Re: Behind proxy

2009-10-22 Thread Anton Veretennikov
Why in this localhost case I see "jsessionid" after I press any *bookmarkable* link? Why when I *first* press *non-bookmarable* link, "jsessionid" disappears? Why when I press *bookmarkable* link and then non-bookmarkable, I see "jsessionid" remains and never removes whatever link I press? Is it ok

Re: Behind proxy

2009-10-22 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
Looks like it's right. -- Jeremy Thomerson On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 1:38 AM, Anton Veretennikov <> wrote: > Yes, I see, Jeremy. You are lucky! :) > > Okey, I run my local Tomcat 6.0.18: > > I remove all localhost cookies from my browser

Re: Behind proxy

2009-10-22 Thread Anton Veretennikov
Yes, I see, Jeremy. You are lucky! :) Okey, I run my local Tomcat 6.0.18: I remove all localhost cookies from my browser, close it, open it again and enter: http://localhost:8084/FivePinSite-1.0-SNAPSHOT/ I see JSESSIONID cookie set to localhost and path is "/FivePinSite-1.0-SNAPSHOT". Is it rig

Re: Component parent null after replace

2009-10-22 Thread wicketnewuser
Hi I have similiar situation but i'm using autonomous inner class final AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable datatable = new AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable("trafficreportlistdatatable", columns, new ReportListProvider("Traffic", include), 8); add(datatable); final WebMar

Re: Behind proxy

2009-10-22 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
You WILL see jsessionid on that server because the cookie path is not the path that the server is serving on. Notice that the URL is but when you first view a page on the site, it will set a cookie with the jsessionid that is on patch /wickettraining (should be /app). That'

Re: Behind proxy

2009-10-22 Thread Anton Veretennikov
Jeremy, thank you, For experiment, guys, Open, please, and click in sequence these links: "Contact Me" and then "Class Information (format, content, etc)" If you see "jsessionid" appended to URL, please, answer: [ ] YES [ ] NO -- Tony On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 1

RE: AjaxFallbackLink problem on Internet Explorer 6

2009-10-22 Thread Swarnim Ranjitkar
Thank you for you suggestion. It didn't really work. Looks like the setvisible inside onclick doesn't work . Here is the code that I have //this.replaceWith(replacement); replacement.setOutputMarkupId(true); datatable.replaceWith(repla

Re: AjaxFallbackLink problem on Internet Explorer 6

2009-10-22 Thread Dane Laverty
You need to add the spans to the target in onClick, and the links need to have their outputMarkupId set to true, as follows (I've added the *** lines): final Link showMineLink =new AjaxFallbackLink("trafficreportlistmine") { public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) { AjaxFallbackDefaul

Re: AjaxFallbackLink problem on Internet Explorer 6

2009-10-22 Thread wicketnewuser
It's suppose to hide Show All and show Show Mine when I click on Show All but that doesn't happen. on the onclick of showmine it is supposed to be showMineSpan.setVisible(false); showAllSpan.setVisible(true); instead o

Re: AjaxFallbackLink problem on Internet Explorer 6

2009-10-22 Thread wicketnewuser
Hi tried to follow this and having problem with it . Could someone please let me know what I'm doing wrong Here is the code package com.swishmark.tugboat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters; import org.apache.wicke

Re: Wicket in JBoss cluster

2009-10-22 Thread Randy S.
Oh I see. Thanks for the explanation. I can't comment on JBoss's session replication. I'm familiar with websphere with a DB-backed session which does not deserialize until it has to re-load from the DB, either because you bounced nodes or had the session expunged from memory due to the limit of in

wicket:enclosure ( setting visible when hidden on render )

2009-10-22 Thread Douglas Ferguson
I have a component that is wrapped with a wicket enclosure. When the page is rendered I set the component visible(false) which make the entire wicket enclosure hidden. Then I set visible(true) during runtime and at the component to the AjaxTarget. The component is not rendered. Is there a

Re: Wicket in JBoss cluster

2009-10-22 Thread Matej Knopp
Not quite. On every request when page is changed and the session with page is replicated on cluster the receiving nodes should store the page to diskpagestore. This way every state of page should be saved. But this will only work if the container deserializes sessions immediately after replication.

Re: Wicket in JBoss cluster

2009-10-22 Thread Randy S.
Are you saying that because HTTP Session will contain the last-displayed-page, a single back button after failover should have worked because the second server would have persisted that one page to its own disk? On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Matej Knopp wrote: > Yes. But wicket tries to store

DateValidator - formatting date in the error message

2009-10-22 Thread Jeffrey Schneller
I looked around and saw various discussions on how to format the date for the error message in the DateValidator. Was there a fix for this? I am using DateValidator.minimum and I would like the date that is the minimum to be formatted with just MMM-dd- or dd-MMM- based on the locale.

Re: Wicket in JBoss cluster

2009-10-22 Thread Matej Knopp
Yes. But wicket tries to store the page being sent across cluster during replication when the session is deserialized on target node. -Matej On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Randy S. wrote: > Isn't this caused by the storage of past pages in files on disk rather than > in HTTP Session? This is

Re: Wicket in JBoss cluster

2009-10-22 Thread Randy S.
Isn't this caused by the storage of past pages in files on disk rather than in HTTP Session? This is in the default ISessionStore implementation (see SecondLevelCacheSessionStore, DiskPageStore). On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Jan Grathwohl wrote: > Dear all, > > would you be so kind and share

Wicket Job

2009-10-22 Thread Robert McGuinness
Location: Jacksonville, FL Company: Availity Job Description: (search for for Developer III position) Summary: Web app written in JSP/Servlets being converted to Wicket. ORM layer is Hibernate. Javascript library is JQuery. Obviously should great

Re: Wicket in JBoss cluster

2009-10-22 Thread Matej Knopp
Well, if JBoss doesn't deserialize session immediately after replication (which i have no idea if it does) the back button will not work. However if you are using sticky sessions (which you definitely should) then this will only be issue when user click back button after a node went down. -Matej

Wicket in JBoss cluster

2009-10-22 Thread Jan Grathwohl
Dear all, would you be so kind and share your experience about whether it is reasonable to use Wicket for app development in the following situation: We are planning to develop an application that will be deployed in our customer's portlet environment (JBoss Portal). There will be two clustered J

Re: AW: file download using ajaxLink

2009-10-22 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Yes, the solution you propose is very elegant. My initial solution was just something I composed hastily because I just wanted to know if it was possible to do it, after a question asked on the list, and I'm not using it on my applications. Modify the page as you please, as long as the final result

Re: AW: file download using ajaxLink

2009-10-22 Thread Sven Meier
Yes, that's better :). IMHO the behavior+resourcestream combination is much simpler: - no additional markup needed, - no state to keep (even if it's only the web resource and not the actual byte array). Do you mind if I tidy up the Wiki page? Sven Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro wrote: Hi Seven,

Re: AW: file download using ajaxLink

2009-10-22 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Hi Seven, Thanks for sharing! More neat solution indeed. About caching data on session: is you diff the wiki page, or see the original code at you will see nothing was cached

Re: AW: file download using ajaxLink

2009-10-22 Thread Sven Meier
I added my description to the well-known Wiki page: IMHO the solution with a behavior is simpler. Furthermore huge amounts of data shouldn't be kept in the session but better be generated on the

Re: Embeding PDF DynamicWebResource works in FireFox but not IE

2009-10-22 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Hi David, I know this approach works. Ernesto On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 5:17 PM, David R Robison <> wrote: > I am trying to embed the PDF output from a Jasper Report as a > Dyn

I18N for bookmarkable urls

2009-10-22 Thread Ilja Pavkovic
Hi, as we need some SEO optimization I want to provide the following bookmarkable pages: http://xxx/impressum http://xxx/imprint the native approach would be somethink like: mountBookmarkablePage("imprint", ImprintPage.class); mountBookmarkablePage("impressum", ImprintPage.class); This looks

Embeding PDF DynamicWebResource works in FireFox but not IE

2009-10-22 Thread David R Robison
I am trying to embed the PDF output from a Jasper Report as a DynamicWebResource. The output is embedded into the web page with The actual output from the Wicket application is data="?wicket:interface=:6:report::IResourceListener::" type="application/pdf"/> However, this works fine for FF bu

container based authentication

2009-10-22 Thread Peter Diefenthaeler
Hello, I try to secure my wicket appication with container based authentication. The problem is, that all users can log also if they don't have the right role. In my login.html I use following form action: If I change the security-constraint - url-pattern from "/login" to "/*"

Re: Behind proxy

2009-10-22 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
The problem that makes jsessionid appear is nearly always related to cookies and cookie paths. the servlet container will try to set a cookie with the jsessionid. If that doesn't work, it will continue adding jsessionid to the urls. So, use HttpFox (or similar) to see when the servlet container

Re: Idiomatic way to reference shared images?

2009-10-22 Thread John Krasnay
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 09:15:35AM +0200, Ceki Gulcu wrote: > Hi John, > > Thank you for your answer. I was already aware of the idiomatic way for > referencing packaged resources. It is a nice way for bundling images > which are used within a package. My question was about images shared > amon

Re: How to do unit test for a session protected wicket page?

2009-10-22 Thread Haulyn R. Jason
Thanks very much, it works! On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote: > El jue, 22-10-2009 a las 17:07 +0800, Haulyn R. Jason escribió: >> Hi, all: >> >> I have a page which is protected by MySession.isLogin(). >> >> I want to unit test this page and write the following code: >> >>

Re: Markup-Edit in Eclipse => wicket:panel is not recognized

2009-10-22 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
I mean install Installing this plugin should bind the .html files to an HTML editor. The xmlns is just to avoid warnings on your HTML files. Ernesto On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:52 PM, MattyDE wrote: > > Thanks a lot, > > but whi

Re: Markup-Edit in Eclipse => wicket:panel is not recognized

2009-10-22 Thread MattyDE
Thanks a lot, but which eclipse editor understand "xmlns" and will validate against it? I still got the Error :,( reiern70 wrote: > > > > > > > > Best, > > Ernesto > > On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Martin U > wrote: > >> Hi Community, >> >> iam totally new to wi

Small bug in inmethod datagrid

2009-10-22 Thread Linda van der Pal
I've just reported a bug with the inmethod datagrid: I've added a quickstart as well. When I try to resize the columns of a datagrid with both columns that are lightweight and those that are not, the position of the table borders changes, but the text

Re: Markup-Edit in Eclipse => wicket:panel is not recognized

2009-10-22 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Sorry, I thought you where talking about the annoying warning of Wicket namespace. I use the HTML editor that comes with WTP project. With that editor I always add the name-space declaration to avoid the annoying warnings. The same project includes JavaScript and CSS editors. Best, Ernesto On Th

Re: Wicket, Tooltips and IE 8

2009-10-22 Thread nino martinez wael
So you tried the mootips integration from wicket-stuff-minis-mootip? As Martin wrote please upgrade the dependencies and commit a patch :) Or ask for commit rights 2009/10/21 Callum MacGregor > Hi there, > > I have a wicket application (using wicket 1.4.1) that uses tooltips and > have been usi

Re: Markup-Edit in Eclipse => wicket:panel is not recognized

2009-10-22 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Best, Ernesto On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Martin U wrote: > Hi Community, > > iam totally new to wicket and i want to use eclipse for editing my > wicket-java and markup files. > > But the html-validator fools me with this error in the subject. Iam not > able > to di

Markup-Edit in Eclipse => wicket:panel is not recognized

2009-10-22 Thread Martin U
Hi Community, iam totally new to wicket and i want to use eclipse for editing my wicket-java and markup files. But the html-validator fools me with this error in the subject. Iam not able to disable the validation (Window->Preferences->Validation). Dont know why eclipse is not recognizing my conf

Re: How to do unit test for a session protected wicket page?

2009-10-22 Thread Martin Grigorov
El jue, 22-10-2009 a las 17:07 +0800, Haulyn R. Jason escribió: > Hi, all: > > I have a page which is protected by MySession.isLogin(). > > I want to unit test this page and write the following code: > >

How to do unit test for a session protected wicket page?

2009-10-22 Thread Haulyn R. Jason
Hi, all: I have a page which is protected by MySession.isLogin(). I want to unit test this page and write the following code: --- WicketTester tester = new WicketTester(new WebsiteAppl

Re: Wicket Eclipse plugin, is there another?

2009-10-22 Thread Olivier Bourgeois
2009/10/21 dtoffe > >By the way, just out of curiosity, what are the specific features you > are missing in Wicket Bench ?? > > Regards, > > Daniel > Hi, I tried a little bit Wicket Bench and stoped because it's missing one important feature for me : a way to use a custom IResourceFinde

Re: Idiomatic way to reference shared images?

2009-10-22 Thread Ceki Gulcu
Hi John, Thank you for your answer. I was already aware of the idiomatic way for referencing packaged resources. It is a nice way for bundling images which are used within a package. My question was about images shared among multiple packages. Igor VaynBerg suggested adding a ContextImage whi