Re: buid error

2006-07-24 Thread dcabasson
rfrancisco wrote: Hi peeps I ried executing this comman mvn jetty:run and it gives me this error The correct goal seems to be jetty:run-war As for the plugin itself, it's not yet published in ibiblio. Have a look here: To know how to

Re: buid error

2006-07-24 Thread dcabasson
rfrancisco wrote: Hi peeps I ried executing this comman mvn jetty:run and it gives me this error Other alternative, the jetty6-maven-plugin: Denis. -- View this message in context:

Re: Separate static content in war

2006-07-24 Thread dcabasson
maxmil wrote: When i generate my war to export to my application server in my production environment i don't want the htmls, gifs, jpgs etc to be copied. Try changing the property: to an empty directory. By

Re: Parent POM with Resources

2006-07-24 Thread dcabasson
Nick Panienski wrote: As far as I know I cannot include XMLs in a project that has a packagingpom/packaging. I already tried to build a resources project packaged as a jar and define a dependency in my parent pom. Maven doesn't complain about this, but I still don't know how to access my

Re: [m2] Assemby plugin Question

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
Sure, But if your point is to add up to wars, you can just use the war plugin: And no need for zips or whatever else. Denis. ben short-3 wrote: I mentioned zips as the assembly plugin page

Re: basedir JavaSource does not exist

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
Jeff Mutonho wrote: Can we have a look at your parent pom? Looks like maven is trying to build a war out of your parent project Sure thing.There goes : Ok, that was not the interesting parent. Guess I wanted to say the eportal pom (which is the parent of the eportal-web module,

Re: [m2] Another findbugs plugin problem - site goal resides into a nullpointer execption

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
Care to show the reporting section fo your pom? Most of the time, these NPE comes from mispelled plugin names/groups (which can explain that the plugin is working fine when launched from command line). Denis. -- View this message in context:

Re: pack multiple jars into one

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
Have a look at the maven-assembly-plugin. It basically does what you're looking for. The jar-with-dependencies descriptor creates a single big jar with all of your dependencies. If you only want your own jars bundled

Re: AW: [m2] Another findbugs plugin problem - site goal resides into a nullpointer execption

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
That's it, you're using the Maven 1 plugin, with Maven 2. The correct M2 plugin is: plugin groupIdorg.codehaus.mojo/groupId artifactIdfindbugs-maven-plugin/artifactId /plugin And that is the plugin you're lanching when using the command line

Re: [M2]Release plugin and host authentication

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
Sebastien Pennec wrote: Does anybody know how to be able to answer 'yes' to that question? Or just to get rid of it? Try adding an empty file ~/.ssh/known_hosts Latest version of maven-wagon plugin will add the fingerprints of your hosts there. As you're using external ssh/scp

Re: Default dir fo site src

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
Vinay Kumar-5 wrote: It doesn't work I also tried siteSourceDirectory/path/to/site/dir/siteSourceDirectory but no luck. Try the parameter siteDirectory of maven-site-plugin: (you can put it in your dependencies or

Re: Default dir fo site src

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
Vinay Kumar-5 wrote: Hi dcabasson , Will it not work by placing below mention part either in build or report: I tried this but doesn't work. how we can put these in dependencies . In dependencies we put jars on which our project depend. Well, sure, this has nothing to do

Re: multi-module project site: link to module sites

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
Valerio Schiavoni-2 wrote: but they are not there. why is maven-site used ? if i look into parent/foo/target/site/index.html i can see the index for Foo (same for other submodules). Which version of the maven-site-plugin are you using? I have got the 2.0-20060528.195659-9, and

Re: BBWM : Chapter 6 build failure due to PMD

2006-07-21 Thread dcabasson
Jeff Mutonho wrote: I'm going through chapter 6 .Running mvn install for the examples(as instructed on page 158) is giving me build failure due to PMD violations.The offending projecting is proficio-store-xstream: Are you sure your archive file is unaltered? Maybe you're missing

