Re: IllegalStateException: setStateManager may not be executed after a lifecycle request has been completed

2011-09-08 Thread alf mail
. Cheers, Alf. On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 10:14 PM, junk mail wrote: Hi guys, We have been struggling for weeks with an IllegalStateException send by * org.apache.myfaces.application.ApplicationImpl* class It works pretty well in a local environment, but when we deployed

Re: Popup calendar javascript - loadPopupScript not defined

2005-12-21 Thread mail
Hi, thank you for the idea. I followed the thread discussing that the extension filter needs a head or body tag to be able to add the neccessary javaScripts. I do indeed work with a non standalone JSF application, but it's not in a portal environment. The thing is called Sakai and is a sort of

Re: h:selectOneMenu question

2005-12-07 Thread mail
Simon, thank you for your answer, I modified the getter/setter to handle SelectItem.getValue().toString() instead of the selectItem itself. But had you ever the chance to take a look at the jsftags-guide examples ( They are using the

Re: naming conventions in faces-config.xml

2005-12-05 Thread mail
Mike, thank you for your patience and effort trying to resolve this issue. I just changed the essential parts to reproduce the error. Here's the setter in CasesJdbcDAO: public void setDataSource(JDBCDataSource dataSource) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(setting dataSource in casesDAO);

Re: jsCalendarPopupCalendar not embedded

2005-12-01 Thread mail
Hi, I agree that there is missing JavaScript Code, but is there anything else to configer except the myfaces extension filters described at All the documentation I found stated, that installing the filter and adding the taglib to the jsp

Re: jsCalendarPopupCalendar not embedded

2005-11-29 Thread mail
Hi Bobby, thank you for your response, but I do have the following dependancies defined in my project: dependency groupIdmyfaces/groupId artifactIdmyfaces-all/artifactId version1.1.1/version properties war.bundletrue/war.bundle /properties /dependency dependency