Re: Web spiders - disabling jsessionid

2006-12-04 Thread Christopher Schultz
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Bryce, brycenesbitt wrote: Caldarale, Charles R wrote: Try turning off cookies in your browser. Sorry for the lack of clarity. I can't force jessionid to show up even with cookies off in the browser. My guess is that there is a page that

How to create global resources on the fly?

2006-12-04 Thread Mikolaj Rydzewski
Hi, There's one thing I don't like in Tomcat: I have to edit server.xml file to add new global resources (i.e. data ource definition). It's not a big problem on a production, one doesn't change such things often. But on developement server it's quite annoing. I don't want to put datasource

Tomcat context.xml problems

2006-12-04 Thread Tomcat User
Hi I need to register a custom JNDI resource after my web application started and unregister when it's stopped, how can I achieve this? Definition of the JNDI resource has to be stored in context.xml or web.xml. LifecycleListener afaik requires one of the servers' classloader Thanks in

Primary-secondary session replication

2006-12-04 Thread b_wit_consulting . wendrich
Hello, I need help in building a WebApplicaction Cluster with Tomcat. Because we will support from 8 to 16 WebApplication Server we would like implement the Primary-secondary session replication in our Cluster. The URL doesn't give any

RE: Primary-secondary session replication

2006-12-04 Thread Nelson, Tracy
Given that Tomcat 6.0 is in a pre-release state, you'd be better off asking in the development list ( Maybe the documentation developer will see your note and can tell you when the docs will be updated. Your best bet is probably to get the source and start playing with it.

jsp optimization for db driver load and connection

2006-12-04 Thread IT Desk
This isn't Tomcat specific but general to any jsp container and its jvm. I am working on a site where almost everything is done through the jsp page plus one main java class to store state data. The site's jsp page may do up to 7 queries on the database. On each query, the statements are

Re: jsp optimization for db driver load and connection

2006-12-04 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI
I doubt there is connection pooling when you use the driver directly. There is connection pulling if you use java...DataSource I think. If you store the connection object in session then I suppose you could reuse it. Still using a DataSource implementation that does connection pooling is better.

RE: Primary-secondary session replication

2006-12-04 Thread Pitre, Russell
You may also want to take a look at Terracotta Sessions. They just open sourced their product today. Quick+Start+Guide The listed Tomcat versions supported are: 5.5.20 5.0.28 That's not to say their product won't work

Re: jsp optimization for db driver load and connection

2006-12-04 Thread David Smith
You'll have to do something because the below code is very inefficient. Creating and closing connections is an extremely expensive operation and the way this is written you're getting one on every request. At minimum, I would recommend a ServletContextListener that creates a pooled

Re: jsp optimization for db driver load and connection

2006-12-04 Thread Christopher Schultz
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Coral, IT Desk wrote: The site's jsp page may do up to 7 queries on the database. On each query, the statements are these: Driver DriverDB = (Driver)Class.forName(db_DRIVER).newInstance(); You should certainly skip this step. You can do it once

RE: jsp optimization for db driver load and connection

2006-12-04 Thread Chris Berthold
My suggestions are as follows: 1. Create a ServletContextListener and load the Class.forName in the contextInitialized method. I'm not 100% sure of the performance penalty on your creating the driver object over and over. I'm going to assume it's a static object so it only initializes once but

RE: jsp optimization for db driver load and connection

2006-12-04 Thread Miller, Steve
Ugh. Model 1 architecture :-) Connection pooling is the way to go here, definitely. Setup Tomcat to do it for you automatically on startup. Then, just grab a connection from the pool when you need it. Some good documentation on setting up and configuring Tomcat to do that is at

mod_jk problem when streaming files larger than ~400k (causes ClientAbortException)

2006-12-04 Thread Haroon Rafique
Hi, I am using mod_jk 1.2.19 on Linux with JDK 1.5.0_08, tomcat 5.5.20. Our application is struts-based and in one of our actions we stream a PDF to the client. The pseudo-code for outputting the response back to the client is as follows (assuming baos contains a ByteArrayOutputStream):

Re: jsp optimization for db driver load and connection

2006-12-04 Thread IT Desk
Thanks to everyone for the replies. I had kinda been hoping the connection pooling was somehow automatic with the latest version of Tomcat. I'll pass along the information to the decision-makers About 15-20 jsps would need to be changed. There's another 30 jsps but they are not high use

big image only appear at half

2006-12-04 Thread mast
Hi, i am having a problem with tomcat 5.5.20 (problem not present on 5.5.9) , when i put an image bigger than approximatively 130K it only appear at half on the screen (it s cut in the middle) i have put in the web.xml init-param param-namesendfileSize/param-name

Re: Form Based Authentication : connection and bind to directory problems

2006-12-04 Thread Christopher Buffington
Thanks for the info. I have actually gotten this far. In the examples connectionName and connectionPassword are used and I'm trying not to put those valuse in my Realm configuration. I am able to do it by turning on anonymous logins in ADAM but I know this will not be allowed for a final

Re: Form Based Authentication : connection and bind to directory problems

2006-12-04 Thread Martin Gainty
Good Afternoon yes..sooner or later you will need to test your authenticate algorithm with valid username/password combination If you're in healthcare app such as ADAM your authentication algo will need to support HIPAA law In any case please keep me apprised on your progress, Thanks Martin --

Re: jsp optimization for db driver load and connection

2006-12-04 Thread Mikolaj Rydzewski
Miller, Steve wrote: Connection conn = ds.getConnection(); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query1); //run iterator loop and

Re: JSessionId and Google

2006-12-04 Thread brycenesbitt
Simon-76 wrote: Thanks, I could try this, but I was kind of hoping for a more general Tomcat solution (if there is one). I know Resin has a 'enable-url-rewriting' flag that you can set in it's config. I guess the question still is, does anyone definitively know if jsessionid does have

Re: JSessionID

2006-12-04 Thread brycenesbitt
Jason Oullette wrote: How does tomcat decide if the JSessionID will be put in a cookie or in the post header(url rewriting)? If the Cookies attribute in the context is false, then Tomcat rewrites the URL. If the Cookies attribute in the cotext is true, then Tomcat uses either cookies or

Re: EL not evaluatin in TC 5.5

2006-12-04 Thread Roberto Marra
I usually put under WEB-INF/tld/ all the JSP tag library and under WEB-INF/lib all the *.jar file... even jstl.jar I never have had problem Ciao Roberto Michael Hencin ha scritto: I have tomcat 5.5, j2sdk1.4.2_11 on windows xp sp2 I have installed the BIRT viewer web app (from