working, 404 error obtained

2016-06-28 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. Using Apache/2.2.31, I created the following rule on my '.htaccess' file: -- RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/$ /do.php?label=$1 [L] -- However, when accessing 'http://foo.com/whatever/', I get a 404 error message. I've checked my error log and: --- [Mon Jun 27

[users@httpd] Re: RewriteRule not working, 404 error obtained

2016-06-28 Thread thomas Armstrong
I fixed it. I modified "httpd.conf", replacing "AllowOverride None" with "AllowOverride All" within the "". On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 7:03 PM, thomas Armstrong <tarmstr...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi. > > Using Apache/2.2.

[users@httpd] Apache: Avoiding users to access 'www.foo.com/subdomain1/'

2016-09-19 Thread thomas Armstrong
Hi. I have an Apache server, which main rootwebdir is '/usr/www/users/foo/' and 'foo.com' points there. However, I have some subdomains pointing within their directories: subdomain1.foo.com ---> /usr/www/users/foo/subdomain1subdomain2.foo.com ---> /usr/www/users/foo/subdomain2 This causes me a