For future reference.
I am curious. Why are .properties files not located in the same way as
.html? I've overridden:
public IResourceStream locate( Class clazz, String aPath, String aStyle,
Locale aLocale, String anExtension )
I notice that property file locating doesn't invoke thi
Internet Explorer and Android browser both report a 404 on execution of my
logout link:
Link logoutLink = new Link( "logoutLink" ) {
public void onClick()
getRequestCycle().setRedirect( true );
setResponsePage( HomePage.class );
HeaderContributor is the answer.
add( CSSPackageResource.getHeaderContribution( "css/" + style.getName() +
"/promo.css" ) );
The javadocs explicitly state that a css location that does not begin will a
leading / (slash) will be have it's relative path prepended to it.
Ah, thank you. I will look into using HeaderContributor instead. I have a
good feeling that will take care of my problem. I will post back my
findings this afternoon.
I am trying to use an AttributeModifier to change the stylesheet used on a
Page of mine.
WebComponent styleComponent = new WebComponent( "style" );
styleComponent.add( new SimpleAttributeModifier( "href", "css/" +
style.getName() + "/stylesheet.css" ) );
add( styleComponent );
The different
Wicket 1.4.1 resolved my issue.
I still had fun tracing through the wicket code though. It's pristine in
Ooops, my last statement was not correct. The correct form values from my
FormTester are posted on the request, but the form processing takes place
for form-2 on the server side.
Okay, I'm on the trail of what is happening, but don't have the full answer
yet. I doubt this is a defect, but rather a misuse of nested forms & ajax
components on my part. Though I don't feel like I know enough about wicket
to make the call.
What I know is: the wrong AjaxButton is being selecte
Thank you for the reply!
On your advice, I took a step back and created a new page, form, and
ajaxbutton. Creating a FormTester and using executeAjaxEvent(...) does
indeed submit the form through via standard form processing! However, it's
still not happening on my original page. I'm looking in
Hello everyone!
I have read a lot of forum posts and defects/feature requests around testing
form posts with ajax and am still confused. The simple question I have is,
"How do I invoke the behavior associated with an AjaxButton as well as the
form processing logic, like validation?" An even simp
>From what I've read about wicket, you must create the label multiple times.
Here's a recent discussion on that topic with some good reasons why:
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 3:47 PM, tubin gen
Hello everyone,
I am hoping for some advice on this. Is there a way to obtain the original
target during a session expired scenario? I know you can register a Page
class as a handler of this event, but I would like to know which Page the
originating request was destined for.
In case it matters,
While we are on the topic, does anyone know if there's a super-secret
version of wicket-bench that plays well with the Eclipse 3.3 debugger? If
not, how much effort would it take to get it up to date? I would be glad to
Or, alternatively, is there another option out there for minimiz
It appears that using external html editors causes sync issues. Apparently
eclipse doesn't monitor changes to the file system, except to warn you that
it's out of sync. I would love the know the truth of it as I could very
well be missing something obvious. In fact, I would bet that I am,
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