Re: [m2] Calling goals outside a plugin

2006-07-20 Thread dcabasson
Hi, When using maven 2, you have to stick to a pretty standard lifecycle (of course, you could change it, but that wouldn't be a good idea). What you generally do is bind an ant target to a lifecycle phase. So for example, you can bind your goal1 ant target to the generate-source phase, and

Re: basedir JavaSource does not exist

2006-07-20 Thread dcabasson
Jeff Mutonho wrote: m2 is spitting out the error message basedir JavaSource does not exist .I have the following in my maven-war-plugin config in my web project pom(i.e D:\MAVEN-WORK\eportal\eportal-web\pom.xml) Can we have a look at your parent pom? Looks like maven is trying to build

Re: [m2] Another findbugs plugin problem - site goal resides into a nullpointer execption

2006-07-20 Thread dcabasson
Care to show the reporting section fo your pom? Most of the time, these NPE comes from mispelled plugin names/groups (which can explain that the plugin is working fine when launched from command line). Denis. Arne Sutor wrote: I set up my project do far and I wanted to include the

Re: m2: Discovering problems with the maven-site and the maven-javadoc plugins - No staging of javadocs

2006-07-20 Thread dcabasson
Nope, never heard of such a bug. Maybe you could fill in a Jira issue and attach a test case? Denis. Arne Sutor wrote: as newbie I am just playing around with maven2 in a multi-project environment. While setting up the documentation for our project I discovered that maven when executing

Re: [m2] Assemby plugin Question

2006-07-20 Thread dcabasson
AFAIK, Maven 2 will add up war contents, if your war2 project depends on the war1 project. So I guess that should be your solution (as far as I understand). And no need for zips there... Denis. ben short-2 wrote: So what im thinking is. If i create a webapp project that pulls the

Re: maven site broken under jdk1.4

2006-07-17 Thread dcabasson
Looks like the correct url for commons-logging api is rather than But javadoc is supposed to handle that Maybe patching the sql plugin would be fine :) Denis. dan

Re: Building multi modules individually and Copying artifacts

2006-07-17 Thread dcabasson
You just have to use the war packaging: And Maven will do most of the heavy work for you (building each separate jar, and assembling all of it in your war file). If you want to deploy this war to a Tomcat Container, just have a look at the

Re: how to copy resources while building war

2006-07-17 Thread dcabasson
Hi, Why is having your property files inside the jar annoying? You can easily access them, and if they relates only to a single module - which seems to be the cas, since they are stored within each of your modules - it's quite consistent to get them in this module's jar. And if configuration

Re: Is maven seeing another jar?

2006-07-17 Thread dcabasson
Hi, Maybe you have some type worries. Seems to me you're looking for a, while groupId is That could be your point. Denis. Jeff Mutonho wrote: location: class

Re: Is maven seeing another jar?

2006-07-17 Thread dcabasson
-- View this message in context: Sent from the Maven - Users forum at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional

Re: Is maven seeing another jar?

2006-07-17 Thread dcabasson groupId : A universally unique identifier for a project. It is normal to use a fully-qualified package name to distinguish it from other projects with a similar name (eg. org.apache.maven). It's common practice

Re: extracting zip file?

2006-07-17 Thread dcabasson
You can have a look at the antrun plugin: It can easily unzip a file. But the real question is: why would you need to extract a file? Denis. Kapil Gupta(CT) wrote: Hi, Is there any way to extract zip file thru a pom file? -- View

RE: extracting zip file?

2006-07-17 Thread dcabasson
Have a look at the cargo plugin, it is just the thing you're trying to do: Cheers! Denis. Kapil Gupta(CT) wrote: Thanks for your reply Adam. Actually I want to extract tomcat server which is saved in zip format in my cvs repository and then copy my

Re: Package war without web.xml

2006-07-17 Thread dcabasson
Well, most probably, you don't :) A webapp has to have a web.xml file. So you're probably trying to tweak Maven in a way he doesn't want to... What are you trying to do? Denis. Lucas Gonçalves-2 wrote: How can i package a war file without web.xml? -- View this message in context: