On 02/15/2010 12:30 PM, Steve Ryan wrote:
Are there any known performance issues with the Tomcat JK redirector, in
particular, any performance issues which could affect the third-party
websites as explained in my example above?
Since this is filter it will participate in every request.
Now th
ter Crowther
Sent: 15 February 2010 11:47
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Performance issues when adding Tomcat JK redirector to IIS's
"Default Web Site"?
Steve, you're likely to get more specific answers if you can tell us
versions: what version of the redirector, and
this. My worry is it might impact "Other third-party
Thanks for your help.
-Original Message-
From: peter.crowth...@googlemail.com [mailto:peter.crowth...@googlemail.com]
On Behalf Of Peter Crowther
Sent: 15 February 2010 11:47
To: Tomcat Users List
Steve, you're likely to get more specific answers if you can tell us
versions: what version of the redirector, and what versions of IIS?
Also, can you tell us whose instructions you followed to get it
working, as there are some out there that are... how shall I say it...
"less than ideal" :-).
Dear All
I've tried googling this but can't find much, so I was hoping one of you
guys might be able to help me.
My web application lives under IIS's "Default Web Site". It needs to use the
Tomcat JK redirector, so I have added the redirector as an ISAPI Filter on
the "Default Web Site". Th