Refactoring question

2009-11-22 Thread neo anderson
I use maven 2.0.9, jdk 1.6.0_10 to build my project. Now I encounter a dilemma. I have source code e.g. example/ioc/, example/ioc/tapestry5/ and related Test files. They are located in different folders at the beginning. Now I want to reorganize/ refactor the source

persistence unit can not be found during test

2009-08-12 Thread Neo Anderson
I encouter a problem when running maven test + jpa + mysql. The report result always shows that `No Persistence provider for EntityManager named jpa' (where jpa is the persistent-unit name specified in the persistence.xml under src/main/resources/META-INF). It looks like the test (e.g. mvn

Re: persistence unit can not be found during test

2009-08-12 Thread Neo Anderson
Sorry I don't understand very well. Shouldn't maven pick up persistence.xml either specified in the src/main/resources/META-INF or src/test/resources/META-INF? Or what command I need spcify so that when executing `mvn test', maven will pick up persistence.xml that is copied to

RE: persistence unit can not be found during test

2009-08-12 Thread Neo Anderson
Thanks for the reply. I think now I figure out what goes wrong. The exception reported by the surefire is a red herring. It is indeed related to the dependency matrix issue. Orginally my hibernate entity-manager is 3.4.0 and hibernate-annotations is 3.2.1 (I can not remember exactly its

classpath question

2008-12-28 Thread Neo Anderson
I am build a project and that looks ok at the moment. However I encounter a problem when running test. My problem is that I have a customized xml. So I build a test located in the test/project/name/to/, in which it will load an xml file to have a small test. The xml file is

Re: build ear problem

2008-04-21 Thread neo anderson
and artifact id for your ejb and your war file. This cannot work, because the one will overwrite the other. Stefan neo anderson wrote: Env: jboss 4.2.2GA/ Debian lenny testing/ jdk 1.6.0_01/maven 2.0.7 I try to create an ear file via maven, but it issues error reporting that it requires

build ear problem

2008-04-20 Thread neo anderson
Env: jboss 4.2.2GA/ Debian lenny testing/ jdk 1.6.0_01/maven 2.0.7 I try to create an ear file via maven, but it issues error reporting that it requires to download sub porjects (web and ejb, etc.) first. The message is as below. It looks like repository problem. Though I can download it

ejb3 jboss persistence problem

2008-04-12 Thread neo anderson
Previously I successfully build ejb3 example with jboss version 4.2.2 by specifying jboss library in the 'systempath'. Now I want to make use of the maven (jboss) repository. So I change to use the dependency section of pom.xml, modifying repository and dependency section; it is as follow:

apt-get repository

2008-03-28 Thread neo anderson
I have one question. Does any maven command or plugin support serach and add dependency automatically (a bit like Debian apt-get)? For instance, I use archetype to create an ejb project. Then I want to use jboss as my ejb container. So I need to add a lot of dependencies. Is there any command or

Re: provided dependency packaged into war

2008-03-20 Thread neo anderson
How to include library into war file? First I create web project skeleton by mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=net.sf.sample -DartifactId=wicket-hello -Dversion=1.0 -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapps Then I modify pom.xml to include the dependency. dependency

javax.naming.CommunicationException: Receive timed out problem

2008-03-03 Thread Neo Anderson
Hi I am new to maven. And by following I write a simple stateless session bean (ejb3) to test the jboss and maven,but encounter a problem. The error issues testHelloRemote(net.sf.sample.HelloTest) Time elapsed: 5.06 sec ERROR!

Re: javax.naming.CommunicationException: Receive timed out problem

2008-03-03 Thread Neo Anderson
problem. It seems your test tries to connect to a remote JBoss instance but cannot contact it (not deployed?). regards, Stefan Neo Anderson wrote: Hi I am new to maven. And by following I write a simple stateless session bean (ejb3

The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jetty-plugin' does not exist

2008-02-28 Thread Neo Anderson
I follow the to practise to use the maven. Then I encounter a problem saying 'The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jetty-plugin' does not exist' when issuing command 'maven jetty:run-war' I checked the archive -