On 12/17/2014 01:15 PM, Wayna Runa wrote:
Thanks Nathan for your information.
I tried with:
destination.myDest1 = BURL:direct://ex_test1/rk_test1/
.. but I have not get to publish message in RabbitMQ queue.
When I use the below destinations, using *amq.direct* exchange (internal
and default e
Thanks Nathan for your information.
I tried with:
destination.myDest1 = BURL:direct://ex_test1/rk_test1/
.. but I have not get to publish message in RabbitMQ queue.
When I use the below destinations, using *amq.direct* exchange (internal
and default exchanges in rabbitmq), I can publish message
On 12/17/2014 10:45 AM, Wayna Runa wrote:
Hi there again!
I am trying to connect to RabbitMQ queue (AMQP 0-9-1) via custom exchange
using Destination (Binding URL) without success.
I have tried several definitions of "destination", here my JNDI config:
Hi there again!
I am trying to connect to RabbitMQ queue (AMQP 0-9-1) via custom exchange
using Destination (Binding URL) without success.
I have tried several definitions of "destination", here my JNDI config:
connectionfactory.myRabbitMQConnectionFactory1 = amqp://admin:xxx@clien