>> at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:413)
>> Can somebody tell me what mistake I am doing. Have anybody
>> faced the same problem before.
>> Thanking you,
>> Keyur
Hi Bill,
Where should I put the sslimplementation tag in the Connector tag.
Because in the tomcat documentation for SSL this type of tag is not there. So
can you please elaborate on this. And also give me the correct syntax for
Bill Barker <[EMAIL P
PureTLS doesn't use the standard Java keystore format. Consult the PureTLS
docs for the correct format. Alternatively, specify
sSLImplementation="org.apache.tomcat.util.net.jsse.JSSEImplementation" on
the element to use JSSE instead of PureTLS.
"keyur sheth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in mess
Hi everybody,
I am trying to make the tomcat container secure by
converting it from http to https. I am using the documentation on the
following website.
I had implemented this before by c